Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 866 Another Fragment

Chapter 866 Another Fragment

"Someone is coming." Not long after walking out of the Fang family ruins, Wukong found a young man flying towards them at high speed, and Wukong felt a familiar aura from this person, as if he was coming for Wukong and the others of.

"Brother Wukong, are they from other forces? Are we going to meet them?" Seeing Wukong stop, Yun Xuanling asked suspiciously.

"No, it's the ancestor of the Fang family. It seems that he is coming for us." Soon Wukong confirmed the identity of the other party. Sure enough, this matter is not that simple, and the sense of crisis before did not appear for no reason.

"Didn't he run away? Why did he dare to come?" Yun Xuanling asked in bewilderment.

"It's him, and it's not his willpower that came this time. He seems to have taken away someone else's body, and has a complete soul and soul. It seems a bit troublesome." Wukong felt Fang The patriarch of the family has the aura of seizing the house, knowing that his current physical body is not his own.

"Possess a complete primordial spirit and soul? Didn't he fall back then? He has been lurking in the ruins of this ancient city." Qi Yanfeng said in surprise.

"Maybe! He is very strong, you should avoid it first." Wukong nodded, and then told Yun Xuanling and others to stay away from this place, and let him deal with the ancestor of the Fang family.

"Brother Wukong, is there no problem?" Yun Xuanling asked a little worried when Wukong said that the ancestors of the Fang family were very strong and asked them to leave.

"Don't worry, although he is powerful, I can still handle it, as long as you stay far away so that you don't get affected." Wukong smiled confidently.

"Okay, I believe Brother Wukong will definitely win." Now that Wukong has said so, Yun Xuanling certainly believes Wukong's words, and he has a deeper understanding of Wukong's strength, because he has competed with Wukong and knows Wukong's powerful fighting power , far surpassing him, he trusts Wukong very much.

Soon Yun Xuanling and the others stayed away from this place, watching the situation here with holy thoughts from a distance.

"Another fragment?" Wukong's Daoxuan covers a very large area, so the ancestor of the Fang family is still far away from him. Looking into the distance, Wukong muttered to himself.

Not long ago, 'Kong' woke up suddenly, and 'Kong' fell into a deep sleep before. After waking up, 'Kong' seemed very excited. He told Wukong that he suddenly sensed a part of his body appeared and was approaching them at high speed.

So Wukong extended Daoxuan to the maximum range, and found nothing. After a while, he discovered the approach of the ancestor of the Fang family, because the distance sensed by 'Kong' was farther than the furthest distance that Wukong Daoxuan could cover.

'Kong' told Wukong that since the opponent got his avatar, and Daoxuan who had seen him before, he must not be weaker than him in terms of spiritual power, so he dared to come here. It is possible to develop some powerful supernatural powers in his clone, so Wukong must be careful.

'Kong' didn't intend to help Wukong, he only said that he would take back his avatar when the time came, and Wukong would do the rest.

After that, Wukong asked 'Kong' when he agreed to enter 'Kong' again to practice Daoxuan, and the answer given by 'Kong' was the same answer he said before he fell into a deep sleep.

It is said that Wukong's current cultivation level is too low, his spiritual power is too strong, and the gap is too large, which will affect his Dao foundation. After Wukong reaches a certain level of cultivation level, he will take the initiative to let Wukong enter the inner space of "Kong" to practice Daoxuan of.

(End of this chapter)

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