Chapter 185 Cherish
Now that Gu Yang thinks about his illness that year, he also feels confused. He doesn't know what he was thinking at that time, and how he became so seriously ill.

There was nothing but despair.It's really an unrequited feeling.Fortunately, she has her mother and Arthur who will never leave her.

Speaking of which, she was able to recover thanks to Qiuqiu who was still in her stomach at that time.Because she felt the beating of a new life, something called hope began to slowly seep into her dark heart.She slowly began to respond to things outside.

She actually worried so many people who cared about her.Thinking about it now, it really shouldn't be.

She heard someone say a word before, and she didn't understand the true meaning of it until later.

There are cracks in everything, that is where the light comes in.

Because of the betrayal of her friendship, the distrust of her love, and the failure of her studies, she was able to feel the family affection and friendship that she couldn't feel before.

So, after this incident, she knows how to cherish it even more than before.

Therefore, from this point of view, these things are not all bad things, after all, Yin Luo did not cause her more serious losses.But she got more important things in life from it.

If it weren't for these things, she wouldn't have felt her mother's good intentions for her at all.It is estimated that the relationship between her and her mother will only get worse.

. .

Gu Yang recovered from his memory, and remembered that the man in front of him was the police officer who took care of him when he was in the police station, Xu Long.

She didn't expect to meet him again.

"Hi, thank you for taking care of me before."

Maybe it was because of sympathy, or something else, in short, during the few days she stayed in the police station, Xu Long really helped her a lot.After all, in the police station, if someone is as rebellious as her, it is estimated that they will suffer a lot, but with Xu Long's help.She really was never bullied.

"Where is there! After you were released on bail, you have never shown your face. Your lawyer has been helping you with those things, but for some reason, things have already begun to take shape, and you can prove your Cleared up, but he stopped suddenly. When we went to investigate later, we fell into a fog again. It seemed that someone had erased all the evidence. This case was the last one before I retired. No investigation It’s really a pity that I retired when I came out.”

It was precisely because Gu Yang was not found out through the investigation that he was innocent, so even if he retired, he would always think about it.This is why after so many years, he can still recognize Gu Yang at a glance.

He has always felt guilty.

"It's okay, you don't have to feel guilty. These things won't have much impact on me."

So what if he left a criminal record because he entered the police station?With the power behind her, it is easy to eliminate the case.It really didn't matter much to her.

As long as the people around her are willing to believe her, and she herself has a clear conscience.That's good!
Xu Long was a little stunned. He originally thought that letting her leave the case without proving her innocence would be a fatal blow to a child.But he didn't expect Gu Yang to be so relaxed.


Xu Long asked her in a murmur.

But just laugh without saying a word.Such an upright man still thinks about his affairs even after retirement, so don't let him know about these dark things.

Let him believe in the justice he has always insisted on.

"Who is this, Miss Gu?"

Zeng Yi looked around at the clothes and saw that Gu Yang was chatting speculatively with an old man, and he could vaguely hear him say 'lawyer', 'bail', 'innocent' and so on.Zeng Yi didn't know what it meant, so he put down the clothes he was picking out and wanted to come over and have a look.

Just these few words already made her feel that it was not easy.

"Auntie, this is police officer Xu. He helped me a little bit before, but he has retired now. I came here today to buy clothes with my granddaughter."

Gu Yang quickly stood up and introduced Zeng Yi.Little did he know that Zeng Yi already had some doubts about her and wanted to investigate her.

"Hello! Uh... let's go first."

It happened that his granddaughter had already chosen the clothes and was urging him.So I got up and said goodbye.

"How can a policeman help you? What has happened to you before?"

Zeng Yi knew that Chen Ziran and her separated because of some bad things, but he didn't pay attention to the reasons. Now that she thinks about it, she should investigate carefully.There is no problem in accepting Gu Yang, but if you accept a tainted Gu Yang, you have to think carefully about it.

Their Chen family doesn't want their daughter-in-law to be famous, but at least they want to be clean.

"Uh... just some misunderstanding."

Gu Yang didn't want to mention this matter, after all, it couldn't be explained clearly in a few words.What's more, Yin's family and Chen's family are family friends, and the relationship is so good, she better not talk about it, otherwise it will seem like she is trying to provoke them.

"Oh, really?"

"Mrs. Chen, look at these clothes..."

Seeing that the two of them had finally stopped talking, the people on the side quickly stepped forward to ask Zeng Yi about his plans.

"Well, wrap up the ones I chose just now. You can arrange for someone to send them back for me later."

Seeing Zeng Yi's hot hand signing the bill, Gu Yang was terrified. Many people might not be able to save enough of the above amount even if they don't eat or drink for three years.She swiped the card without blinking her eyes.

Moreover, she didn't even try on the clothes, she just took a look at them and bought them directly.

In this regard, she is very similar to her mother.

"Miss Gu, don't you want to buy something? I saw that you have been watching me buy it. The two of you are shopping, and you just want to buy both, give your opinions together, and choose each other, okay?"

Zeng Yi looked at Gu Yang, a little bored.Isn't it interesting to go shopping because you have to refer to each other and offer opinions to each other?She waited for her own shopping, and then moved on to the next one, which really made her feel like she brought a nanny out shopping.No wonder those shopping guides stopped looking at her.

Originally, she thought it was interesting to tease Gu Yang like this, but she was not angry or anxious at all.On the contrary, I feel that this is very boring.

"No, I don't have anything to buy. I'll just accompany you!"

When she came out of the set, she didn't have time to bring her wallet, okay?The sum of all the money I have now is probably only two hundred.In it, even a decoration can not be afforded.

What's more, with her style of buying clothes like this, she doesn't need other people's opinions at all, right?
(End of this chapter)

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