The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 278 Chen Muyang% Gu Mingyue

Chapter 278 Chen Muyang% Gu Mingyue

Gu Yang said that mothers are more expensive than children. When she moved back to the Chen family's old house, she found that Zeng Yi had nowhere to vent his emotions and bought a lot of things for babies in the mall.Looking at it like that, she probably doesn't need to prepare anything before the child is three years old.

But now I don't know whether the child is a boy or a girl. She has prepared so much, and it is estimated that more than half of it will not be needed by then, right?
Zeng Yi and Shen Hua were a little unhappy before, so when they meet now, they are still a little awkward with each other.

Fortunately, there was an unborn grandson as a mediator, and after spending half a day with each other, the relationship eased.

After all, their common purpose is the same.

That is: take good care of pregnant women and children!

The closer the due date was, the more serious the atmosphere at home was. Zeng Yi once suggested to go to the hospital and wait early to avoid being too busy.But Gu Yang didn't like to go to the hospital and smell the smell of disinfectant, so he always resisted and didn't want to go to the hospital.

Even Chen Ziran hoped that she would go to the hospital sooner.

There have been a lot of unexpected things in DC recently, as if he was against him, and he had to socialize every day until eight or nine in the evening before returning.

He obviously wanted to spend more time with the pregnant Gu Yang.In the end, I couldn't even achieve this wish.

Fortunately, Gu Yang is accompanied by someone every day, so don't blame him.

Otherwise, if you make her unhappy because you are too busy with your work, you will be blamed even if you die.

In this way, Gu Yang has been reluctant to go to the hospital.Every time I went for a pregnancy test, the doctor also said it was normal.

But her belly was shockingly big.

Finally, a week before the due date, the labor pains came ahead of schedule.

At that time, Gu Yang was sitting outside watching Qiuqiu play with Leo not long after dinner, and then she began to feel a throbbing pain in her stomach.

She couldn't bear the pain, and she didn't even have the strength to call others. Fortunately, Zeng Yi happened to come out at this moment. Seeing her clutching her stomach and looking painful, she probably knew what was going on, so she quickly asked someone to prepare a car and go there immediately. Hospital.

All the preparations made before, but under Gu Yang's early labor pains, nothing came in handy.

There were only two women, Zeng Yi and Shen Hua, plus Qiuqiu and a child in the family, and the other servants were all dumbfounded.Fortunately, Shen Hua calmed down after a while, and ordered the servants to do what they should do in an orderly manner.

The driver quickly got the car ready.

He hurriedly carried Gu Yang into the car, and started roaring towards the hospital.

Gu Yang moaned in pain in the car, because of the labor pain, he began to sweat non-stop.Shen Hua tried his best to comfort Gu Yang with his heartache, but he was also afraid that the wind would make her catch a cold, so he could only wipe his sweat with a tissue.

After Zeng Yi got into the car, he called his son with trembling hands.

Since Chen Ziran was approaching her due date, she carried her mobile phone with her every day, and never turned it off 24 hours a day.

At that time, he was in a meeting.Seeing the mobile phone on the table start to vibrate, and seeing the caller ID on it, I was startled, and answered the phone without thinking about anything.

"Gu Yang is about to give birth, we are rushing to the hospital, come here quickly!"

Zeng Yi was not in the mood to talk too much, after confirming that he heard it, he hung up directly.

After Zeng Yi hung up the phone, Chen Ziran still maintained the same posture of answering the phone, without moving.

He is completely stupid.

Didn't it mean that the due date is still a week away?Why is it early?
After reacting, the rush will be handed over to Mo Qingfeng to host, and he rushed out of the DC group alone.

He was too excited to drive, afraid that he would not be able to calm down and that something might happen, so he took a taxi outside to go to the hospital.

While waiting outside for the bus, it didn't take long, but he felt that the time was extremely long.He felt that his forehead was sweating, and his heart was pounding, as if he had just run 1000 meters.

It was already almost eight o'clock in the evening, and there was no traffic jam on the road, so he rushed to the hospital quickly.

"Mom! How's it going?"

Outside the waiting room, Zeng Yi, Shen Hua and Qiuqiu were wandering around anxiously, fidgeting.After seeing him coming, it seemed like a backbone had come, and finally he was relieved slowly.

Speaking of which, they are all people who have given birth to children. In theory, they should be very calm, but in the end they were extremely nervous.

All this is because Gu Yang's belly is bigger than ordinary people's pregnancy.

She has always been thinner and has a small frame, so giving birth should be painful.

They always told her to have a caesarean section to avoid any accidents, but she refused to listen and insisted on a normal delivery.As a result, I don't know what's going on inside now.

"Gu Yang is inside. The labor pains came too fast, and the amniotic fluid broke on the way we came. Why did you say it was so fast? When I gave birth to you, the pain lasted for so long that the amniotic fluid broke."

Zeng Yi murmured the answer.Holding Chen Ziran's arm with both hands, he looked nervously at the door of the waiting room.

But in fact, she couldn't see what was going on inside at all.

Chen Ziran has never given birth to a child, and his knowledge in this area is also very lacking. He doesn't know whether it is good or bad. Seeing her so nervous, he is also afraid of what will happen, and looks inside worriedly.

Everyone said that a woman gave birth to a child before the gate of hell was closed. Even now that the medical skills are advanced, he still feels a chill rising from the soles of his feet.After giving birth to this, he must not let Gu Yang continue to give birth.

The child hasn't come out yet, and he's about to burst from tension and worry.

Obviously he wasn't in pain, but he felt bored and extremely nervous.

Shen Hua walked back and forth.When she was pregnant with Gu Yang back then, she didn't have any pregnancy reaction at the beginning, and she was alive and kicking, but when she gave birth to her, she was in excruciating pain. Although the amniotic fluid broke, she just couldn't give birth, and it was once difficult to give birth.In the end, she was born by caesarean section.So when she gave birth to the ball, she directly chose to have a caesarean section.

She was afraid that Gu Yang would be the same now as she was back then.The pain was so painful that it was difficult to give birth.


Qiuqiu looked at her worriedly.Her face was pale now, as if she was about to faint in the next second.He was still young, so I don't know why they would be so nervous about having a baby.

It's like, if I'm not careful, my sister won't come out.

"Be good! My sister is giving birth to a baby inside, and you are going to be an uncle soon, you have to be strong!"

Shen Hua stroked Qiuqiu's face, distracting himself by talking to him.Sighing how time goes by so fast.

Back then, when Gu Yang was born, she was such a small lump. She didn't expect that it didn't take long. She became a mother and experienced the things she experienced back then.

(End of this chapter)

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