The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 237 Fate hangs by a thread 1

Chapter 237 Fate hangs by a thread 2
Although on the fourth day, her feet were almost healed and the wounds on her hands had scabbed over, she was still forced to stay at home for a full week before Jin Ruichen lifted the ban.

Xiangnan, who was finally released, opened the car window as soon as he got out of the community, took a deep breath, and felt the smell of nature.

Because of Gu Yang's analysis that day, when she saw Bai Bingbing again, she always felt a little unnatural, and she always felt that there was something wrong with her now.

But today, when Bai Bingbing looked at her, she was the same as usual, lukewarm.It made her feel that the gentle Bai Bingbing before was actually just a person imagined by her.

The two sat together and put on makeup at the same time.

Today's filming is in an old house, and the scene to be filmed is the scene that fell to the south a few days ago.It is a rivalry scene between the two, and it is also a scene in which the former good friend finally tore his face because of a misunderstanding.Xiang Nan looked at the script, and there shouldn't be too many problems.

"How is it? Is there any problem with your feet?"

Gu Yang was still worried about Xiang Nan's body.People say that it takes a hundred days to hurt one's muscles and bones.Even if it's not serious, it's only been a week, so it shouldn't be completely healed, right?

"Don't worry, there's no problem at all, do you want me to run 1000 meters for you to see?"

While speaking, he flicked his legs to show that what he said was true.

"Well, don't force yourself too much. If you can't bear it, just say it in time."

Gu Yang knows that Xiang Nan is dedicated to her work, as long as it is not particularly serious, she will force herself to endure it.Now she can only trust Jin Ruichen, since he is willing to let Xiang Nan out to film, then there must be no problem.

As Xiang Nan expected, there was indeed no problem.Although Bai Bingbing is not a good person, his acting skills are pretty good.There is no problem with the cooperation of the two.It will be over soon.

During the filming break to touch up makeup, Xiang Nan saw a few strangers in the crew, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Today's filming went very well. Bai Bingbing said that there is a restaurant nearby that is very delicious, so I don't need to eat box lunch at noon today. I treat guests, let's go to eat stir-fry!"

The work was completed earlier in the morning, and since it was originally an urban film, there were not too many staff members today.So Fang Mingshan decided to listen to Bai Bingbing's suggestion and go to the restaurant that was said to be delicious.

All the staff present cheered.

No one wants to eat box lunch all the time.If the director is willing to pay out of his own pocket for a small treat, that would be the best.

"Let's go!"

It doesn't matter what Gu Yang eats, but since she goes to that one, she shouldn't be too special.

Xiang Nan began to feel very tired for no reason, sat on the stool and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, you go, I feel very tired now, and I don't want to walk so far!"

"What's wrong with you? Do you need me to take you back to rest?"

She seemed to be really depressed.Gu Yang thought it was because her illness hadn't completely recovered, and she started to feel tired again after a while of exhaustion just now.So I asked her worriedly.

"No, you go and eat. I'll rest here and I'll be fine in a while."

Xiang Nan felt that there was nothing wrong with it, just take a rest.Tell Gu Yang to go with them quickly.

"Well, I'll bring you some food later. If you feel uncomfortable, please call me. I'll be right back to take you home. We won't go too far."

Gu Yang was still very worried about her body.She is still a little worried here alone.

"Let's go, Gu Yang, don't worry about Xiang Nan, there will be a few staff here to watch over the equipment. If Xiang Nan really feels uncomfortable, they will send her to the hospital."

Seeing that Gu Yang hadn't gone out, Fang Mingshan came in to call her, just in time to see Xiang Nan sitting on the stool uncomfortably.So he pointed to a few people by the window who were fiddling with photographic equipment.Let Gu Yang go with them at ease.

Gu Yang looked at those few people.Still uneasy, he followed Fang Mingshan and left.

Jin Ruichen was a little restless all day.I wanted to call Xiang Nan, but I thought she was filming, so I didn't dare to disturb her.Just such an anxious person in the office.I can't read the documents in my hand at all.

This emotion was until I received a phone call at noon.

"Boss, we found that man!"

The person who called was the one he asked to help investigate a few days ago.It was also during the two years when Xiang Nan disappeared, he had been letting her follow her secretly, fearing that she would miss someone.

"The incident this time is really as you guessed. It is not a simple traffic accident. That man was ordered to do this thing. You will never guess who that person is!"

The man's voice was anxious and excited, as if he had overcome some big difficulty.


Jin Ruichen didn't have that much patience to talk nonsense with him and play guessing games.He became even more worried when he heard that it was a deliberate traffic accident.

"That man is Zhou He. You haven't forgotten, have you? It's the man you put in prison before."

"Zhou He? How could it be him? He should still be in prison now!"

When Xiang Nan's house was ransacked and threatened by unknown people last time, he wondered if Zhou He did it, so he made a special trip to find someone to go to the prison to investigate. It stands to reason that Zhou He will have at least half a year before he can be released from prison. of.How could it be him?
But if it was really him, it wouldn't be hard to explain the whole thing.

"Who knows what method he used to get out. It seems that he has been out for a while. I also found out one thing, I should tell you about it and ask my sister-in-law to pay more attention. Zhou He and Bai Bingbing were released a few days ago. The two I have met several times, and I don't know what shameful things were discussed. Isn't this sister-in-law and Bai Bingbing at odds? You should be more careful!"

When he found out, he was also taken aback. If the two really hooked up behind their backs, what bad things did they do...
That is really hard to guard against.

Fortunately, his elder brother was highly alert, and he noticed something was wrong in advance, and knew about the plot of the two in advance.

Although they don't know exactly what the two conspired, but it's not a good thing to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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