Chapter 220 Conversation 1
"Brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong! I shouldn't hide it from you, I shouldn't let myself repeat the same mistakes, I shouldn't report what I know, I shouldn't let others report indiscriminately, and I shouldn't lose our family's face."

The tried-and-tested trick didn't work today, and Gu Yang knew that they were really popular.In this case, it is better to admit the mistake bravely.

Make a plan and then move!
Reassure them first, then ask.

She really thought she was too witty.

"Since you know what you did wrong, don't talk about it again. I advise you to confess to your mother, otherwise she will pack you up and bring you back to Italy to marry tomorrow."

Arthur kindly reminded Gu Yang.

Shen Hua is at home these days, apart from being angry, another thing more important than getting angry is to find a boyfriend for Gu Yang. In her opinion, it is because she, the mother, does not persist, that makes Gu Yang repeat the same mistakes, and the old relationship will be unforgettable. , revived.

So, now she is going to cut the thread of love quickly and marry Gu Yang quickly.Avoid more mistakes later.

"Ah? No, I don't care, you have to help me speak nicely to her, so I don't want to go back. I don't even want to get married!"

Originally, Gu Yang had already finished his belly draft, but his rhythm was disrupted by his words. He put aside everything he wanted to say, and anxiously asked him for help.

Just kidding, can those people arranged by her mother marry?
Indeed, those people are young talents, extraordinary, successful in their careers, cool and stylish.But it's also because they are so good, and her mother loves her so much, so she wants to find her a good family background, so all those family rules are so scary.

Those are aristocrats who have been around for a century, and the long-term accumulation has made the family more and more rules, just like the old woman's foot wraps, smelly and long.She once quietly inquired about the family rules of one of them.Being frightened to death is even scarier than memorizing the entire Analects in junior high school.

If she really married into such a family, let alone being happy, it would be good not to be tortured to death.

"I can't help you this time! My dad has already told me that no matter what you want to do, he will punish anyone who disobeys her. You know how powerful the old man is. Otherwise, Aunt Shen wouldn't have done it for so many years." It's getting more and more lawless."

Thinking of the patriarch far away in Italy, the old man who was growing old and strong with a voice like a bell, all three of them fell silent.

Although he usually pampers Gu Yang, if Gu Yang does something that makes Shen Hua unhappy or angry, it will definitely make Gu Yang look good and make her peel off.If he hadn't been supporting her mother all the time, pampering her unconditionally, her mother would probably still be a greenhouse orchid for a weaker guest.

As a result, with infinite connivance, she is now a piranha!

"What do I want to do? I am like this, what can I do? Don't I just want to find a phone to call and ask? We messed up someone's birthday party like this, and I always have to care about the follow-up situation Right? You said it's fine if I don't marry into the Chen family in the future, but what if I marry him in the end? Doesn't this make my life difficult in the future? You are my brother, you will help me, right? Now my mother won't come over for a while, please!"

Combining hands, Gu Yang begged him again.

"And, look, if I'm really tied back tomorrow, I might never see him again for the rest of my life. If I don't see him, I'll definitely be very sad. If I'm sad, I won't want to eat. Then I will be in a bad mood and don't want to talk, and then... I don't know what will happen to me!"

Arthur looked at her, finally compromised, handed her the phone, and said, "Call it! One minute!"

"5 minutes!!!"

Gu Yang was afraid that he would repent, so he snatched his mobile phone, went to the balcony and called Chen Ziran.

After watching Gu Yang go to make a phone call, Arthur instructed Qiuqiu to go to the next door and hold Her Lady Queen back.



The phone kept busy and no one answered it. He didn't answer it until Gu Yang dialed it a second time.At this time, she never seemed so grateful that she could remember his mobile phone number as she is now.

"It's me! How are you doing there now?"

Hearing Gu Yang's voice, the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

"The banquet is over, where are you now? Why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

He called Gu Yang's cell phone but no one answered, and later called home many times, but still no one answered, so he knew that Gu Yang hadn't returned home, and he didn't know where he was taken.He had privately arranged for someone to look for her, but after so long, no one replied that they found her.

Thinking about it, the power of the SH Group should not be underestimated even in City C. It is easy to get rid of the people he sent.

"I'm with my mother now, in the hotel, and I won't be going back tonight. That... I'm sorry for keeping you from you for so long! I wanted to deal with your mother's situation before telling her , I didn't expect her to kill me suddenly!"

This matter was her fault.Not informing him in advance caught him off guard just now.So an apology is due.

"It's okay, I didn't give you a sense of security!"

Chen Ziran was surprisingly gentle today, without any sign of anger or doubt, as if nothing had happened.Moreover, it was so easy to forgive Gu Yang, without saying a single serious word, which actually made Gu Yang feel a little embarrassed, thinking that it was I who had the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman.

"Is your mother very angry with me?"

I had troubles again and again, disrupting her banquet. According to the incompatibility of the two people before, I guess I don't want to see her even more now.

"No, she is very calm now, wondering if she really misunderstood you. You gave her a big blow today. But she is absolutely not angry, so don't worry. "

After his mother returned to Chen's house, she struggled with it for a long time, and she kept pulling him to ask Gu Yang about her studies in the past, her way of doing things in peacetime, and the more she felt that she had done something wrong.The mood became more and more depressed, and it took a long time before he fell asleep under the comfort of his father.

(End of this chapter)

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