Chapter 53 Help Me
Bring Gu Yang to the bedroom and comfort her to sit on the bed.I went into the bathroom to clean up the aftermath of the fight just now.

When it was being cleaned well, Gu Yang kicked, staggered, walked in, supported the door and said, "I want to pee!"

Chen Ziran choked on his saliva, walked out awkwardly and said, "Then use it first!"

"do not want!"

Gu Yang didn't rely on him, he relied on Chen Ziran and didn't let go: "I don't want it, I want you to help me!"

Chen Ziran drove out all kinds of unsuitable images in his mind, shook his head, and tried hard to get her off: "Good boy, can you go by yourself??? I'll help you make the bed first it is good."

"Hmm~~~" Gu Yang shook his head, and directly refused: "I want you to help me! However, do you not love me anymore? You are not even willing to help me!"

Gu Yang burst into tears, with a pitiful look of being abandoned, let go of the hand holding him, and walked to the bathroom lonely.

Chen Ziran's heart was broken. How could it be possible for her to leave sadly like this? He quickly took her hand and said bluntly: "How could I not love you? I'm going to give you a bath The water is coming."

Just after finishing speaking, Chen Ziran wanted to slap himself in the face. Isn't this pushing himself into the abyss? ? ?

Gu Yang's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously.

Gu Yang's house is a traditional small house, the toilet and bathtub are in the same room, and the space is very small.

So... Gu Yang sat comfortably on the toilet, dangling his feet.Humming an out-of-key song in a happy mood.

On the other hand, Chen Ziran was all staring straight ahead.I silently recited 'I am a gentleman' a hundred times in my heart, trying to control myself not to turn my head to look at her.I also tried my best to control the images that shouldn't be in my mind.

Oops! ! !
"Of course, I want more bubbles!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Yang didn't mind being chaotic, and he still had to point fingers.

Chen Ziran put the water away and stood up, turned around but was startled.Faintly felt that the nosebleed that had just stopped began to flow outside again.

Gu Yang was taking off his clothes and preparing to take a bath as if no one else was around.He struggled to unbutton his clothes.She is drunk, and her accuracy rate needs to be improved.I can't solve it for a long time.

Then he looked at Chen Ziran with tears on his face.

Silently swallowed his saliva.Chen Ziran looked away.

If it weren't for knowing that she was drunk, and knowing that she was sober, it would be impossible for her to do such a bold thing.Chen Ziran would definitely think that she was really seducing him.

But she was obviously unintentional, but she was still bewitched.

"Maomao, listen carefully. You can take a shower by yourself later. Then come out, and I'll warm up a cup of milk for you." Chen Ziran said to her word by word.

Gu Yang seemed to understand what he meant, and nodded obediently.Just when Chen Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, Gu Yang turned around abruptly.Pointing to the buttons of the underwear, he said, "If you untie it, I'll let you out."

Chen Ziran gasped.Trembling hands to help her unbutton.Because he couldn't calm down, he withdrew his hand several times because he touched her back.

After finally helping her unbutton it, Chen Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly slipped outside when she was about to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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