Chapter 880 Leave
"My lords, we can also work hard to break the barrier." Someone immediately said, even if there are controllers of the five major forces, even if they go in, they may not necessarily get the treasure inside, but the mysterious and mysterious things like chance are not just because of poor strength. There must be no chance to get it, as long as you can enter, there is a certain hope, even if it is only a glimmer of hope, everyone wants to go in and don't want to miss it.

"You masters, we can also contribute, please give us a chance." Someone took the lead, and the others immediately scrambled to speak loudly, for fear that if it was too late, the chance would be gone.

Hearing what everyone said, Jin Mu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After seeing Jin Mu's movements, everyone immediately looked at Jin Mu quietly, with expressions of anticipation and nervousness. Whether they could go in mainly depended on Jin Mu's attitude.

In fact, Jin Mu didn't care about other forces except for the five major forces to follow him in. He had the confidence and was not afraid of other forces competing for treasures with them. This was his confidence and affirmation of his own strength.

It turned out that Lin Tianyu suddenly said to clear the field. Just now he was still cursing in his heart that he had no brains. Although the five major forces are not afraid of causing public anger, doing so will damage the reputation and prestige of the five major forces. Among these forces, there are still Part of it is the affiliated forces of their five major forces, and they can't chill the hearts of those forces loyal to them. In short, if Lin Tianyu clears the field directly, it will do a lot of harm but not benefit.

But Lin Tianyu had already spoken, and this time Jin Mu didn't reprimand Lin Tianyu like before. After all, Lin Tianyu's offended status was not as good as theirs this time. If Jin Mu reprimanded Lin Tianyu again, Lin Tianyu would be embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, Jin Mu looked at Yuan Miaoxin and said, "Miaoxin, only you know the method of breaking the barrier of extinction. Do you think it's appropriate for them to contribute?"

Although Jin Mu didn't mainly study barriers and the like, he also knew a thing or two. He knew that some barriers could not be cracked by a large number of people and strength, and needed a proper amount of cooperation.

Seeing Jin Mu throwing the question to herself, Yuan Miaoxin glared at Lin Tianyu. This is why Yuan Miaoxin always disliked Lin Tianyu. He always spoke without thinking and offended people everywhere. If it wasn't for his high status and strength, he would have I have been taught a lesson for countless times.

After pausing for a moment, Yuan Miaoxin said to Jin Mu with a smile on her face: "The Nirvana Barrier is the strongest barrier in ancient times, and if you want to participate in breaking the Nirvana Barrier, you need at least the early sixth-order cultivation base of the Supreme Dao to be eligible." , otherwise they will not be able to resist the destructive power overflowing from the barrier of extinction, and not only will they be destroyed by the force backlash, but it will also affect our ability to break the barrier."

"That being the case, let the powers with cultivation above the sixth stage of Supreme Dao stay, and the other powers leave." Jin Mu is the head of the five masters, and it is better for him to do such offending things as driving people away , this is the responsibility he has to shoulder, of course he will not let Yuan Miaoxin finish answering the question before becoming a villain.

As soon as Jin Mu's words fell, some people were disappointed and some were happy. As the city lord, Jin Mu still has a certain prestige. As soon as he finished speaking, those forces that did not have the presence of the sixth-order powerhouse of the Supreme Dao at the initial stage and above immediately evacuated one after another. Gan Xin had no choice but to leave, and no one said anything more.

Most of the people were lost soon. After all, there are not many forces with cultivation bases above the sixth stage of Supreme Dao, not to mention that some forces have not come here even if they have cultivation bases above the sixth stage of Supreme Dao. Instead, stay at home to retreat and practice or guard the base camp.

Otherwise, if some forces pay more attention to knowing that Yuan Miaoxin is coming and notify the ancestors of their own forces in advance, then they have already been forced to leave at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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