Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 844 The magic weapon of luck

Chapter 844 The magic weapon of luck
Time passed quickly, Wukong and the others didn't have to wait too long, and someone called the five contestants to go to the entrance of the secret realm for an equipment competition.

Then Wukong and the other four groups came to the entrance of the secret realm.

Everyone looked forward, and saw a wonderful space in the void in front of them. The space seemed to be distorted, and there was a huge door above the void.

There is a huge formation below, and a terrifying beam of light is born in the center of the terrifying formation, from which is filled with the supreme power, shining on the door in the void, distorting the door of the void, as if it may be destroyed at any time Open.

This formation is exactly the formation formed by the Supreme Dao powerhouses who are good at formations from the five major forces in Tianjing County to open the entrance to the Ice Moon Secret Realm. It only needs a small amount of mana injected by the ascetic to easily open the entrance to the Ice Moon Secret Realm.

At this time, there was a person from the city lord's mansion standing next to the formation. I saw that he had formed a seal with his hands, and injected a series of supreme powers into the formation. This person is a supreme powerhouse.

Then around the formation, the spiritual energy in the vast space rioted, gathered in the formation, and then shot at the door of the void, causing the door to twist more and more.

There was a terrible movement in the void. The twisted void door opened from the middle and turned into two halves. Afterwards, dark vortexes appeared, rotating alternately, swallowing everything like a black hole, and revealing a mysterious breath of Tao from it. .

There is a powerful force around that wants to close it again, but it is blocked by the powerful force shot out from the formation.

"All those who participated in the competition, go in." The Supreme Daoist of the City Lord's Mansion said lightly.

Then Wukong and the others stepped into the gate of the void together with the other four groups, and disappeared into the gate of the void in the blink of an eye.

Soon Wukong found that they were in the other side of the world. Feeling it, Wukong found that the primordial purple energy in this space was much stronger than the outside world, and practicing here would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, Wukong found that besides the five teams they had just entered to participate in the competition, there were five other people who seemed to have been in the secret realm for a long time, and they should have come to meet them.

After all, Wukong and the others had already learned some details about the rules of the game before they came in.

Every time there are five teams of participants, the game will be played.

After entering the Ice Moon Secret Realm, the contestants of these five teams will temporarily enter the camps of the five major forces in Tianjing County, and compete with each other. Whichever side gets the magic weapon of luck first, which side can get the six-tiered force in Tianjing County. The qualifications of the power, and officially become the subsidiary power of that big power camp.

Although the Ice Moon Secret Realm belongs to the City Lord's Mansion, the five major forces and many forces in Tianjing County have a large number of personnel stationed in the Ice Moon Secret Realm. It can be said that the Ice Moon Secret Realm is a microcosm of Tianjing County City.

The reason why other forces can send a large number of personnel to the Ice Moon Secret Realm is because the five major forces themselves can be said to be in the same camp, and the ancestors of the other four major forces are sworn brothers of the ancestors of the city lord's mansion. They helped the ancestors of the city lord's mansion to conquer the country together, and only then did they have the current situation where the five major forces coexist.

In order to absolutely control Tianjing County City in their hands, they later formulated this kind of competition rules. Therefore, all the forces in Tianjing County City today are subordinate forces of their five major forces. They do not want to become subordinate forces of their five major forces. There is only one end. , that is, disappear.

As for their five major forces, they will also compete with each other and jointly stimulate progress.

As for the magic weapon of luck, it is not so easy to obtain. Only by obtaining enough power of luck in the ice moon secret realm can it be condensed into a magic weapon of luck.

Although they temporarily join the camp of the five major forces, the people of the five major forces will never help them. They can only rely on themselves to fight for the power of luck. After all, the five major forces and other affiliated forces are also competing for the power of luck to increase themselves Strength.

(End of this chapter)

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