Chapter 210 Public Enemy
"Why did you suddenly think of this? Do you feel too tired?"

Chen Ziran was puzzled, Gu Yang had never complained about being tired from work, and he had always been happy with it. An Yuhang and Xiang Nan were very concerned about things, but why did he suddenly decide not to take An Yuhang with him?As she said, she did have a certain responsibility to An Yuhang and had to take care of him.

"No, I just think that there will be a lot of things to be busy in the future, for example, I have to be busy with your mother's favor, maybe there is a marriage, etc. If I bring two people, I will not be able to divide my mind, so Just thinking about..."

She didn't say the latter words, but she knew he understood.

Gu Yang still didn't want to tell Chen Ziran his guess until he was sure that An Yuhang really wanted to team up with Yin Luo to harm her.I also don't like to slander others.

"Okay! You decide!"

Chen Ziran was aroused by her last 'marriage', and couldn't help being fascinated.Of course, she responded to what she said.

"Okay, then I'll go to Annie to make arrangements tomorrow! Your Excellency is so kind!"

Gu Yang jumped up excitedly. .


Because of his busy schedule, it took a few days for Gu Yang to go to DC to find Annie to explain this matter.

This is the first time Gu Yang has come to the company since the news exposed their relationship.The house was as small as the cleaning lady and as big as the department manager. Seeing her standing still, she nodded slightly.It's embarrassing to make Gu Yang feel awkward.

"Gu Yang, you still dare to come to the company?"

Sun Xiaomei pulled Gu Yang aside, and asked Gu Yang after reconfirming that no one around had seen it.

Seeing Sun Xiaomei's sneaky look, Gu Yang was even more speechless. Why did she make herself look like a shameful spy every time she came to the company?Can't it be normal?

"Why don't I dare? I'm an employee here. Is it wrong to go back to Company 3?"

Expressed my deep dissatisfaction with her wording!
"You don't know, since your relationship with the president was exposed, all the women in the company want to eat you! They all hate you."

"What did I do to me? I'm going to eat me!"

Gu Yang is puzzled, he can understand that their sweetheart will die, and they are very sad, but as for hating her, do they want to eat her?Is she wronged?
"You said that their daydreams were forcibly strangled in the hotbed of dreams. Fortunately, I have a boyfriend and have given up on the president. Otherwise, I will strangle you today! You are now the whole company's female Enemy of fellow countrymen!"

Sun Xiaomei put her hand on her neck while talking, her face was ferocious.Gu Yang deeply suspected that she actually wanted to strangle herself to death.If it weren't for the fact that killing is against the law, she probably would have done it long ago!

"What's none of my business? You can get divorced even if you're married. Isn't that just announcing the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend? I'm going to strangle me! Then who should I strangle?"

Gu Yang's heart was deeply hurt, and he felt that for the sake of his own safety, it's better not to return to the company in the future.

"Isn't this just thinking about it in their heads? Who dares to do anything to you? It's not that they don't want this job anymore. Please, you are now a potential stock for the boss's wife in the future. It's too late to flatter you, no matter how hard you feel I hate you, but on the surface, I don’t want to be respectful to you.”

"What's the point of that?"

In any case, isn't it all displeased with her?Unexpectedly, there are so many people in the company thinking about her boyfriend?I really can't see it!
"Hey, Gu Yang, tell me how you captured our president? Teach me, I'll find another one!"

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?"

Looking at her in disbelief, didn't she say that she already had a boyfriend and gave up on Chen Ziran in the last second?Why are you still thinking about continuing to fish for golden turtles?
This woman's integrity is really ruined.

"Although I love my current boyfriend very much, if I can have a man as rich and handsome as the president, I will also consider it."

"I think the most important thing is how much money you want?"

She met Sun Xiaomei's boyfriend once before, and he is not bad looking.Sunshine man, very good.

"Of course, Grandpa Mao is the male god of all Chinese people! My favorite is of course him!"

Sun Xiaomei took it for granted with a look of righteousness.It looks like I can die for the male god!

"Sun Xiaomei, you should take your medicine!"

Gu Yang shook his head, bypassed her, and went to Annie's office.As a result, except for the door, I found a group of women who were all guarding outside and were 'listening'!
All these people were a little shocked when they were caught eavesdropping on the spot. They nodded in embarrassment, and walked away pretendingly.

She believed Sun Xiaomei's words now, these people really wanted to strangle her to death.

. .

In Annie's office, there was another person.It's Yin Luo's manager!

When Gu Yang went in, she seemed to have just finished talking and was about to get up and go outside.When passing by Gu Yang, he nodded in a friendly manner.

It was probably because he knew that he had had private contact with An Yuhang before, so no matter how he looked at it, Gu Yang felt that his nod had no good intentions, as if a weasel was giving a New Year greeting to a chicken.

"Gu Yang? Why are you here?"

Annie didn't expect that Gu Yang would come, and she didn't know what day it was, her managers came to her one after another.I hope what Gu Yang said is not a big deal.

"Boss, let me tell you something!"

Sitting in front of Annie, Gu Yang said slowly: "You can arrange another agent for An Yuhang! I'm going to take it to the south with all my heart!"

Annie was dumbfounded!

"What's the matter? Didn't you take him well? Why did you suddenly mention this matter?"

Are these agents all agreed?All came today to tell her some tough things.How can she handle so many things in such a short period of time?

"Xiang Nan will be filming a very important scene, there can be no mistakes. I will also go with me for a few months, so you should choose someone else, I will do some work handover tomorrow. "

"Tomorrow??? Are you in such a hurry? Can it take a few more days? What movie is so urgent?"

Annie collapsed, do you want to say that the wind is the rain?Now she doesn't care what great movie Xiang Nan is taking on.Gu Yang's current status is unusual. Of course, he should try his best to satisfy her opinions, but wouldn't this be a little too rushed?How could she find a suitable agent in such a short time?
(End of this chapter)

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