The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 274 Going Far Away 5

Chapter 274 Going Far Away 5
He subconsciously thought that he had been wronged by Chen Ziran again.There was a sense of displeasure in my heart.

How can my good little sister always have some unpleasant things happen as soon as I hand it over to Chen Ziran?

"I just want to come back, don't you guys welcome me? I'm so shocked!"

Gu Yang felt that he was deeply hurt, didn't he just come back quietly?Do you need an expression of how can you come back?

"Well, have you eaten yet? Come and sit down first!"

Arthur walked down the stairs without any major expression changes, but Gu Yang could still faintly feel his unhappiness.There was a thump in my heart, afraid that he would think that Chen Ziran had offended her again, and said anxiously: "Well... there is an annoying person in the family, I want to wait for her to recover before going back! Don't tell me Anyone. I'm going to keep it a secret."

"En. Sit down first!"

Then call someone to prepare something to eat.


Gu Yang yelled shyly, but Shen Hua didn't agree immediately, he took a sip of tea before continuing, "Speak! What happened?"

Her daughter, she understands very well, since she has identified Chen Ziran, she can't just leave immediately, she must have encountered some things she didn't want to face before leaving.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the woman Yin Luo injured her foot in order to save Chen Ziran. She's recovering now. Her family has left City C, so she's temporarily living in the Chen family's old house. I don't want to see her, because I feel that it will affect me If you are in the mood, come back and play first!"

Gu Yang told the truth.

"Don't her own parents know how to control her? She has to rely on the Chen family to live?"

Shen Hua's impression of Yin Luo was extremely bad.When I heard that she had entered the house and lived in Chen's house, I felt very unhappy!

"Ask him! The Yin family has declared bankruptcy now, and her parents have left City C long ago. No matter what she said, she saved Chen Ziran! It's impossible for me to drive her away, right? So out of sight, out of mind, I have to I left by myself!"

Gu Yang pointed to Arthur beside him.

Shen Hua looked at him, and he nodded.Yin's affairs were indeed carried out under his behest.He did not expect it to go so smoothly.

"En. Since she also saved Chen Ziran, as long as you think he won't be bewitched, it's up to you!"

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings.Gu Yang has never been a person who would listen to her when it comes to emotional matters.In this regard, she is still very self-aware.

"Of course he won't be seduced. I'm very confident!"

If she didn't have this confidence, she wouldn't be so easy, just leave as soon as she said.

"You can figure it out for yourself. If I say you, you should rebel again."

Shen Hua didn't intend to entangle this issue with her too much.

"Well! I have one more thing to announce! You have to be mentally prepared, don't be scared!"

"Tell me, what else can you do to shake the world?"

Shen Hua didn't take it seriously.Looking at Qiuqiu's homework, he said coolly.

"I am pregnant!"

They all looked at her stupidly.Some doubted what they had just heard.

Gu Yang was very satisfied with their reaction.What she wanted was such a shocking effect.Seeing their reactions, Gu Yang suddenly thought, what would it be like if Chen Ziran knew the news?Really curious!
"Does Chen Ziran know about this matter?"

Shen Hua is very confused now.My daughter is going to be a mother.This feeling is very complicated and mixed.

"I don't know, you guys are not allowed to make small reports! I'll tell him when I'm happy someday."

"Nonsense! You are an unmarried girl. It's okay if you don't see it now. After two months, your belly will grow bigger, and others will criticize you."

Although Shen Hua usually maintains a free-range policy towards Gu Yang, and she can do whatever she wants, but she is still very conservative in her bones.She still can't accept this kind of unmarried pregnancy.

"What are you complaining about? They can say whatever they like. Anyway, if I don't go back, you are not allowed to tell her, or I will never end with you. I am sleepy and going to sleep!"

Gu Yang's temper came up again, and when he heard that her mother blamed her for such a ridiculous reason, he became furious.

Gu Yang went upstairs angrily.Shen Hua looked at Arthur, not knowing what to do.

"Let her alone, she is pregnant now, emotionally unstable, it's better to follow her way, otherwise it will be bad for her health! She works so hard to be happy, she will definitely not make herself sad, so don't blame her gone."

In Arthur's heart, Gu Yang is the most important thing, and everything else is just floating clouds.Of course he subconsciously defended her.

Shen Hua was shocked by the news of Gu Yang's pregnancy.Totally out of ideas right now.She had to listen to Arthur, and she always listened to Arthur anyway.

"Adults and children are all normal, there is no problem, but pay more attention to nutrition, don't be too picky eaters. Pay more attention to calcium supplementation!"

Arthur didn't go to the company the next day, and took Gu Yang directly to the hospital for examination.

After the doctor came to a conclusion, Shen Hua, who had been making trouble all the time, breathed a sigh of relief, but he also felt a heavy responsibility.

She is about to become a grandmother, and the responsibility of taking care of Gu Yang and the children will fall on her head.She wants to make them fat and white.

Gu Yang wanted to sleep a little bit.She was already very sleepy, but after she got pregnant, she felt that she didn't get enough sleep every day.So after the inspection, she was a little sluggish.

She is now the most concerned person in the family.Shen Hua relies on her to do everything.

In this way, she lived a life of domination and lawlessness in Italy.

As for Chen Ziran, he was still in dire straits in City C.

Ever since Gu Yang left, he has been in a grumpy state. Everyone in the DC Group is in danger, and they all stay away from him, fearing that if they are not careful, they will become cannon fodder.And Zeng Yi also asked him to go back many times, and he kept refusing with various reasons.

Gu Yang has been unable to find anyone.

Since she came out of the airport that day, her whole body seemed to have evaporated, completely disappeared.

It's been two months and still no one has been found.

Her phone has also been turned off all the time, and he has tried all the ways to contact her, such as QQ, email, etc., but he still can't contact her.

He even contacted Arthur once, and asked insincerely, but he looked blank and didn't know at all.It is conceivable that Gu Yang should not go back.

He was worried that some accidents would happen to Gu Yang from time to time, that's why he couldn't find anyone for such a long time.

Not long after the Lunar New Year, the company was busy, which made him even more unhappy to find Gu Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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