Chapter 842 Assessment
"Put away your crooked thoughts. If you don't get the specific time of the assessment within two days, you just wait for me to complain to your manager here. I know who your new manager is. Don't even think about it. Little tricks." Of course, Wukong is very clear about the careful thinking of the staff.

Wukong heard that in the past, those who applied to create a faction got the news within a day or two. Of course, those were paid for extra service fees.

"How does he know that our manager has changed? This is the news that has just been conveyed, and it has not been made public yet. Does he have any powerful background?" The clerk was startled by Wukong's words.

After being stunned for a while, the clerk quickly greeted him with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely finish your matter as soon as possible." At this time, the clerk changed completely.

At this time, the staff thought that Wukong might have something to do with one of their newly transferred managers, so they didn't dare to neglect and ask for extra service fees.

"Well, I'll come back in two days." After Wukong finished speaking, he stood up and walked out. At this time, he also knew that the staff did not dare to think carefully. Of course, Wukong put the normal handling fee on the table.

"Wukong, do you really believe that he will honestly apply for us?" Qi Yanfeng asked puzzled after leaving the Tianjing Hall.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to play tricks anymore." Wukong said confidently.

Time flies, two days passed in the blink of an eye, these two days Wukong and the others stayed in a hotel.

Two days later, Wukong and the others came to Tianjing Temple again.

When the clerk saw Wukong approaching him, he immediately greeted him with a smile, "My lords, you are here. Your application has been approved. This is the certificate you will need for the assessment. The time and place of the assessment are in It is recorded on it, as long as the divine sense checks it, it will be fine."

After finishing speaking, the staff respectfully handed a jade plaque into Wukong's hand.

After receiving the jade card, Wukong immediately moved Daoxuan Tan into the jade card in his hand. Wukong also knew the time, place and content of the assessment.

"Let's go." After learning about the content of the assessment, Wukong took Yun Xuanling and the others away with satisfaction. After all, the place he was going to assess was not here, and the time was not now.

Moreover, this clerk not only didn't make small moves, he even thought that Wukong had been developing in Tianjing County for a while, so he should be a local person, and he probably knew their new manager, so he compared the assessment of Wukong's application to the one he had imagined. Much simpler.

Regarding the misunderstanding of the office staff, of course Wukong will not dispel it. Even if he knows that he has nothing to do with the new manager of Tianjing County in the future, it is he who did not ask at the time, not Wukong. He didn't dare to say anything, not to mention that by that time, his own strength would definitely be improved to a higher level, and the soldiers would come to cover him up.

According to the information obtained from the jade card, Wukong knows that the assessment time will be one month later, in a secret territory called Bingyue not far away, and the content is to compete with five other people who applied for the sixth-rate force. Obtaining No.1 and obtaining a treasure in the Ice Moon Secret Territory can be qualified to create a six-rate force.

Since it still takes a month, Wukong and the others will of course continue to rent a room in a hotel and practice at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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