Chapter 86 Annual Meeting
"Who told you to be so good at leading the south? Of course the company wants to squeeze as much of your ability as possible!"

"Please, where is my reason? It's all due to Xiang Nan's own hard work and her solid foundation before!" If she is asked to lead a novice who doesn't understand at all, it will be very difficult for her!
"Then who knows?" Sun Xiaomei spread her hands and shrugged, she just heard about it.

Thinking that if he really brings someone to her again, it will be a year later, so Gu Yang no longer cares about it.Anyway, her opinion can't make things turn around.

DC's annual meeting has always been full of big names, star-studded, and many artists who have not been announced under the banner are all dressed up, and there are countless handsome men and beautiful women in the venue.

Gu Yang hid in the corner and silently looked at the scene in front of him, clicking his tongue.Those first-line stars who are not seen in person on weekdays are all living in the same hall with her at this moment, which is simply too challenging for people's psychological endurance.

"How do you feel??" Xiang Nan didn't like this kind of occasion, so he nestled with her and didn't go to socialize.Today, in addition to DC's employees and its stars, there are also many company leaders who work well with DC.If you hook up with one casually, it will be considered developed.

However, she really wasn't interested.

"It's so handsome, I really want to jump on it!"

Gu Yang is not interested in female stars, he has some of them, it's just a matter of size, but handsome guys are different.She is a veritable face control~~~ There are so many handsome guys walking around in front of her, it really takes a lot of control to not rush directly~~~
Seeing Chen Ziran whose eyes were burning not far away, Xiang Nan was so wicked that he didn't want to remind Gu Yang.

"Actually, our president is also handsome, obviously much handsomer than these men. I think he will welcome you to jump on him."

Gu Yang followed her gaze and saw that Chen Ziran was talking about something with a man, who happened to be facing them, as if sensing Gu Yang's gaze, and looked up at her.

Gu Yang gave Nan a silent look, and said, "Don't say such horrible things anymore, he has seen it too many times, he is already immune..."

Xiang Nan was startled at first, and then laughed out loud.

God, if Chen Ziran knew about Gu Yang's thoughts, he would probably want to strangle her to death, right? ? ?
In fact, Gu Yang didn't think so completely in his heart, but at that moment, he couldn't help but say it out, and then, it felt as if the two of them really had an affair.

Before the whole annual meeting started, Chen Ziran started all kinds of busy work, never resting for a moment.They are being dragged to discuss lengthy business deals all the time.If it weren't for these people's cooperation with DC, he probably would have left them long ago.

But when he was so busy, he saw Gu Yang sitting in a corner bored, drooling at the handsome guy with his sparkling eyes, of course he felt annoyed.

Originally, when he saw her looking at him, he could still give her a loving look, but he didn't expect it. .She actually looked cold, and Xiang Nan laughed outright.

'Gu Yang! ! ! He gritted his teeth early in his heart: "When I am free, I must look at you." '

Cover up your hurt heart, and pretend to be strong to deal with different partners.

(End of this chapter)

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