Chapter 234
"You mean, you saw her with a mysterious person?"

The next day, when Bai Bingbing was filming, Xiang Nan told Gu Yang what he saw yesterday.

"Well, I don't know who that person is, but I just have a bad feeling, and I don't know if I'm too sensitive. But I always look normal when I look at her. Maybe it's because I'm too sensitive. I'm too worried."

When Xiang Nan thought about it later, it wasn't that everything that happened to him was harmful to him.I shouldn't be like this.

"She looks quite normal. Otherwise, you'd better find someone to stare at her! As long as she is not bad for you, forget it. If she really has some bad thoughts, you will regret what happened at that time. gone."

In this regard, Gu Yang has always been very cautious, and would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.She would rather go to the trouble of finding someone to follow her than leave her alone.

"Well, let me think about it!"

In this respect, Xiang Nan is not as decisive as Gu Yang.She always felt that no matter how bad intentions Bai Bingbing had, they should be just those dirty tricks in the entertainment industry, and they wouldn't have any real impact on her.

It so happened that Bai Bingbing came over after filming and even smiled at Xiang Nan.This was something that he had never experienced before. Although Xiang Nan was astonished, he immediately responded with a smile.

"Nothing to be diligent about, either a traitor or a thief!"

Watching her touch up her makeup, Gu Yang muttered to the side in a low voice.

Xiang Nan is funny, isn't it just a polite smile?It's not as scary as she said.For so many days, she and Bai Bingbing have been in peace on the set, and there is no spark or anything like the outside world guessed.She felt that they were making too much of a fuss.

She must have thought too much about what she saw yesterday. Maybe there is something really wrong with her?

It's not like she hasn't experienced such mediocre things before.

"Okay, I'll get off here. I'm going to do some shopping over there."

In the afternoon, work was over early, and it was Gu Yang who drove her back home.At the supermarket two streets away from home, she asked Gu Yang to pull over.Anyway, it was so early, she was going to buy some food and fruit to go back.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Gu Yang was still a little worried about her.Fear that someone will be against her.

"No need. I'll just buy some vegetables, and I won't get lost alone! I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore, so don't worry about me."

After all, Gu Yang left uneasy.It's not that she is careless, but that she feels that Bai Bingbing is not such a simple person.How could she treat Xiang Nan so pleasantly like recently.She even said that she was overthinking.She had to, it was because Xiang Nan thought of Bai Bingbing too simply.She was able to get a supporting role in a movie that she clearly didn't want her to act in. Any fool would know what she did behind the scenes.

Where can a woman who can sell her body be pure?

Xiang Nan was shopping alone in the supermarket, and soon bought what he wanted.

Carrying the bag, she walked out of the shopping mall. It was only two streets away from her home, so she didn't plan to take the car back. It's better to just walk and treat it as exercise.

This time is not the time to get off work, so there are not many pedestrians and vehicles on the road.Xiang Nan obediently stood on the sidewalk and waited for the red light to pass.There was also only an old man pushing a stroller and a young man who seemed in a hurry.

It was hard to wait until the green light came on.

There were no cars waiting in line at the red light at the intersection, so Xiang Nan walked towards the opposite side of the road without worrying about any danger.


Someone pulled her, and Xiang Nan was caught off guard, and fell hard on the ground. The moment she fell to the ground, a crazy pickup truck rushed past her, and Xiang Nan didn't even see the car clearly. The people on it are male or female.

This pickup truck came through a red light.The speed is so fast that it has already exceeded the speed limit in the urban area.Xiangnan estimated that it was at least 50.00% over the speed limit.

"Miss, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

It was the young man who pulled her.Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "Thank you, I don't have anything to do. If you have something to do, you can leave first. My house is right in front of you. Just go back and apply some medicine yourself."

He looks very busy, Xiang Nan is sorry to bother him.

"Well, then you should be more careful."

Looking at his watch, he also knew that he had nothing to waste here.The young man pulled Xiang Nan up and left in a hurry. Before leaving, Xiang Nan heard him muttering: "People nowadays really don't want to drive. If they really hit him, he probably won't be able to pay enough."

The green light passed quickly, and I took three steps to the south and made two steps to the opposite side.Looking at the palm of his right hand, it was blurry.It should be that when he fell just now, his hands were scratched on the ground.The ankle is also a little painful, probably sprained.But she was also very lucky, fortunately, the man just stopped her in time, otherwise she would have been hit by a truck and flew away.That way, it's not just the palms that are bloody.

He limped and walked home slowly.Xiang Nan looked particularly embarrassed.

When she walked to the gate of the community, the security guard saw her like this, and helped her carry the things in her hands up with enthusiasm.

After all, she is also a star. The security guards in this community know her, and they will say hello when they see her.So I have no complaints about helping her today.

When I got home, I took out the medicine box alone to clean the wound on my palm.Because the ground is concrete, there is a lot of sand in the wound.She couldn't help shivering in pain as she cleaned it.The sprained foot hurt even more after she walked just now.After returning home, she discovered that besides the palm, the elbow was also injured.It's just that it may be cushioned by the palm, so it's not serious, there is no bleeding, it's just a little scratched.

Now she began to feel afraid, if no one stopped her just now, maybe she would really die.She is also more grateful to that person just now, she should leave his contact information and thank him well.

She was also very angry that there were still people who ignored the traffic rules and ran the red light. Fortunately, she had nothing to do today. If she really bumped into it, it would not be a simple matter.People nowadays are always doing their own way, and they don't know how to restrain themselves until they have learned the lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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