The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 272 Going Far Away 3

Chapter 272 Going Far Away 3
After saying goodbye to them politely, Gu Yang happily followed behind.

When we drove into the city, it really started to snow.

Gu Yang was a little excited.

When he got outside the community, he didn't drive the car directly, but stopped not far away.

Gu Yang looked at him puzzled, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Come down! You probably haven't had enough to eat at night, right? If you don't come down now and go back at night, there will be no food at home."

Hearing what he said.Gu Yang didn't care about whether he was wondering or not, and got out of the car quickly.

It is cold outside.Gu Yang shivered.Being embraced by him, he walked into a restaurant.

In fact, Gu Yang felt that the two of them had already eaten.It's just that I'm not full, there's really no need to go into the restaurant, just eat some noodles casually in the restaurant outside.

But already walked in, Gu Yang was too embarrassed to leave again, so he had to bite the bullet and order two dishes that looked good to him.

Seeing all the light dishes on the table, Chen Ziran was a little puzzled.Gu Yang used to be a person who could not be bothered by spicy food.Bland dishes like these are never eaten.Why are you eating with such relish today?No wonder his mother made the dishes according to Gu Yang's previous taste, which didn't suit her appetite.

He couldn't hold back what to say to Gu Yang in his heart, so he directly asked his doubts.

Gu Yang, who was eating vigorously, paused.Looking at him, he said, "I just came back these two days, and my diet hasn't been adjusted yet. My stomach is not very comfortable. It's better to eat something light."

For now, she is planning to keep the pregnancy a secret for now.It's not too late to say it when she thinks the day is right.

Anyway, she was in no hurry.

Unlike some women, they panic when they find out that they are pregnant.Hurry to get married and get married, and do what you do.

She is very calm now.Be prepared to keep this matter a secret.So that Chen Ziran can also taste what it's like to be concealed.

Belly is getting bigger day by day.She shouldn't keep it secret for long.

She has to figure out a way!

If she doesn't teach him a good lesson this time, she won't be called Gu Yang.Otherwise, if there is the first time, there will be the second time. If he chooses to hide it from himself every time for his own sake, can he still be called a family? ? ?
"Should I take you to the hospital?"

As soon as he heard that her stomach was uncomfortable, Chen Ziran was very nervous. He did not forget that when he read Gu Yang's documents for six years, it was written that she had suffered from serious stomach problems before.It said that although it has been cured, if you don’t pay attention to your diet, there will be a risk of recurrence at any time.

So he is very nervous now.

"No, it's not a big deal. I've already seen it. Just eat something light for a few days."

Go to the hospital and her secret will be over.I won't go!
Moreover, she was not caused by illness.

Gu Yang didn't want to go, and Chen Ziran couldn't force her, but he was still worried.So when she got home, even if she wanted to drink water, it was specially warmed milk for her.

It has been snowing for a long time.The next day was another full day.The entire city of C is wrapped in this silver fruit, which looks really beautiful.

It's getting cold.Gu Yang didn't want to go out, so he stayed at home for a few days.

When the snow stopped and the weather cleared up, I went out to the hospital.

She didn't go to the hospital to check herself up.Instead, she investigated the place where Yin Luo was recovering a few days ago.So want to go and see.

Another reason why she chose to come today is that Zeng Yi had something to do and didn't come.So she will not know when she comes here.

When Yin Luo saw her, he didn't think it was strange.I just glanced at her, and continued to contact her painfully under the guidance of the doctor.

Gu Yang watched from the side, but actually still felt very painful and pitiful.She was indeed as she said before, very grateful to her for saving Chen Ziran.She felt that she was really a bad woman. , Yin Luo was so seriously injured because he saved Chen Ziran, and I heard that he was in a coma in the hospital for half a month.Her first reaction when she heard about this was that she was lucky it wasn't Chen Ziran.Fortunately, there is Yin Luo.

So she feels bad about herself!

There was such an idea.

Gu Yang sat aside and didn't bother her.I only walked over when I knew she was starting to rest!
"What? Are you here to see how I am in a mess today? Or are you here to pretend to be merciful?"

Part of the reason why she became like this is because Gu Yang drove her to a dead end, and her family left C City.So she still resented Gu Yang a little bit.

"I think you made a mistake. For you, even if it's fake compassion, I think it's a waste of emotion! It's just that you saved Chen Ziran, and I'm here to visit you as a girlfriend. Otherwise, it would seem that my girlfriend is ignorant."

She was not polite, so she didn't want to be too polite.

"No need! Now that you've seen me, you can go!"

Gu Yang really didn't want to stay here any longer, since she issued an order to evict guests, she would not continue to stay here with the cheek.So ran off to find her trainer therapist.

"If it's fast, it's about four months; if it's slow, it's about half a year! It depends on her willpower and her tolerance."

Rehabilitation is very painful, and many people procrastinate for a long time because they cannot bear the hardship.

"Well, thank you! Then I won't bother you. Please take care of her."

After getting the general answer from the doctor, Yin Luo left directly.

It's just that she didn't go home, but went directly to the airport.

Before boarding the plane, she scheduled a short message, and then turned off her phone directly.

Chen Ziran was inexplicably restless today.I don't know what's going on.

He has not returned to the old house in the past few nights.He goes back to his home in the urban area every day, and Gu Yang, who has been suspended recently, waits for him to go back at home every day.

This also greatly increased his work efficiency, and he concentrated on his work every day, just to go home early at night to accompany her.

But after returning from get off work this afternoon, he couldn't find anyone anywhere.The big phone is also always turned off.Call Xiangnan, Qian Duoduo and the others, but they are also at a loss.I don't know where Gu Yang can go.When calling home, the servant answered the phone, saying that Gu Yang hadn't been back today.

Chen Ziran was a little panicked, and started to mobilize people to marry him everywhere.It's so cold in winter now, she shouldn't be running around.

Just when he was desperately looking for someone, he received a text message:
"I want to go out to relax, you don't need to look for me, I will come back when I want to come back! PS: If Yin Luo leaves, I will speed up my pace of coming back in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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