Chapter 56 Resentment
Seeing that the sky was bright, Gu Yang felt that something was wrong, so he crossed over to Chen Ziran and picked up the phone in his bag to see that it was already ten o'clock! ! !

Gu Yang put down the phone, scratched his hair with his hands, and shook his head frantically.Then he picked up the pillow and hit Chen Ziran: "Why didn't you call me when the alarm clock rang???"

While avoiding her attack, Chen Ziran said, "I saw that you didn't wake up, so I turned off the alarm clock!"

He really didn't do it on purpose. He was debating whether to wake her up, but seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, he didn't have the heart to wake her up.Of course, with the gentle and soft jade in his arms, he still has his own selfish intentions.

Gu Yang jumped out of bed, rushed into the bathroom, and took the time to tidy himself up.Chen Ziran also got out of bed, put on his clothes, walked to the door frame of the bathroom and stood there, watching Gu Yang busy inside like a spinning top, a sense of happiness welled up spontaneously.

But happiness is always short-lived. Gu Yang, who was brushing his teeth, looked at the figure reflected in the mirror, and pushed him out with his mouth full of bubbles, regretting inside alone.

Now this situation is completely beyond her control, her mind is in a mess, and she doesn't know what to do.

When Gu Yang came out, Chen Ziran was sitting outside reading a book.As the sun shines on his body, Gu Yang suddenly has a feeling that the years are peaceful.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Gu Yang asked him in a sad manner.

Chen Ziran's black line, as if they were having an affair, they went their separate ways in the morning?But the point is, he didn't steal anything, did he?
"I won't go out until I wash my face and brush my teeth." Chen Ziran said coolly.Continue to flip through the book in your hand, regardless of her.

Gu Yang gritted his teeth, remembering his habits, gritted his teeth and went out to help him buy daily necessities.

"Gu Yang! Let's talk!"

After Chen Ziran cleaned up, he told Gu Yang straight to the point.

"What are you talking about? What's there to talk about? Anyway, nothing happened last night, so you won't suffer, right?" Gu Yang was impatient.In this situation, she didn't think the two of them could have anything to talk about.But looking at him, he looks like he is bound to win.Can't help feeling a little apprehensive.

"Gu Yang." Chen Ziran grabbed her who was pretending to be busy: "The previous thing was that I was sorry for you, but..."

Hearing him mention the past, Gu Yang felt a burst of heartache.He raised his hand and slapped his hand away, pushing him out.Pushing and saying: "You go out, I don't want to see you now. I don't want to talk to you, I have nothing to talk to you."

She kept her head down, and Chen Ziran felt tears dripping on his hands.There was a burst of pain in my heart.I can't help scolding myself that I deserve it, and I have brought it on myself.

With a "bang", Gu Yang closed the door, no matter how much he knocked on the door outside, he was unwilling to open it.

With his back against the door, Gu Yang sat down limply.Hug your legs and bury your head in your knees.curl up into a ball.Silent sobbing.

Some people say that when a person feels extremely insecure in his heart, he will shrink into a ball.protect yourself.It was the same posture as when I was still inside my mother's womb.

Some things, once they happen, can never be undone.

How can the wound left in the bottom of my heart be easily erased by saying sorry?

How did she get through those countless dark nights?Where was he then?
It was only now that Gu Yang realized that she hated Chen Ziran in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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