Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 875 Gathering in a Class

Chapter 875

In fact, when Fang Lin was outputting Daoxuan with all his strength, he was hit by Wukong's golden eyes. Wukong's new illusion was created by using his own Daoxuan combined with his golden eyes.

Now Wukong's golden eyes are countless times stronger than before. Not only can he unleash the destructive power that destroys the world, but he can also cast strange and unpredictable powerful illusions silently.

At that time, it was very dangerous for Wukong to use this move. After all, when the opponent is outputting Daoxuan with all his strength, Wukong will be killed by the opponent's output if he is not careful. However, Wukong's strategy is to seize the opportunity at that moment. When he was outputting Daoxuan with all his strength, Daoxuan himself was the weakest moment. At this time, Wukong used his illusion with all his strength, and Fang Lin couldn't defend against it at all.

In the end, Wukong's plan was successful, and successfully made the other party fall into his illusion. Fang Lin, who had fallen into the illusion, naturally lost control of the Jedi cage. At this time, Fang Lin only injected Daoxuan to strengthen the spiritual light dragon, but he has not yet controlled The spiritual light dragon attacked Wukong, so the lost control of the spiritual light dragon was instantly paralyzed and dissipated into the air, and even the Jedi cage was released.

After Wukong won the final victory in this thrilling game, Wukong not only harvested the clone of "Kong", but also raised his piercing eyes to a higher level, a qualitative leap has taken place. Now even if he doesn't use tactics, he can directly confront Using the clone of 'Kong' greatly strengthens Daoxuan's Fang Lin, and Wukong is absolutely sure to let the opponent completely sink into the illusion created by his fiery eyes.

Today's Fang Lin Daoxuan has been exhausted, coupled with the aftereffects of using 'Kong', he can't wake up from Wukong's illusion with his own strength.

I saw Wukong raised his hand and tapped lightly on Fang Lin who was in a daze. Suddenly, a yellow flame ignited on Fang Lin's body. It was the third stage flame of the true source of fire. Above this flame was a strange flame. And the powerful power is Wukong mixed with Daoxuan's power in it.

In an instant, Fang Lin's physical body and soul were completely burned, and only the indestructible true spirit went to wait for the reincarnation of the universe.

Put away the clone of 'Kong' and the storage ring that fell from Fang Lin's body, without carefully checking the items in the storage ring, Wukong flew directly towards the direction where Yun Xuanling was leaving.

Yunxuanling and the others didn't go too far at all. It wasn't that they didn't have confidence in Wukong's strength and wanted to come back to support them. On the contrary, they believed too much in Wukong and thought it wouldn't take too long for Wukong to solve Fang Lin, so they didn't go full speed They left, and it didn't take too long between them leaving and Wukong's solution to Fang Lin, so Wukong quickly caught up with Yunxuanling and the others.

After catching up with Yun Xuanling and the others, everyone tacitly agreed with each other, and without saying much, they flew directly to the deepest part of the ancient city ruins.

As time goes by, not only Wukong and others are exploring the deepest part of the ancient city ruins, but almost all incoming forces are heading there. This ancient city has only one entrance, so the core area is not in the central area, but in the The deepest part of the ancient city.

When Wukong and the others arrived at the deepest area of ​​the ancient city, what caught their eyes was the gathering of countless forces, all gathered outside a huge luxurious palace, and people continued to arrive here.

(End of this chapter)

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