Chapter 228 Entrustment 2
And after going through such a thing, she still kept it from herself, in order to prevent him from thinking wildly, she even comforted him by saying that it was a kind of training.

If he knew it was such a test, he would rather bear such a thing by himself.I don't want her to suffer either.

He could understand that Gu Yang didn't want him to worry, but if someone else told him the news, and it came with such rich pictures and texts, he still couldn't accept it.

Not to mention now, even when the two were together before, he always held Gu Yang in his heart.I didn't expect her to
Chen Ziran's thoughts were a little confused.

"At that time, we found Gu Yang showing signs of committing suicide more than once. No matter what we gave her, she would eat it silently, but after a while, she would vomit it all out. Just like this, her body was getting worse and worse. Next, the superstar basically survives on the nutrient solution. Therefore, in order to prevent her from doing anything stupid, we installed surveillance in her room, and someone guards her 24 hours a day. This is why you have these photo."

Shen Hua took a deep breath.Her voice trembled a little, no matter how many years had passed, as long as she remembered Gu Yang's appearance back then, she would blame herself endlessly.If she had fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother, she would not have embarked on this path.

"Don't look at her being heartless and laughing, because I didn't fulfill my responsibilities when I was a child. I abandoned her for my own love, so she is extremely insecure. She said that you have been her for so many years The first person who wants to rely on, she said that she is desperately trying to do better for you. She said that she really loves you. But...she didn't expect that you would doubt her. Huge psychological gap It made her unbearable, and her thoughts were extreme, so she got depression later. She almost died because of it. That's why... I will say, because of you, she almost died!"

Shen Hua remembered what Gu Yang said to her that day, and his eyes wandered a little.

" did she get better afterwards?"

Chen Ziran was silent for a long time before he managed to stabilize his mind and asked.

"Maybe she felt the beating of another life. At that time, I was pregnant with Qiuqiu. I was already old, and pregnancy was already very dangerous. In addition, her illness took a lot of my mind, so Originally, I was planning not to have this child. But after all, it is my flesh and blood, so I am reluctant to part with it. Now I am thankful countless times that I did not kill that child in extreme ways. Because of this child, Gu Yang is slowly able to react , although they have been touching my stomach, but at least they are not as lifeless as before."

Shen Hua now thinks of what would happen to Gu Yang if she had aborted the child when she found out she was pregnant by mistake?Every time I think of her, I get scared for a while.

So now, as long as Qiuqiu doesn't do anything too extreme, she can bypass him.

Because he is his daughter's savior.

Gu Yang has always pampered him.Compared with my own mother, the two siblings are obviously closer.

"is it?"

Chen Ziran was a little out of his mind. After knowing that Gu Yang had gone through these things, he suddenly didn't want to continue hypocrisy with them here. He wanted to go back quickly, return to Gu Yang's side, and give her a belated hug.

Seeing him devastated and shocked.Shen Hua didn't feel unhappy in the slightest, on the contrary he was relieved.

His appearance at least shows that Gu Yang still has a certain weight in his heart, right?

At least he really felt sorry for Gu Yang, right?Otherwise, it wouldn't be as heartbroken as it is now.

"Just like what you think, I really didn't want you to pester Gu Yang any more at the beginning. She wanted to come back for a while, so I found someone to guard her at all times. I was just afraid that she would have any contact with you again. .I already had the experience of almost losing her once, and I don't want to experience it again. That's why I was so emotional that night."

Shen Hua took a deep breath.It's like making a big decision.

"But Gu Yang has never been a person who will give in to others at will. Although I still don't agree with you now, if she really wants to be with you, I won't say anything. I just hope, Gu Yang once again chose to believe in you this time, don't let her down again. She can't stand your torment."

She remembered what Gu Yang said to her in a hoarse voice: I want to pursue my own happiness.

As a mother, why doesn't she want her daughter to be happy?
If she really thinks this man is what she considers happiness, then she will definitely bless her.

It's just that she was still afraid that he would fail her.So I want to come and test him.See if he cares about Gu Yang so much.That's why she unreservedly showed him the past that Gu Yang kept from him.

"I'll take care of her and this kind of thing won't happen again."

Chen Ziran promised Shen Hua.

In fact, she didn't need to say that she would take good care of Gu Yang, especially after knowing that she had suffered such hardships, she cherished her even more.

Shen Hua nodded and said: "Then I will hand Gu Yang to you. If you do something wrong to her in the future, I will definitely take Gu Yang away. Even if you beg me on your knees in the future, I will not I agree to let you stay together."

In the end Shen Hua gave in to Gu Yang.Focus on her own feelings.

Chen Ziran also promised her that he would protect Gu Yang forever.

"Since I got your guarantee, it doesn't make sense for me to stay. I'm going back to Italy today, where your parents are, let's talk about it later!"

Chen Ziran was dissatisfied and put it aside.She is very dissatisfied with Zeng Yi now.

It was embarrassing for her to target Gu Yang like this.So now she doesn't want to see her again so soon.If you really want to meet, don't be in a hurry.

The two spoke a few more words, and Shen Hua and Arthur left together.She has already booked a flight.Now we have to rush back with the ball.As for Arthur, he will stay in City C for the time being and help Gu Yang deal with her mess.

(End of this chapter)

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