Chapter 34 Gentleness 4
Chen Ziran was sitting on the sofa watching TV, the puppy who had just arrived in a strange place was still a little uneasy, sleeping next to his feet.

Listen to the sound of water coming from inside.Chen Ziran was fidgety for a while, and kept switching the TV station.

Therefore, when Gu Yang came out, he happened to see him throwing the remote control aside irritably.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Chen Ziran looked up at her and couldn't help being a little stunned. Gu Yang, who is 1.6 meters 1.8, wears the clothes of Chen Ziran, who is [-] meters [-]. It feels like he is wearing an adult's clothes. The T-shirt is so long that it reaches the thigh, it can be worn as a skirt.Fortunately, Gu Yang wore a pair of pants because of the cold, would be too easy to attract people's daydreams.

Because it was too long, Gu Yang rolled up his trousers for a long time.Below is a pair of slippers.Walking and kicking.

"Where are your clothes?" Chen Ziran saw her come out empty-handed, so he couldn't help asking her curiously.

"It's all wet, so I put it in the washing machine to wash, and I'm washing it now."

Chen Ziran stroked his forehead and sighed.There is a feeling of picking up a big trouble.Moreover, this trouble was even more troublesome than the one at his feet.

"Excuse me, after you washed your clothes, are you going to wear my clothes and go back to school???" Chen Ziran gritted his teeth, feeling a sense of foreboding in his heart.

"Senior, can I trouble you to take me in for one night? Just one night!" Gu Yang cutely stretched out his index finger and made a '1'.

But Chen Ziran didn't find it cute at all, only an eyesore.But there was no way, and it was impossible for her to leave in her own clothes.Had to compromise again.

With this compromise, Gu Yang was not as happy as he had imagined, and looked at him with a look of embarrassment.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

It's a terrible thing to get used to it. In just over three hours, he got used to her being so demanding and hesitating to speak.

"That." Gu Yang was really embarrassed this time: "Senior, can you help me go out and buy something?"

Chen Ziran glanced at her, motioning for her to continue.

"...My aunt is here!" After Gu Yang finished speaking, he lowered his head shyly.Although she is already a freshman, she is still quite embarrassed to say such a private thing in front of someone who is not familiar with her.

"She came to pick you up???"

Chen Ziran was surprised, he didn't understand what her 'big aunt' had to do with him. Could it be that he didn't take one in enough, but also took in the second one? ? ?So I just thought that her 'big aunt' was here to pick her up.

stupid! ! !
Gu Yang cursed in his heart, and finally said loudly without hesitation: "I want you to buy sanitary napkins. You are the only one who came to pick you up!!!"

Chen Ziran was dumbfounded and coughed in embarrassment.I don't know what to say.

He really couldn't understand why it was called 'big aunt' if it had a good scientific name? ? ?How embarrassing is this for their real aunt? ? ?

Because of embarrassment, Chen Ziran agreed without struggling.

Having said it all, Gu Yang lost the shyness before, and said directly: "As for the brand, I want ABC. I want a pack for daily use and night use. I want the extra long one for night use, 388 cm the kind, and"

Before Gu Yang finished speaking, he was interrupted by the person who got up and went out directly.She wondered if he could really understand?

(End of this chapter)

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