Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 837 The New Overlord

Chapter 837 The New Overlord
"Shen Zhongtian, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply? You have already proved the early stage of the fourth level of Supreme Dao. If you kill the strong Yuan family, are you afraid that they will know that your true strength will be bad for you! It seems that your relationship is not very good. Good." Ye Yang didn't expect that Shen Zhongtian not only caught up with him, but also surpassed him, and at the same time guessed the reason why Shen Zhongtian killed the strong Yuan family.

"You all have to die today, don't try to spread the news here, I have already sealed this place." Shen Zhongtian didn't say much, but said coldly to Wukong and others.

Hearing Shen Zhongtian's words, Ye Yang and the others turned ugly. Although they knew that they had matched up with the Yuan family, they would definitely face the fourth-order powerhouse of the Supreme Dao in the future, but it probably wouldn't be now, after all, there is no such thing as a calamity. In the end, the Yuan family will definitely not send a fourth-level powerhouse of the Supreme Dao to come.

In the end, they did not expect that Shen Zhongtian would actually prove to be the first stage of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao. At this time, they set their sights on Wukong, who was their last hope.

"Are you so confident that you can kill us? Well, let me see how strong you are." Seeing Shen Zhongtian looking at him as if he was looking at a dead person, Wukong was immediately upset, so he stood up and declared war on Shen Zhongtian .

"Although the power you used to seriously injure Yuan Ming just now is very concealed, and other people can't find it, but you can't hide it from me. You haven't proved the fourth level of the Supreme Dao at all, and you haven't even reached the second level of the Supreme Dao. You are just the Supreme Dao." I am curious about why your combat power is so strong, but soon your secret will be mine!" Shen Zhongtian didn't take Wukong seriously at all, and at the same time he was very impressed by Wukong's secrets. Interested, even imagining that if he can master the combat power far beyond his own realm, then the Shen family can rise faster.

At this time, Wukong's secrets are more alluring in his eyes than those luck treasures.

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's go straight to the battle!" Wukong punched out at a very fast speed, and he arrived at Shen Zhongtian's position in an instant.

With a "bang", Wukong's fist hit Shen Zhongtian firmly, and Shen Zhongtian flew upside down in an instant, while Shen Zhongtian's aura became weaker and weaker.

"Sure enough, it's just a joke. The strength is too bad. My old grandson hasn't even used his strength yet! You fell down." The next moment Wukong returned to his original position, as if he had never left.

"How is it possible? You actually ignored my defense, and why is your attack so strong? How is it possible? Who are you?" Finally, the trend of flying backwards was stopped, but at this time Shen Zhongtian had already flown a long distance, His voice came from far away, sounding very weak, and the same tone was full of doubts, panic and other emotions.

Although I don't know what happened, but it seems that the duel is over. At this time, everyone in the Shen family was extremely excited after learning that Shen Zhongtian was the fourth level of Supreme Dao, and now they are deeply afraid of Wukong. fear.

As for Ye Yang, he looked at Wukong in a very complicated way. He didn't expect that he still underestimated Wukong.

"If your Shen family wants to take refuge in Qitian Temple, you can still gain a foothold in Qingfeng Town in the future. If you don't want to, just leave Qingfeng Town! I won't kill you." After finishing speaking, Wukong took Yun Xuanling and others away , Shen Zhongtian's seal is just a decoration to Wukong, it is useless at all.

Seeing Wukong leave with the Ye family and others, the Shen family has not recalled the series of time just now, but they all have one thought in their hearts at this time, that is, the new overlord of Qingfeng Town belongs to Qitian Temple. It looks like Qi Tiandian really has the strength to compete with the Yuan family.

(End of this chapter)

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