Chapter 215 Shocking 3
Gu Yang pursed his lips, wondering how the speed of these reporters could be so fast.Her body trembled slightly. Although she didn't do these things, being surrounded by a group of people and questioning her still made her a little scared.

Chen Ziran's face was gloomy.I don't know why these things are popping up.

Zeng Yi was also sullen outside.The birthday party was ruined like this, I don't know what she was thinking.

All the guests present were also in an uproar because of the reporter's questioning.

None of them could have imagined that Chen Ziran's girlfriend had such a past.

"I think you all made a mistake. Gu Yang didn't do it. If you slander Gu Yang like this, we have the right to pursue legal action."

Chen Ziran hugged Gu Yang, who was trembling and panicked, and wanted to break through the wall of people and walk outside.But all failed.

Gu Yang's current appearance made his heart ache uncontrollably.

It's because he is useless, if he could be stronger at the beginning.Gu Yang's innocence was proven before that person covered up all the evidence, and she would not be besieged like she is now.

"However, someone broke the news about these things, and said that they had a record in the police station. At that time, there was a sensation in the school, and Gu Yang dropped out of school because of it. Ms. Gu, can you please respond?"

The reporter continued to question Gu Yang aggressively.

"I did not do that!"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Gu Yang only said these five words.

But these pale five words can't wash away these names for her.

"Miss Gu, do you have any proof that you didn't do it?"

Gu Yang raised his head and glanced at Yin Luo not far away.

Of course, she couldn't say that Yin Luo did it in front of so many people.After all, she can't produce evidence now, and people will only think that she is framing others.

"Of course I know if I did it myself. What evidence do I need?"

Now she can only stubbornly repeat that she didn't do it.The others couldn't do anything.I can only hope that Zhang Tingyuan will come soon.She is a lawyer for SH.He was still a friend she had met a few times. Once he came, he would be much better.

"Miss Gu is saying that you can't prove your innocence at all? Did you really do this thing? Then Mr. Chen, did you know that Miss Gu did these things before?"

Seeing the woman in front of him who had hastily convicted her, Gu Yang felt an unknown anger in his heart.

If she continues to ask like this, not only herself will lose face in the end, but Chen Ziran, the Chen family behind him, and the entire DC Group will also lose face.


Gu Yang stopped the people present loudly: "Of course I can prove whether I have done these things. But not now, why don't you give me a few days, and I will show you the evidence one by one!"

She had warned Yin Luo a long time ago not to try to challenge her limits.Since she wants to try, let her see if she can move herself.

And An Yuhang, she will definitely not make it easy for him.

If anyone told her, they didn't do this.I don't even believe it.

Seeing a flash of panic in Yin Luo's eyes, Gu Yang raised his lips.Finally no longer panic.He straightened his back and faced the reporters in front of him again.

"Before I prove my innocence to everyone, if any magazine has these false reports about me, then I will have to sue you for defamation."

The reporters looked at each other, not knowing what to do next!
"Then how long does Miss Gu plan to wait? Will she just disappear like this?"

"Of course not, give me three days. After three days, I will hand over all the evidence to you!"

Seeing Gu Yang's confident appearance, they were dubious.She was going to let Gu Yang go temporarily.Prepare to wait for her for three days.As for this news, they will of course ask the company to postpone the release.Otherwise, if it is really fake, then they will really be sued for it.

Just when everyone was about to leave, a surprised voice suddenly called out.


Gu Yang frowned, looking down at the source of the voice.

The surrounding people and reporters also looked at the screaming middle-aged man.

"Wendy? It's really Wendy! I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really an honor!"

The middle-aged man strode forward, vigorously holding Gu Yang's hand, shaking it non-stop!

Facing Chen Ziran's curious and puzzled gaze, Gu Yang asked shyly, "Excuse me, are you..."

"You are so noble and forgetful. I met you in Italy before. Aren't you the chief jewelry designer under the SH Group, Wendy?"

The audience was in an uproar again because of the same person.

SH's chief jewelry designer, Wendy, that mythical being who never accepts interviews from anyone.The person who only amazes the world with his own design every year, the person who most wants to see the whole picture, is this girl in front of him?It turned out to be the girl who was involved in a scandal just now?
This world is fantasy.

The reporter just now was also stupid, just now he said that she plagiarized her jewelry design, but he didn't expect that he was actually SH's chief designer.Fortunately, they didn't offend her too much just now.

Because of the shock, these reporters even forgot to press the shutter at the first time.

"Oh...hehe...Maybe I didn't pay attention at the time!"

Under Chen Ziran's gaze, Gu Yang wanted to leave here quickly.

But unfortunately, Zhang Tingyuan arrived at this time.No one answered Gu Yang's cell phone, so he managed to sneak in.

It's just that the atmosphere in the banquet seemed a little stiff.

"I wonder if this year's jewelry was designed by you?"

The middle-aged man couldn't see the message of refusal to chat from Gu Yang at all, and he still asked Gu Yang as excitedly as if he saw an idol, and he almost found a notebook to ask her for an autograph and a group photo.

"Uh, I have participated in the design!"

The jewelry of the new season has not been released yet, so Gu Yang can't disclose too much information.

"Really? I'm really looking forward to it. I hope we can still cooperate with SH Group!"

"You need to discuss this with your boss!"

"Miss Wendy is now in City C, will she continue to do design in the future?"

The middle-aged man continued to ask unrelentingly.

"It should still be possible!"

If she didn't plan, Arthur would chase him with a knife, right?

"That would be really great. Otherwise the jewelry world would be missing a genius."

Gu Yang laughed, she was already thinking about how to explain to Chen Ziran later.These things can't be explained clearly for a while.

What a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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