The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 62 Press Conference 1

Chapter 62 Press Conference 1
Until they got in the car, neither of them gave a positive answer.After a while, all the entertainment reporters at the scene also left.They are all waiting for the press conference three days later to dig out a lot of first-hand news materials.

"President, news just came that Gu Yang privately informed the media that he would hold a press conference for Xiangnan's comeback."

"Well, when the time comes, you arrange someone to watch it, and stop it in time if there is any situation."

Chen Ziran didn't lift his head.Unmoved.

Mo Qingfeng was surprised that this kind of broker's private promise to hold a press conference has always been explicitly prohibited by the company.If the CEO does this, will he be too partial to Gu Yang?
"President, isn't the company not allowing the agent to hold a press conference?" She cautiously tested him.I'm afraid that his uncle will send him to the frontier when he gets angry.

"Oh, is that so? I knew about this beforehand." Flipping through the documents in his hand, he didn't lift his head.

Mo Qingfeng burst into tears, and slandered in his heart: Do you know what it means to open your eyes and tell nonsense?It is what you are now, President.

Leaving aside these vignettes.Although the press conference was announced, there were a lot less entertainment news, but secretly there were still a few paparazzi who were unwilling to give up and squatted downstairs in Xiang Nan's house.As a last resort, Xiang Nan had to stay at Gu Yang's house for a few days.

When studying, the two were in the same dormitory.Living together again after a few years made both of them a little excited.Each of them talked about some things about themselves in recent years.It was very late.Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with Xiangnan the next day.

This is also an advantage of not being famous.You don't have to be so idle, you can sleep until you wake up naturally.And because of Xiang Nan's light, she no longer has to go to the company to clock in and commute from nine to five.

Some people say that the two happiest things in life are: sleep until you wake up naturally, and count money until your hands cramp.Now that she has the first one, she is working hard on the second one.

On the second day, Gu Yang bought some food in the market downstairs and came back, and the two of them watched TV and DVDs at home for a whole day.All of them were performed before Xiang Nan.

The confrontation between the two made a full-scale evaluation of Nan's acting skills.He even tried it out on the spot.

Such decadent days are soon over.On the third day, the two had to come to DC Group early.

There was already a hard-working Yu Ji guarding the door.Seeing the two people get out of the car, they quickly surrounded them.

No matter what they ask.Gu Yang has always been very decent in front of him, blocking the photo taking symbolically.And said: "If you have any questions, you can ask Xiang Nan together later. Now everyone can go to the conference room to take a rest. Okay?"

Fortunately, before coming here, Xiang Nan had already done a perfect makeup.Now, shoot whatever they want.With Xiangnan's foundation, there is no need to worry that the photos will not look good.These are free ads that are readily available.No need for nothing.

Because Chen Ziran had ordered to take care of it before, Mo Qingfeng arranged countless security guards to guard the DC building early in the morning.I was afraid that the scene would get out of control and cause irreparable mistakes.I'm even more afraid that Yuji will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and pry into other artists' privacy.

When seeing Gu Yang, Mo Qingfeng pretended to complain to her.Blame her for not saying it in advance.Keep him busy temporarily.

"Isn't there no way to do it? It happened suddenly. Besides, your working ability is obvious to all DC. I believe you will be fine."

Gu Yang also felt a little sorry.She suddenly agreed to this matter a little impulsively.But the situation at that time did not allow her time to think about better ways.

(End of this chapter)

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