Chapter 877
With the passage of time, more and more forces gathered in the deepest part of the ancient city. Basically all the forces that entered the ruins of the ancient city came here. Not only that, some big figures and arrogances who originally practiced outside the secret realm also came here at this time. Apparently, someone from the faction they belonged to informed them to come over.

After all, as everyone explored in the ancient city, they discovered many powerful treasures, but the powerful ancient wills that appeared one after another were not something they could compete with, especially in the well-preserved palace deep inside, the chance inside must be It's not small, so more and more people are contacting external forces to send stronger experts over.

Especially those small forces that are already relatively weak have invited their strongest people. After all, many opportunities here cannot be obtained with their abilities, although most of them want to monopolize them. For myself, at the moment when the primordial calamity is coming, who doesn't want to get more opportunities, and who doesn't want to go further.

But if you don’t tell the power you belong to, then you have to have that ability. Those who have that ability have not informed the strong of their own power, and they will get the opportunity to become stronger. Those who don’t have that ability can only invite the strong of their own power to come. , so that they still have hope for a share, otherwise they will get nothing.

In this world of the weak and the strong, most people are selfish. Only a few will selflessly think about their own power in the face of interests, and most of these few only think of their closest relatives. After all, let alone a person without blood in this world As far as the power of relationship is concerned, that is, the children of a big blood-related family basically only have a strong relationship between close relatives, and other people have relatively weak or even no relationship.

"Yunxin, is this enchantment really hard to crack?" Lu Chengtian stepped forward and asked after Yunxin Saintess's research for a long time had no results.

"Well, I have seen this enchantment in an ancient book. It is the first of the top ten enchantments in ancient times, the Nirvana enchantment, but that ancient book only mentioned some of its characteristics, the cultivation method of the Nirvana enchantment. And the method of cracking has long been annihilated in the long river of history with the end of ancient times. I tried to crack it just now, but I can't start at all. If I crack it hard, I will only be backlashed by it. The Nirvana Barrier will launch a devastating attack, and by then all of us here will probably not be able to escape." Yunxin Saintess nodded slightly, explaining with a very serious expression.

Yunxin Saintess is not only highly accomplished in sealing spells, but also in formations and barriers. After all, the three belong to the same line strictly speaking, and they are all the strengths of Yunxin Saintess.

"Yunxin, is there no other way?" Before Lu Chengtian could continue to speak, at this moment, a handsome young man walked up to him and asked, this handsome young man is also one of the five powerful forces in Tianjing County. He was also a famous person of the same era as Yunxin and Lu Chengtian, named Zhu Yihai, a proud figure of the Zhu family, with extraordinary strength.

He came here only after being notified by his own brother, and he had already explored several relics with powerful ancient will. Of course, he was very interested in the well-preserved palace in the depths, and he didn't want to let it go.

"I have already notified my master that she should be here soon. Master and her old man may have a solution." Yun Xin said that she had no choice but to pin her hopes on her master.

Hearing that the master of Saintess Yunxin was coming, everyone became quiet. Now they can only wait for the master of Saintess Yunxin to crack it. At the same time, everyone is secretly thinking about how to fight for more opportunities after entering.

(End of this chapter)

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