Chapter 885
"What did you notice, Your Excellency?" Yuan Miaoxin asked Wukong seriously. At this time, Yuan Miaoxin changed Wukong's name and gave him a certain amount of respect.

Because she knew what Wukong meant, and she also felt something was wrong with her observation of the Nirvana Barrier just now, but she couldn't put it into words. It can be solved, so I didn't pay too much attention to it, but now that Wukong said this, she had to pay attention to it.

"Since you have done some research on the barrier of oblivion, you must also know the power gap between someone operating it and no one operating it. If no one operates it, there is no problem with the method you originally planned to crack, but now there are people inside it. In control, if you let them take action, you are letting them die." Wukong said bluntly, without giving Yuan Miao any face.

"Presumptuous." Regarding Wukong's preaching, some disciples of Zi Luomen immediately scolded loudly. At this time, they had the heart to kill Wukong, thinking that they had won Zhu Bin, and they were not ashamed to say that they had achieved some achievements in the art of enchantment. Since they dared to preach to them Yuan Miaoxin, the master of the sect, is so rampant as a small ant of the first rank of the Supreme Dao, he simply doesn't pay attention to their Ziluomen.

"Shut up, according to what he said just now, you all back down." Yuan Miaoxin suddenly scolded the Zi Luomen disciple who spoke just now, and then gave an order.

"Obey, master (door master)." Seeing Yuan Miao's seriousness, and the fact that people from the Ziluo Sect also majored in enchantment techniques, and knew more about enchantment techniques than others, Yun Xin and the others People with higher status in Zi Luomen already understand that what Wukong said is likely to be true, so even if they are not reconciled, they have to retreat. After all, they can't go against Yuan Miaoxin's will, and they don't want to die in vain .

"You also retreat." Jin Mu and the others believed Yuan Miaoxin's judgment, so they ordered their people to also withdraw from the scene.

Soon, all the people from the five major forces left this place except Jin Mu and the other five.

"Five adults, us?" Seeing that the people from the five major forces have all evacuated, although the people from the other forces understood that it would be very dangerous, they were unwilling to leave. After all, the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. The bigger it is, so someone shouted to Jin Mu and the others, trying to win a glimmer of hope.

"Retire too, this is not the place for you to stay." Among these forces, there are also direct affiliated forces of the five major forces, and Yuan Miaoxin didn't want to watch them die, so she said.

"Five adults, with my strength, I will never hold you back. I can let the Cao family withdraw, can you let me stay?" Cao Yunzhou saw that Wukong and the others were not only safe and sound, but Jin Mu and others actually Still listening to his words, he wanted to drive all the others out of this place, and immediately stood up and said to Jin Mu and the others.

As the ancestor of the Cao family, he is very confident in his own strength, confident that even if there is a real danger, he is capable of dealing with it, and he will definitely not die.

"That's the end of the story. If you want to leave, you can leave. If you don't want to, you can do whatever you want. If something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you." Those who are persuading are not powerful people after all, and their hearts must be different. If they are not allowed to stay, they will think that they want to monopolize the treasure.

Seeing that Yuan Miaoxin did not force them all to leave, the other forces immediately ordered the weak ones to leave, leaving only a few strong ones, and those who stayed were those strong ones who thought they could deal with danger.

Of course, some forces have all left.

Soon there were less than a hundred people left, and at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the barrier of extinction suddenly burst into light.

(End of this chapter)

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