Chapter 255 Dark Cuisine 2
I am ashamed to my mother, but it is hard to say anything.Afraid of breaking the relationship.Had to let her go.But I was thinking in my heart, I must tell Xiang Nan when I go back later, let her throw away the mustard in time, so as not to harm myself in time.

Because Jiang Qin bought too many things, including skirts and high heels.So, in the end, I asked my mother to help her bring it back.

Although I feel embarrassed, I really can't lift it.I wondered in my heart if I really bought too much.

Xiang Nan and the others were dumbfounded when they saw the two of them coming back.They wondered if the two wives had emptied the supermarket?Isn't it just a meal?There is no need to exaggerate like this, right?

Under the surprised eyes of the three, Jiang Qin went to the bathroom as if nothing had happened.Then.
Take out your mobile phone and go online to quickly check how the stew should be stewed!Although she doesn't know it, it doesn't mean she won't use the high technology of the Internet.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Xiang Nan couldn't believe that something like this happened to her mother.Looking at the two bags of vegetables and the big bag of condiments in the kitchen, I was a little dazed.

Shaking his head to his mother, he indicated the location of the bathroom with his eyes.Xiang Nan immediately shut up.Understood!Jin Ruichen and Yan Qianxun laughed from ear to ear.His mother really let him see it today. It was the first time he went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and he encountered such an oolong.

When Jiang Qin came out as if nothing had happened, the two had stopped laughing.I saw Xiang's mother was already busy in the kitchen.She followed into the kitchen.

Jin Ruichen and Yan Qianxun pricked up their ears, looking forward to the chemical reaction she would have when she entered the kitchen.

"What if it burns?"

Xiang Nan accidentally said what was in his heart worriedly.

Jin Ruichen suppressed a smile to comfort her and said, "Don't worry, your mother is here, and she won't let her mess around."

Xiang Nan sighed, her mother upholds the philosophy that peace is the most important thing.No matter what Jiang Qin did, her mother would definitely not say anything.Because he was afraid that when he got along with Jiang Qin in the future, he would be retaliated by her.

That's why she was worried.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing her coming in, Xiang's mother wanted her to choose first.She had heard Jin Ruichen say that she couldn't cook at all.So I want her to do it first, and if something happens, I can remedy it myself.

"Chicken soup is ready!"

Jiang Qin remembered the result of her search just now, chicken soup is the easiest.There should be no problem.

Xiang's mother endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and said a little speechlessly: "But we didn't buy chickens!"

"Ah? Really? That's all I need!"

Jiang Qin didn't expect her to be unfavorable, and she made a big joke before she started to use the knife.Embarrassedly picked up a bag and got up, said in a dispirited manner.

Looking at the dangling pig's trotters in the bag.He hesitated to speak to his mother, and didn't say that it was what he planned to do.

Although Jiang Qin doesn't know how to cook, she still knows the need to wash the vegetables before cooking.So when washing, it is relatively smooth.But after washing and putting the trotters on the cutting board, she was dumbfounded again.Just now I saw the stewed chicken soup.I don't know if the stewed pig's trotter soup is the same?

But she didn't want to be seen that she didn't know anything, so she picked up the kitchen knife and made a big gesture.Then he said to his mother: "I will stay here for a while, or you can go out and watch TV and wait for me?"

Mother Xiang knew that she wanted to take care of her own face, so she went out obediently without saying a word.She was also afraid that she could not help interrupting her when she watched her cooking in the kitchen.

But what Jiang Qin didn't know, everyone in the family now knew that she couldn't cook at all.

Seeing her go out, Jiang Qin quickly closed the door, blocking the two probing eyes from outside.Take out your phone and search for what to do.

As a result, the first step made her dumbfounded.

Chop the trotters into pieces first? ? ?
He cut two knives on the pig's trotter with a knife.As a result, there was no reaction at all, let alone chopped into pieces.The skin is not broken.

I usually don't eat pig's trotters, because I dislike it and it looks unsightly.So now I don't even have an object to refer to in my mind.

Anxiously throwing the phone aside, Jiang Qin threw the pig's trotters directly into the pot to stew in her own way.In order to make the trotters look not lonely, some vegetables were put in and stewed together.She felt very satisfied with that.As a result, when lighting the fire, I fell into a flurry of panic.

No matter how she lit the fire, there was not even a single flame.As a last resort, I had to go outside for help.

Mother Xiang had been sitting outside in fear for a while, always worried that Jiang Qin, who knew nothing, would blow up the kitchen.So when she heard her words, she immediately jumped up, ready to go inside to see the casualties in the kitchen.

It's very clean inside.

It's really clean.

Because Jiang Qin didn't know how to do it at all, so he just threw a bunch of things into the music pot.So there is no time to create too much garbage.

After checking with my mother, I sighed and said: "The switch here is not turned on, so there will be no fire if the pipe is not connected."

After speaking, I wanted to open the lid to see how she cooked it, but Jiang Qin stopped me and said, "I've already finished the inside, so we better not open it until it's finished! Since you've lit the fire I’m done, I’ll go out to rest, and I’ll come in later to have a look. I’ll leave the kitchen to you.”

When she said that, she felt embarrassed to look at it.

After she went out, Xiang's mother started to get busy.Fried, fried, fried and stewed, different dishes were made according to the physical needs of the two patients.Because I thought that Yan Qianxun was still there, I deliberately made two more dishes that were not so bland.

Even so, more than half of the vegetables they bought were left.

The smell of food is constantly coming from the kitchen.The people in the seduced living room moved their index fingers and drooled.

Jin Ruichen glanced narrowly at his mother.It seems to be saying: "Now you know how to admit defeat, right? This is called a dish!"

Jiang Qin turned her head to one side, ignoring her son's teasing.But she also had to admit that what Xiang Nan's mother made was really delicious.Even if I practice for another ten years, I probably won't be as good as her.

Playing with her fingernails, she realized that one of her nails, which she had done two days ago, broke after all the tossing just now.This made her even more sure that she was really not suitable for the kitchen.

She thought that maybe she would not want to go into the kitchen even more in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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