Chapter 122 Party
"Don't worry, I'll communicate with him!"

Seeing that he was about to suffer, Gu Yang hurriedly stepped forward to stop the instructor.And Xiang Xiangnan kept winking.

Xiang Nan didn't want to make things difficult for Gu Yang either.He stepped forward and pulled the instructor aside.When she released the record earlier, she came into contact with this person.A very nice guy, just too dedicated.Too much pursuit of perfection, often makes people breathless.But a really talented guy.The songs packaged by him will most likely become popular!
"Wait a minute, something happened to the child at home recently, and he probably hasn't adjusted yet."

"Xiang Nan, you know my temper. I only endured it until now because I knew something happened in his family, but what kind of attitude does he have? How many times have I said the same question, but he still makes mistakes."

He felt that he had been very tolerant.

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "Indeed, she is much gentler than before."

When she was under this person, she cried a lot!
The instructor was shocked, a little embarrassed: "Well, my temper is like this, and I can't change it after so many years."

"I know, I also rely on your guidance to avoid so many detours. This kid is really good, just wait patiently!"

Back then, if Jin Ruichen hadn't hired him to help her design the album, she wouldn't have gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry so quickly.

"Okay, then I will wait for the last half an hour. If he is like this again, I will replace him! I will never allow people who are not attentive enough to ruin my hard work!"


Being able to fight for another half an hour is already her limit.This person is notoriously difficult to deal with, and he doesn't take hard things.It is estimated that if he is not Jin Ruichen's friend, he will not give himself face.

"Hey, by the way, you and Chen him..."

Since he had to wait another half an hour and he had nothing to do around him, he wanted to inquire about some gossip.

Xiang Nan looked like he had eaten a fly: "Can you stop talking about him? I don't want to hear his name now!"

Ever since she told him what happened before in a vengeful manner, she always felt uncomfortable in her heart.Don't want to hear about him.As if avoiding him.

"OK, I'll shut up!"

Chen Wendong, the music instructor, zipped up his mouth with his hand.Say shut up!
No matter what Gu Yang said to An Yuhang in the end, when he tried the sound after half an hour, he was much better.Although it is still not up to Chen Wendong's perfect standard, it is finally getting better.

After the recording ended, Xiang Nan had already forgotten the agreement with Wen Hao.It wasn't until he walked out of the recording studio that he was already waiting there.

"waited for so long?"

"Haha, if I talk for a long time, do you have any compensation?"


Xiang Nan rejected him without mercy.

"It's really cruel, but it's okay, I just waited for more than half an hour to disappear, but it's not too long! What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, you decide!"

Because of the theme song this time, Xiang Nan hasn't touched chili for a long time. Now when it comes to eating, she thinks of hot pot.However, Wen Hao is going to release an album, and he will definitely record frequently recently.The vocal cords must not be damaged.She'd better give up this idea and let you and him decide.

"what about you?"

Everyone said they had no objections and obeyed his arrangement.Thinking that there are so many people, Wen Hao decided to go to Shengshi.After eating, you can also go to KTV, sing and play cards.

Because when he was about to leave, Wen Hao saw that Chen Wendong was also there, so he also invited him to go with him.It was just a courtesy.In the end, he did not expect that he, who had never participated in any activities before, unexpectedly accepted the invitation today uncharacteristically.

Chen Wendong really didn't like this kind of scene.But he has his own plans.

During the banquet, Chen Wendong kept pouring wine to Xiangnan.Xiang Nan looked at him in surprise.A person who is usually so cold, seems to have taken the wrong medicine today?Otherwise, why would it be abnormal all the time?
She remembered that Chen Wendong never drank because of work.Protect your own voice, just like protecting your own son.

The abnormal is the demon.He must be planning something.It's just that Xiang Nan can't guess it for the time being.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone is still very sober.Because Chen Zi then came.So except that Gu Yang didn't drink.Everyone drank a lot.

Among them, Xiang Nan and Wen Hao are the worst.

"Don't drink! Your album hasn't come out yet, so don't drink too much, it's bad for your throat!"

Wen Hao still wanted to continue drinking.But he was stopped by Xiang Nan who was sitting next to him, and the general was robbed from him.

Wen Hao said with a playful smile, "Are you caring about me?"

Looking at Xiang Nan, he drank quite a lot, and he started to get muddy.

"I'm worried that you are drunk and no one will send you back!"

Xiang Nan said angrily, her good intentions were misinterpreted by him like this, which really made her dumbfounded.

"It's okay, I can ask Zhu Xiao to send me off!"

Xiang Nan said silently, "It's a hard life to be your manager!"

This is what she has said countless times.She has a good relationship with Wen Hao and has a lot of contacts.I often see him bullying his agent.

Only Zhu Xiao in this world can endure Wen Hao's psychotic attacks from time to time.He went crazy, he really wasn't human!
"Let's go to sing, I've reserved a private room!"

"You've been singing all day today, aren't you tired?" Xiang Nan admired his energy.She sang the same song countless times today.She hears singing now, and feels sick when she hears the melody.

Extremes must be reversed.Maybe that's how it feels.

"Then let's play mahjong!"

This proposal was approved by most people.Although they are all drunk now, they are still sober after all.When it comes to playing mahjong, I feel that the brain cells are running faster and my fingers are itchy.Some can't wait.

Afterwards, several people transferred money to the casino and built the Great Wall on the table one after another.One by one, they were gearing up, ready to kill each other without leaving any pieces.

Seeing that things were slowly developing under his control, Chen Wendong stepped out and made a phone call while they were bragging about how good he was at mahjong.

The call was to Jin Ruichen.As Jin Ruichen's friend, how could he tolerate his brother's woman getting close to other men in front of him?That's why when Wen Hao invited him just now, he came without hesitation.

Thinking that there would definitely be alcohol at the party today, he temporarily sent a text message to Jin Ruichen asking him not to drink.In this way, he had a reason to call Jin Ruichen here and meet Xiang Nan by chance.Then, by the way, I took Xiang Nan back.

As for what happened after taking it back, he didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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