Chapter 281 Happiness
And his son doesn't seem to like seeing this father very much, he often urinates or something when he is holding him, and he will never stop until he breaks down every time.

But it was such a son who made him very speechless, and when he was in Gu Yang's arms, he behaved like a cat, very docile.

It made him look depressed.

But also lamented at his son's high EQ.

Although it's only been a month, he seems to already know which camp he should stand in at home.

After the full moon wine, Gu Yang felt that he was suddenly free, and he was around the two children every day, and he couldn't even do a little of his own things. He thought about giving birth to the child and returning to the rivers and lakes, and continued to hang out with Xiang Nan. The circle also seems unrealistic.

Apart from taking care of the eating, drinking, and sleeping of the two children, she is really free.

Originally, a nanny was hired at home, and the two mothers were also watching at home. Normally, there was nothing wrong with her, but as soon as the two little guys left her, they started crying, making her even go to the bathroom while they were asleep. when.

Xiang Nan came to see him several times at home to discuss the details of the wedding.After seeing her so pitiful, I never came here again.

Just when Xiang Nan was preparing for the wedding, a big news broke out in the entertainment industry.

I don't know why, but the fact that she had a child before was known and reported.It's just that in the report, it became Xiang Nan's heartless abortion!
Moreover, that time happened to be the time when Xiang Nan's previous scandal happened.Although there is no clear explanation in the news, it is all to guide everyone to imagine in that direction.

Xiang Nan felt a little baffled, and the good mood that had been accumulated with great difficulty recently was completely destroyed.

What made her even more mad was that paparazzi began to be stalked near her house again, and she would be blocked wherever she went, asking for her opinion on the news.

Just when she was about to get mad, the news took a magical turn.

Her former senior Chen Zilin suddenly appeared and held a press conference to clarify that she was coerced into the scandal three years ago.Prove Xiang Nan's innocence.

Xiang Nan, who had been involved in scandals for several years, was suddenly proven innocent, and the public was a little confused.Do not know what's going on.

But Chen Zilin seemed to be very convincing about this matter.

Chen Zilin's life has been very bad since the incident was exposed back then. She can't get along in the entertainment and modeling circles. It is said that she was adopted by a rich man, but she was later caught by her original partner and asked someone to ruthlessly After ruthlessly warning her, she disappeared completely.

No one expected that she would come out to clarify at this juncture.

But when she was asked who she was coerced by, she didn't say anything, but politely said that that person used to be in the circle, and his life is not good now, so there is no need to mention it again.

Then some smart people thought of Yin Luo.

Combined with what happened to Gu Yang before, people hated her even more.All of a sudden, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet.

The public's attention was completely shifted from Xiangnan's child to Yin Luo.This big turning point didn't even occur to her.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will know who is helping behind the scenes.

Besides Jin Ruichen, who else?

"But how did that person know about the child?"

Xiang Nan couldn't understand, this matter was very hidden, even Jin Ruichen only found out about it later, so where did this person come from to find out this matter?
"That person was hired by Bai Bingbing last year to follow you and find out. At that time, Bai Bingbing didn't let him report it, and planned to give you a fatal blow when he was going to give you a fatal blow. I didn't expect those things to happen later, so this news has never been reported. Come out. After thinking about it for a long time, the man sold the news to another newspaper."

It's easy to investigate these.As for that person, he also made him pay the price he should pay.

Naturally, Chen Zilin was also found by him.

He has always felt guilty towards Xiang Nan, thinking that she was hurt because he didn't protect her well.

Therefore, he has been secretly sending people to look for Chen Zilin, but he did not expect her to be so difficult to find.Fortunately, it just happened to catch up with a suitable time.

Xiang Nan never thought that this matter would be resolved so quickly.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of news can usually destroy an artist's years of hard work.

Therefore, the guidance of public opinion is really important.

However, it's good that this matter is dealt with so quickly, so that she can be her bride in peace.

The wedding was on a breezy autumn day.The sun is just right, but it doesn't dry out!Everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Chen Muyang and Gu Mingyue were hugged, wearing tiny Tang suits, they looked extremely cute.As soon as he appeared on the stage, he captured the hearts of everyone, big and small.

Qiuqiu was wearing a suit and a bow tie. All the girls in the audience blushed when they saw him.

Lin Jiaze was originally going on a business trip, but under Xiang Nan's insistence, he postponed the work and came early.

Besides him, Xiang Nan invited someone else.

It's Xu Mo!

Now that she is happy, she also wants to make everyone around her happy.

She had long suspected that Xu Mo's child belonged to Lin Jiaze, so she just took advantage of this opportunity to let the two meet again, saving the two awkward people from going further and further apart.

At first Xu Mo was worried that Lin Jiaze would come, so he refused to come anyway.Under Xiang Nan's repeated assurances that he would not come and was going on a business trip, he reluctantly agreed to come.

She will wait to see what kind of sparks the two of them will have.

"Will the two people you mentioned really come?"

She also told Gu Yang about Xiang Nan's plan, and she also found it very interesting, and wanted to see what kind of two people they were, so she kept asking Xiang Nan from the beginning of the morning.

"Don't worry, it will come."

She has everything in mind!
Gu Yang looked at the makeup artist who was doing her makeup, and felt a lot.

If she hadn't insisted on coming back to City C, maybe she would have really missed Chen Ziran.Although he really made her angry before, leaving a shadow in her heart, she still bravely chose to forgive him.

Love is trust!

She believed that he would make her happier and never make herself sad again.

For this trust, she is willing to walk into the prison of love he painted.

Let him spend his whole life repairing the shadow in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, I think it's really good!

In the future, they will definitely have all kinds of conflicts and disagreements, but since they have learned to trust each other, they will definitely handle it well.

Happiness is not easy to come by, cherish it!

On a sunny autumn day with a gentle breeze, she and Xiang Nan walked forward slowly.

There is the other shore of their happiness.

Lin Jiaze was standing outside calling clients, Xiang Nan was still putting on makeup inside, and the groom hadn't come yet.As one of the representatives of his natal family, he was already overwhelmed by the client's phone call.

From a distance, I saw a familiar figure walking past in a panic.

At first he didn't see who it was, but he didn't realize until he walked in.

It turned out to be Xu Mo! ! !
The person who suddenly disappeared in the United States!

I didn't expect to see her here, and I didn't expect that after a few years of seeing her, she would become more and more feminine.

Put out the cigarette in your hand, and hang up the customer's phone impatiently.He strode towards the woman who was about to walk over!The nameless fire in my heart started to rise up!

He has to ask carefully, what the hell is the reason for this woman to disappear for several years inexplicably!
In the morning, his son had a fever. Xu Mo didn't really want to come, but thinking that Xiang Nan had already agreed, so after handing over his son to the landlord, he came by car nervously.

She dreads running into acquaintances here.

If it wasn't for Xiang Nan's promise, she wouldn't have come!

When she was about to walk to the door, she suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure and looked up.My feet were soft and I almost fell down!
Xiang Nan Mingming told her that Lin Jiaze would not come.What the hell is the man in front of him now? ? ?

The only thing she hopes now is to find a crack in the ground and bury herself in it, so that he won't see her existence.I'm also very fortunate that my son didn't come with me today!
"Xu Mo! Long time no see! I think we should have a good talk!!!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about the reaction of the woman in front of him, he directly carried her on his shoulders, threw her into the car parked on the side, locked the door, and roared away.It doesn't matter if you're going to a wedding or not.

Upstairs of the back house.Xiang Nan and Gu Yang were standing on the balcony in their wedding dresses, watching the passing car and laughing secretly.Waiting for a good show to be staged.

This article is almost over here.Regarding the story of Lin Jiaze and Xu Mo, I will slowly describe it to everyone in another article when I have the opportunity.Thank you for your support to Yuanyuan along the way.Without you, I would not be able to insist on writing the story in my heart.

I will write more stories in the future. If I have time, maybe I will write some extra stories.

I also hope that everyone will still support Yuanyuan.

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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