Chapter 60 News
After Gu Yang hung up the phone, she kept changing channels, and she found a TV station that was broadcasting the news.

Obviously, the media is still very curious about the former queen, especially when she was so embarrassed when she came back.The media also dug up all the previous news about Xiang Nan and broadcast them over and over again, and then made a 360-degree all-round commentary on yesterday's slap incident.

What's ridiculous is that there are all one-sided personal attacks on Xiang Nan, what's down, acting skills, unspoken rules, all kinds of unreasonable and unfounded speculations are rampant.But for Bai Bingbing who hit someone, he said that he didn't get tired of it.Gu Yang watched halfway and couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned off the TV directly.

When Gu Yang came downstairs to Xiang Nan's house, he saw a bunch of Yu Ji outside.No matter how bitter the cold wind is, it can't stop their enthusiasm for digging deep into the gossip.

Fortunately, because she is a newcomer now and has never shown her face in front of the media, those people only thought that she was a resident here and did not pay much attention to her.

All the way up the stairs smoothly.into the house.

"Don't panic, let me handle this matter. This is also an opportunity." She knew that Xiang Nan must be feeling very uncomfortable now.So calm her down first.

Xiang Nan is indeed uneasy now, not because of the news, but because of what Jin Ruichen said last night.She intuitively thought that he ordered others to do this.If he really did it, she doesn't think Gu Yang can control it.

"Gu Yang. I also want to tell you something."

After thinking about it, she still decided to tell Gu Yang the matter, so that she might have a bottom line in her heart.

After hearing Xiang Nan's words, Gu Yang was already dumbfounded.She really didn't expect that she would have such a past.I also really feel that the past two years have not been easy for her.In comparison, my own experience is completely insignificant.

"Right now, I have no choice but to take one step at a time. Now that the news of your comeback has been revealed, I'm going to hold a press conference for you in two days. There will definitely be many entertainment journalists who say nothing at all. Questions will definitely expose your scars directly. You have to be prepared."

The plan can't keep up with the changes. Now that something like this has happened, many things have to be done in advance.As for whether it was Jin Ruichen who did it, it was really not something worth considering for Gu Yang.

Seeing that Gu Yang wasn't worried at all, Xiang Nan also calmed down miraculously.She felt that she was indeed a bit of an underdog.

"But... how do we go out now? There is still a scene to be filmed in the afternoon!"

The most important thing now is to go out first.

"Do you have a car? Let's go straight to the garage and drive out."

"There is a scooter, but... I dare not drive it."

She has a driver's license, but since the incident happened before, she has a shadow on driving.Haven't touched a car for two years.

"Well, I don't have a driver's license either."

Gu Yang was confused, and decided to call Lu Jun for help after a while.

As a three-good male best friend with excellent qualities, Lu Jun has played a considerable role in this emergency situation that requires him.In less than half an hour, his car was parked in the underground parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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