Chapter 212 Sensational
"You think he doesn't love you? Then why do you want to remarry him?"

Xiang Nan looked at Qian Duoduo in amazement, this news surprised her even more than discovering the New World.Is Qian Duoduo's brain structure really different from ordinary people?Thinking is also different from ordinary people.If there is no love, marriage cannot survive, right?Does it make sense for her to remarry?
"If he loves me, how can he get a divorce? Remarriage or something, do you think I am willing? Didn't he threaten me to take my son away? What can I do? It's not just agreeing. "

"Divorce... Didn't you ask for it?"

Gu Yang asked her anxiously, in fact, she also knew that it would be really miraculous if she could ask something valuable from this woman whose thinking was not in the same dimension as hers.

"I asked for it...but...but if he really loved me, he wouldn't ask without asking, and just agree to sign. You don't know that impatient look, it's a failure in my life! "

Every time he thinks of this unbearable past, Qian Duoduo beats his chest and stamps his feet.

Is there anything more frustrating than paying wrongly?

"Then since you think he doesn't love you and he wants a son, you should give him custody. In this way, you will still be a beautiful woman who is single, and you don't have any trouble around you. Isn't it more suitable for you to find another son?" Chun? Anyway, you still have visitation rights, don’t you? Why don’t you want to?”

Xiang Nan had stayed with her before, and knew that she often talked about the reason why she didn't have a high-quality young man to be with her because she had a son.

"How is it possible! I worked so hard to conceive my son who was born in October. Why did he say he wanted it? He took it away when he said it? Since he proposed to remarry, then remarry. Who is afraid of others, anyway, I am Even if you die, you will not give him the custody of your son!"

Gu Yanghe stroked his forehead to the south and sighed.I think this woman is hopeless.Totally unable to communicate.

. .

"That idiot Qian Duoduo actually remarried her ex-husband!"

After dinner in the evening, Gu Yang and Chen Ziran nestled on the sofa watching TV and chatting by the way.

Her design draft was completed overtime last night, and it was also given to Arthur.So she is relaxed now.At this time, don't gossip, I'm really sorry for this leisurely time.

"It's a good thing, what's so surprising?"

Chen Ziran had heard that she was divorced before.But since they are remarried now, it means that they still have feelings. After all, they still have a child, so remarriage is also a good choice.

"The key is that his husband doesn't love him! Let me tell you..."

Gu Yang told Chen Ziran what happened today.

After Chen Ziran finished listening, he was silent for a moment, put the book in his hand aside, and said, "How do you know that her husband really doesn't love her?"

"Huh? Love?"

Gu Yang didn't understand how he heard the information that the man loved Qian Duoduo from his few words.

"If you don't love her, how can you ask for remarriage? A man will not block his life's happiness just for his own child. If he really wants a child so much, why not just take the legal route? Besides, Gu Yang, if one day you tell me that being around me is tiring, I will let you go. I think this is the reason for their divorce, right?"

Gu Yang listened to his analysis in a daze, as if there was some truth to it!
"Don't worry, if I really feel tired by your side, if you don't want me to go, I will go a long way."

Chen Ziran is embarrassing!

He obviously felt that these words were still so sensational, why did the taste change in her mouth?

. .

Because he was busy handing over the work to An Yuhang, Gu Yang followed Chen Ziran to the company early in the morning.This was the first time that the two entered and exited the company at the same time, causing quite a stir.

"Forget it, go on your own! I'll go up alone."

Gu Yang couldn't stand the feeling of being watched, it made her feel like meat on a chopping board, waiting to be chopped up by these people!

Of course, Chen Ziran would not do what she wanted, he took her hand domineeringly, and walked into his exclusive elevator.She was not allowed to go out until she reached Annie's floor.

Annie had already arrived, and was waiting for Gu Yang's arrival in the office with the agent who took over.

But Gu Yang did not expect that the person who took over An Yuhang would be Yin Luo's manager, Zhang Nan.

Now if someone still said that they were not secretly plotting anything, she would never believe it.

Zhang Nan used to be Xiang Nan's manager, and he was a gold medal manager in DC. He had always brought in popular stars. Later, after Xiang Nan's accident, he brought Yin Luo in again.He always took only one person with him, but he didn't expect that he would be willing to take An Yuhang now.

It's a miracle.

But Gu Yang doesn't care about these things now.This will only allow her to confirm her own thoughts, and will not change her decision.

The work of an artist is very complicated, so it took half a day just to hand over these tasks.During the period, Annie wanted to ask An Yuhang to come up, but Gu Yang refused.She didn't want to see someone who would betray others like this.

Of course, she still found a good reason for An Yuhang, and didn't let Zhang Nan see what she knew.

"Let's go eat together! Gu Yang!"

"No, I'll go down and find Sun Xiaomei."

Gu Yang rejected Annie's invitation. If she ate in front of Zhang Nan, she was afraid that she would suffer from indigestion.

After leaving Annie's office, she was going to find Sun Xiaomei, but she just received a call from Chen Ziran asking her to go up and wait for him for dinner.Thinking that it was really rare for him to come to the company to have lunch with him, Gu Yang agreed in a good mood.

"Isn't this Miss Gu?"

Just after getting out of the elevator, Gu Yang saw an acquaintance.

"Mrs. Chen, hello!"

Since there was a quarrel before, Gu Yang really didn't have the nerve to call her aunt such a familiar name.

The people in the CEO's office are all good people. Hearing Gu Yang's address, he knows that there are gossips to listen to.They all stretched out their ears, unwilling to miss a single word.

"Miss Gu is so polite. You are my son's girlfriend, so just call me auntie!"

. .What's happening here?Gu Yang stared blankly at Zeng Yi, he was so amiable, it didn't look like he had quarreled just a few days ago.Her gentleness made him think that the quarrel of the previous few days was just a dream.

I have to say that a woman her age is really scary, she is, and so is her mother!They are all extremely lethal and unpredictable people.

"I don't know what's going on with my aunt?"

Gu Yang changed his words in a polite manner.Without the slightest hypocrisy!Always give her some face, otherwise it will be completely irreparable.

(End of this chapter)

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