The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 58 Welcome Chapter Comes

Chapter 58 Welcome back
Gu Yang's drinking power is not good, and after a lap, he was already a little dizzy, but he was still holding on. Xiang Nan knew that she wanted to stay here to protect herself.I was completely moved in my heart, but my face was still calm.

The director kept flattering Jin Ruichen. To him, Jin Ruichen was the sponsor. As long as the relationship was established, it would be much easier to get sponsors for filming in the future.

"If I remember correctly, this should be Miss Xiang Nan who became popular all over the country two years ago, right?"

"Boss Jin, you have a really good memory. This is Miss Xiang's first comeback drama." The director quickly took over the conversation, bowed and said.

"Oh? Then Director Wang, you really picked up a treasure. Miss Xiang is not easy. Besides, after two years of absence, Miss Xiang has become more and more radiant."

Jin Ruichen raised the corner of his mouth evilly, already pointing something.Xiang Nan felt that under his evil eyes, there was nothing to hide, like a commodity up for sale.

"Thanks to Mr. Jin, you still remember me. Xiang Nan is very grateful, and I will toast!" Gu Yang went out, and even if it was a sea of ​​swords and fire, he had to bear it down.She raised her wine glass and looked at him arrogantly.

A smile flashed across Jin Ruichen's eyes, he picked up the wine glass in his hand, and drank it heartily.

Seeing this, the people around set off another climax of toasting.

There is a lot of voices, and the south is like sitting on pins and needles.Bai Bingbing on the opposite side couldn't tolerate her, and together with several other actresses were pushing her against her openly and secretly, she didn't care about it, she listened too much to the sarcastic remarks.But she couldn't bear Jin Ruichen looking at her from time to time, as if he wanted to cut her into pieces.

Fortunately, after a while, Gu Yang came back, accompanied by Chen Ziran.

Xiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and left with Chen Ziran nervously under Jin Ruichen's cannibalistic gaze.

While waiting for Chen Ziran in the hall, she didn't stand in the hall, but in the dark outside.When the night wind blew, he woke up a lot.The only trace of alcohol dissipated without a trace.Xiang Nan has never been so awake like this moment.

At this moment, she received a text message.

"Xiang Nan, welcome back!"

The number was an unfamiliar number, but the string of familiar numbers hurt her eyes.

Squeezing his hands vigorously, Xiang Nan kept taking a deep breath.Now she can even imagine Jin Ruichen's arrogance looking at the phone at the moment.Heartbroken, he deleted the text message and turned off his phone.Never mind.

After seeing off Gu Yang and Chen Zi, Xiang Nan walked back slowly by himself.

Since I walked back, almost an hour had passed by the time I got home.Opening the door, she unexpectedly saw the person she didn't want to see sitting on the sofa watching TV.

After Jin Ruichen arrived, he couldn't wait for anyone to come back, and kept changing channels in frustration.Hearing the sound of the door opening, he kept the remote control aside, looked at Xiang Nan sarcastically and said, "Hey, the big star Xiang is finally back, and he was planning to go to the newspaper to find someone."

Although Xiang Nan was a little surprised that he was here, he was not surprised at all that he could come in.I thought to myself, I should find someone to change the lock tomorrow.

"President Jin got drunk and went to the wrong place? This is not Bai Bingbing's home." Without outsiders, Xiang Nan was not polite to him.

Sitting comfortably on the sofa, Jin Ruichen shrugged and said, "This is my home, isn't it? You know if I've gone wrong."

Indeed, this should be his house.Because of those incidents she broke out back then, all the money was used to pay liquidated damages, and even her own house was mortgaged.If he had given her a small apartment before, it is estimated that she would really be homeless.

(End of this chapter)

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