The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 120 Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous! 2

Chapter 120 Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous! 2
Yin Luo knew she was right.Chen Ziran would not believe himself now.Although he has not been confirmed, he must also feel that what happened back then has something to do with her.

"How do you know he won't believe it? Don't forget, we are childhood sweethearts who have known each other for more than 20 years. I know him better than you."

If you lose, you don't lose.Yin Luo didn't want to be suppressed by her anymore.

"Hehe." Gu Yang chuckled: "Yes, we can try it. It just so happens that my boyfriend, your childhood sweetheart, came to pick me up. Why don't you ask him later!"

Gu Yang changed his mind, did not leave, and returned to his seat to sit.Yanyan looked at her with a smile.He also stabbed her heart by the way.

Yin Luo was anxious, Chen Ziran was coming?How would he react if he saw himself with Gu Yang?
The two sat with different thoughts and stopped talking.Quietly waiting for Chen Ziran's arrival.

"Mr. Chen!"

When Chen Ziran arrived, someone immediately greeted him.

"Don't call me anymore, I'm here to find someone."

On the text message Gu Yang sent him, there was information about the private room.So he quickly found where they were.

When the door was pushed open, two people were seen sitting opposite each other.Treat each other as air.He smiled wryly, why did these two people bother to come here, since they didn't like each other, they just left for a while, right?

"Of course!"

Seeing him coming, Yin Luo stood up from the stool a little awkwardly.

But Chen Ziran didn't give her too much attention, he nodded his head to say hello, and then looked at Gu Yang.

"Well, you're here? So soon?"

She thought it would be a while before he came.

"Waiting for a long time? Let's leave first, can we?"

You said the latter sentence to Yin Luo.Anyway, he and Yin Luo are still friends, and it is impossible for him to treat her as air because of the relationship between family friends.

"Ah? Well!"

Knowing that he is not asking himself, but just telling himself that he is leaving.I can't change his decision.So Yin Luo is not going to persuade him to stay.

"That... don't you have a question for him?"

Gu Yang reminded her viciously.

"what is the problem?"

Chen Ziran looked at Gu Yang's mischievous appearance.I don't know why.

"Uh, no... nothing!"

"Then let's go!"

Before Gu Yang left, he patted Yin Luo on the shoulder and glanced at her with a smile.

Yin Luo secretly hated her, but there was nothing he could do about her.She thought that it was necessary for her to investigate where Gu Yang had been and what had happened in the past few years.The feeling she gave her just now was really dangerous.Don't know what happened to her.

"What did you just say?"

On the way back, Chen Ziran was very curious that the two of them could sit together peacefully.According to Gu Yang's character of love to blow hair.It's normal for two people to fight when they meet.So he really wanted to know what the two of them were talking about.

"Well, it's nothing. Just reminiscing about the past!"

Gu Yang didn't want to say anything to him.Because the content of the chat between the two is really... too meaningless.Moreover, it seemed that she was bullying Yin Luo from the beginning to the end.


Chen Ziran didn't dig too deep!But he could feel that Gu Yang was not very happy.

"I'm tired, I'll go up first. Goodbye!"

Gu Yang was indeed unhappy.Thinking of Yin Luo's talk about marriage just now and his polite way to Yin Luoke, he couldn't be happy.

To put it another way, if she returns to China later.It is estimated that the two will get married.

such a situation.She was doing him a favor by not getting angry.

"Maomao! Are you jealous?"

All he could think of now was one possibility.

Gu Yang rolled his eyes at him.refuse to admit.

"Don't call me Momo!"

Every time when she was angry, he would call himself Mao Mao in a nice way.As if coaxing her.This made her feel even more unreasonable.

"What happened, tell me!"

Gu Yang scratched his hair.Anxiously said: "Nothing really happened. You don't understand that feeling. If you said you went to see my ex-boyfriend, and then when I came, I talked to him softly. If it were you, you You will be unhappy too? So, leave me alone, it will be fine in a while. "

Chen Ziran laughed, he thought it was some kind of problem.

"So it's such a small thing? It's not good to affect our relationship just because of such a thing!" Chen Ziran said solemnly.Trying to ease the dissatisfaction in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the more it is drawn, the darker it is!
"What's a small matter? It's a small matter for you, but it's a big thing for me. She's your ex-girlfriend who you're talking about getting married. Of course I won't be happy. I wouldn't understand it for you men. An IQ of two hundred and an EQ of zero. I'm talking about you."

Seeing his understatement, he was even more angry.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong. I will never speak softly to women other than Miss Gu Maomao, okay? Or, do you want to put Gu Maomao's exclusive stamp on me?" chapter?"

Knowing that she was serious, Chen Ziran quickly admitted his mistake.

"Stop being so glib here!"

Gu Yang was amused by him.I'm not a serious person either, knowing that this is really a trivial matter, it's fine to play with my temper, it's impossible to really hang yourself by crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself.Just let him go.

"However, Maomao..."

Chen Ziran hesitated to speak.


What she hates most is that people don't say half of what they say.This will drive her crazy.

"Did your aunt come again? His temper is a little bit worse than usual..." He didn't say the following words, but he knew that Gu Yang understood.

"You're just here with my aunt. Girl, I'm kind. Today, adults don't remember villains! I'll forgive you."

Gu Yang knew that he was giving himself a step down, so he said arrogantly.

However, for him being able to accurately use the term 'aunt', Gu Yang still felt that his original science popularization was indispensable!

I know she is really not angry.Chen Ziran breathed a sigh of relief!I feel more and more that Gu Yang is more difficult to deal with than six years ago.

Thinking about how gentle and kind a child was at the beginning, he always spoke softly when talking to him, never in a low voice.Never get angry out of nowhere.It has never been so unreasonable as it is now.

Although the current Gu Yang looks more lively and real.But sometimes, she is better than before.

Of course, he had better think about these thoughts by himself.Can't let her know.Otherwise, maybe how to make a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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