The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 105 Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge 2

Chapter 105 Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge 2
"Hmph! I think you and I know the ins and outs of this matter very well. I can't touch you now, but it doesn't mean I dare not touch you. If you dare to make any small moves, be careful to make you regret appearing in this world!"

Jin Ruichen was not polite.

"What's wrong? I feel sorry for you Xiangnan? Hehe, Jin Ruichen, if you really break up with me, I will make Xiangnan's life worse than death. Unless you can stay by her side 24 hours a day, you'd better not break up with me! "

Even now that Jin Ruichen's heart is no longer on her, she still doesn't want to let her go.The man she couldn't get to Bai Bingbing, she wouldn't let other women get it either!
"you dare!!!"

Jin Ruichen's eyes were about to burst.Now Xiang Nan is on the cusp, and this is Xiang Nan's favorite occupation.He can't do anything to Bai Bingbing now, and he is also very aware of the potential danger to the south.If you add another Baibingbing. .

He couldn't imagine the consequences.

He has never hated himself so much as at this moment, why should he mess with women.

"See if I dare! Now I want to go home, and I think I need you to take me back! You will be willing, won't you?" Bai Bingbing squinted at him, sure that he would not refuse.

Indeed, as she expected, Jin Ruichen stepped on the accelerator and flew a long way.Poker face.

"Jin Ruichen, I'm only asking you this time, have you ever, ever, loved me even a little bit?" After asking this sentence, Bai Bingbing was still a little uneasy.He kept wringing his fingers with both hands, waiting for his answer.

"Hmph! Love? It's just a joke. Is it possible that a woman like you can have love? You don't deserve it!"

Jin Ruichen told the truth without mercy.He originally thought that the two should get together and part ways, but since she is unkind, don't blame him for being unrighteous.The reason why she can't be moved now is because a Xiangnan is involved.At other times, he has plenty of ways to make Bai Bingbing unable to stay in C City.

'Snapped! '

Her nails were broken, and her last thought was broken along with it.

Xiang Nan turned off the TV and did not leave immediately.She is still thinking about where to go.I definitely dare not go back to my own home now.Jin Ruichen's family business cannot go, and Wen Hao's house is obviously not a good place to go.It seems that I have to go to Gu Yang's house to squeeze first.

Although it is a one-unit house, Gu Yang shouldn't mind, right?

I didn't bring anything with me when I came here, and the clothes I wore these days were also bought at a cheap clothing store downstairs.Just like when she came, she went down to check out with only a bag.

"Can't stop?"

The girl at the front desk didn't think it was strange who was this woman wearing a peaked cap and glasses. She stayed here for a few days and didn't leave the house. She also ate takeaway and instant noodles.Now that she was leaving, it was a little strange.

She always felt that this person seemed familiar.She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it.


Xiang Nan didn't answer her words.After the check-out procedure was completed, I put [-] yuan on the counter and left.

"Wow! How generous!"

The girl at the front desk was surprised, this woman is so generous, she even gave a tip of [-] directly, you know she has been working here for so long, and she hasn't received a tip yet!

After coming out, Xiang Nan called Gu Yang, but no one answered.Thinking that she might be busy, I planned to go directly to her house to find her.


An uncertain voice called her from behind.Xiang Nan's back stiffened, not believing that he could be recognized like this.But she was not ready to admit it, and walked forward quickly.I want to get rid of the person behind me.

"Hey! Wait!"

The people behind did not give up.Run with her.

Because she was afraid of being discovered by other passers-by, she turned in without hesitation after seeing an alley in front of her.

"Xiang Nan, I know it's you, stop!"

Those who followed were no less impressive.He caught up with Xiang Nan in two or three steps, and reached out to take her hat off. : "Why are you running?"

Panting to the south, he looked at the person coming.It turned out to be a lot of money.

"How do I know it's you? It's an eventful time, so of course I can hide as much as I can. If it's a paparazzi, then I'll be miserable?"

Xiang Nan didn't expect to see Qian Duoduo here, but it also made her breathe a sigh of relief. If it were someone else, tomorrow's news would probably be very exciting again.

"Where have you been these two days? Gu Yang has been looking for you everywhere."

"... Duoduo, can I stay at your house for a while?" Her appearance made her decide not to go to Gu Yang's place.She no longer wants to live under the watchful eyes of the paparazzi.Gu Yang's place must not be peaceful either.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.Those reporters would never have guessed that she would live here.

"Ah? Oh, good!" She also roughly knew what happened to Xiang Nan from Gu Yang, and it was not easy to know her.He agreed without asking why.

At night, Gu Yang saw the missed call and called her.Then he scolded her.Qian Duoduo covered his ears while listening.

"Now...really... she's getting tougher and tougher!" Qian Duoduo was dumbfounded.She was stunned by Gu Yang's phone call just now.

After Gu Yang called Xiang Nan, he also called Jin Ruichen. He guessed that Xiang Nan couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Oh, I see."

Jin Ruichen's reaction was beyond Gu Yang's expected calmness.On the contrary, Gu Yang didn't know what to say next.I had no choice but to hastily hung up the phone and rushed to Qian Duoduo's place.

Of course, on the way, she didn't forget to take a long detour and get rid of the paparazzi.

Jin Ruichen threw the phone aside, lay on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

Xiang Nan's hiding place, Lily had already found out yesterday morning and told him.

If it was him in the past, he would have rushed to catch him desperately.But not only did he not do that now, but he asked Bai Bingbing to act in such a play.

He knew Xiang Nan cared a lot about her acting career.In the past, he asked her to quit the entertainment industry more than once, and the two broke up every time.At that time, he didn't know his feelings, so he often plundered desperately.

But now, he knows what he really wants in his heart, and he has also learned to respect Xiang Nan.So, he made it all the way south.Give her time to do what she wants to do.

During this period, he will help her clean up all the things and potential dangers around Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan doesn't want others to know about their past, so he will fulfill her!
Night falls.Jin Ruichen rarely felt a touch of loneliness welling up in his heart.It turns out that the place without her is so deserted.

(End of this chapter)

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