Chapter 49 Guard
He didn't want to stay, and the director naturally didn't dare to force him.

Before leaving, Chen Ziran seemed to suddenly remember something, and took Xiang Nan away with the excuse that the company's contract had regulations.

After walking to the hall, Chen Ziran stopped and said to Xiang Nan: "You wait for me here for a while, I'll come out right away." Then he helped Gu Yang to the private room he came out of earlier.

Originally, he was here today to entertain an important client and discuss a cooperation case.Unexpectedly, he saved Gu Yang by the way.In this situation, if Gu Yang is not sent back first, he will not be able to negotiate any business.

Still today, this client has cooperated many times before, and some of them are relatively close friends.I don't care about that either.They just cast a few extra glances at Gu Yang in his arms.Everyone here knows about him and Yin Luo.So now I was a little surprised to see Gu Yang.

But thinking about the scandal that had been going on for two days and then disappeared, everyone smiled in their hearts.

Chen Ziran is now worried about Gu Yang.Didn't notice what those people were thinking at all.As soon as he was forgiven, he left immediately.

When he walked to the hall, he saw Xiang Nan waiting at the door.

Chen Ziran watched her bury her head in the cold wind and kick her feet.I also feel a little uncomfortable.Anyway, Xiang Nan can be regarded as his school girl.He also heard a few words about her Xuezang in the previous two years.It was indeed wronged her.

"Xiang Nan!" Walking to her side, seeing that she didn't respond, he called out to her.I don't know what she was thinking, so engrossed.

"President!" Xiang Nan was startled, looked up at him, and said, "Gu Yang, is he okay?"

Gu Yang is now completely drunk.Chen Ziran carried her behind his back.

"Xiang Nan! I told you to wait for me because I wanted to say something to you." Chen Ziran's tone was unusually heavy.

Xiang Nan seemed to know what he was going to say, and lowered his head again, not looking at him.

"I don't care what entanglements you and Jin Ruichen had before, but I don't want Gu Yang to be involved in the matter between the two of you. You should know what my bottom line is."

Chen Ziran's expression was dignified. He was actually not very clear about the matter between her and Jin Ruichen, but he had only heard a few words from some circles before.Today's incident, in his opinion, although Jin Ruichen provoked it, it was probably because of Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan turned pale and wanted to explain, but just now Caikou said "I don't have any" and couldn't continue.

Today's matter, no matter what, has nothing to do with her.

She and Jin Ruichen. That can only be said to be, evil fate! ! !

"Whether it's because of Gu Yang, or because you are worth it, in short, the company is planning to praise you again. I believe you have heard her. But... if you hurt Gu Yang, I will let you I can’t stay in this line of work anymore. You should know if I have the ability.”

"Senior, don't worry, I won't hurt Gu Yang, I... also regard her as my friend!"

Calling him a senior means that she abandoned the relationship between superiors and subordinates and made a promise from the standpoint of a friend.

Xiang Nan couldn't help being a little envious of Gu Yang, even if something like that happened to her back then.But Chen Ziran is still willing to guard her silently behind her back.

very nice! ! !

I don't know, where is the person who is willing to protect her? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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