The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 131 The draft is over

Chapter 131 The draft is over
"Hey, it really is you!"

When Gu Yang saw the boss, he knew that Chen Ziran hadn't lied to her.Because the appearance of this boss is too easy to identify.A very clever hairstyle.And a large mole next to the nose is his trademark.

"Is it you?"

Because Gu Yang used to take care of him often.After coming and going, the two often chatted a few words, so he recognized her at a glance after not seeing her for so many years.

"I didn't believe it was opened by you at first. We went to the night market to eat just now, and we were so disappointed. Fortunately, we asked you to reopen the store, and we came all the way to find it."

Gu Yang was a little excited.It's like seeing your idol.Chen Ziran coughed unpleasantly.But it didn't get Gu Yang's attention.

Gu Yang chatted with the boss happily.

"You want to eat beef noodles, don't you? Wait a minute, I'll get them for you myself, but now there are no special condiments for making noodles, so the taste may be worse, just don't give me a bad review!"

"Well, that's really troublesome for you!"

Gu Yang didn't care, they were willing to do it for her, which already considered them highly respected.

Gu Yang was very satisfied with the meal.Although the taste of beef noodles is slightly different from the previous ones, it is probably because the ingredients are better than before.She thinks it tastes better than before.Of course, there may also be psychological reasons for not being able to eat in the future.

She is always embarrassed to ask the boss to cook noodles for her next time, right?
on the way back

"Well, you are really kind! I'll give you a great Chinese boyfriend award!"

"Did you find out that you love me more? Should you consider taking this high-quality man back and hiding him in advance?"

"It's okay, I won't run away if I don't hide."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In this way, the days of running around the studio with Xiang Nan during the day and hanging around with Chen Ziran at night passed quickly.Almost a month passed in the blink of an eye.It's the final day of the An Aerospace Competition.

Because of the TV broadcast of "Beauty Like Jade" some time ago, as one of the singers of the theme song, An Yuhang is known by more people.received more attention.Correspondingly, his signing with DC is naturally impossible to hide.So she announced it to the media immediately after the show.

Fortunately, since An Yuhang participated in the show, he has always kept himself safe and has a good image in the hearts of fans.So the outside world did not write ugly!
After a fierce competition, An Yuhang finally won the third place in this draft.It can be regarded as well-deserved.

It's just that in the eyes of the media, of course they will guess whether An Yuhang, who already has a contract with DC, is the focus of DC's cultivation? , Is there really a shady existence in the show?Did An Yuhang really rely on his strength to get to the present?So Gu Yang was surrounded just as soon as he walked out of the scene with him.

[An Yuhang, may I ask this draft, did you really rely on your strength to get to the present? 】

An Yuhang had never encountered such a situation before, so he was at a loss and at a loss.Gu Yang watched from the side, and quickly took over the conversation

"I think everyone has been paying attention to An Yuhang. Everyone and fans are very clear about his strength. He was able to win the third place today, and I think he deserves his name."

[Is there a shady scene in this draft?Is it because An Yuhang has already signed a contract that he was given some special preferential treatment? 】

Seeing that Gu Yang answered the conversation, the reporters turned their microphones all the way to her.

"This program is a transparent program, and there is no black box operation in it. At least as far as I know, no one knew about An Yuhang's contract before. So there is a shady scene in the program, and I really don't know his existence."

The media asked a lot of miscellaneous questions.An Yuhang answered everything he could, and Gu Yang helped answer those who could not.Finally, this batch of media was eliminated.

"It's so tiring!"

Sitting in the car, An Yuhang pouted.Dissatisfaction with Yuji, who was chasing after him, began to explode.

"No way, these are all things that an artist must go through. Especially if you are still a newcomer, you must know how to be humble. Especially not to offend these entertainment reporters. You must have a good relationship with them. Otherwise, they will praise you to the sky. ...can throw you into the abyss."

Southward is a good example.

Of course, she didn't say the latter sentence.

"Yeah, I got it, I got it!"

His ears were tired of hearing these words.

"Since the competition is over now, you should move out of the company's dormitory. It's not an option to live with them all the time. You'll have to move out sooner or later."

From the beginning, she didn't plan to let him live in the dormitory for a long time.Young and energetic children lived there.They are all in their twenties, so it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps in normal times.If the conflict becomes serious, it will be troublesome.Might as well cut it off before trouble happens.

"Then where do I live now?"

He didn't really want to leave the dormitory, he lived in a good place, why did he move?
"I've already told Lu Jun that you should stay with him for the time being. He will take care of you. His place is also close to where I live. If there is anything, I will come over soon."

Gu Yang had already thought about it for him.She had agreed with Lu Jun a long time ago.

"When will you move?"

It cannot be changed, only accepted.An Yuhang quickly accepted her arrangement.Gu Yang was very satisfied with his performance.

"Just tonight. I'll take you back to the dormitory to carry your luggage now."

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day.I just have time tonight, so I will finish it together today.

An Yuhang was noncommittal and obeyed her arrangement.But when Gu Yang was about to go to the dormitory with him, he refused.

During the period, he called Chen Ziran and reported his whereabouts so that he would not have to wait for his meal.He wanted to come, but Gu Yang didn't agree.She subconsciously didn't want Lu Jun to know that they were together.Lu Jun knew who Chen Ziran was.If her mother finds out, it will be miserable.

Accompanying An Yuhang to move all the things to Lu Jun's house, he urged Lu Jun to take good care of An Yuhang, and Gu Yang left only after getting his guarantee.

After the draft this time, the company took advantage of the heat and prepared a lot of promotional activities for the newcomers who performed well in the draft, so she will be busy in the following time.She is now going to start to recharge her batteries.Go home and rest early is the kingly way.

(End of this chapter)

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