Chapter 89 Newcomer
The downside of being a celebrity manager is that you don't have fixed holidays.Everything depends on the schedule of the artist.

Just like now.

His glamorous mother has already made several overseas phone calls, urging her and urging her to go back for the New Year, but she has no time to go back because of Xiang Nan's previous filming of the TV conference.

In fact, Xiang Nan doesn't have to come, because she really has too few roles in it, a female supporting role among female supporting roles.The director found her in order to take advantage of the topicality and popularity Xiang Nan had accumulated before.In order to maintain sufficient exposure, of course Xiang Nan participated.

Of course, Bai Bingbing, who is the heroine, also participated.

Now Bai Bingbing has successfully signed a contract with DC and is an artist under DC.I didn't see her at the last annual meeting because she was filming outside, so this is the first time I saw her after she signed the contract.

It was rare for Bai Bingbing and Xiang Nan to appear together, which aroused the gossip nerves of the reporters. After asking some routine questions, they inevitably mentioned the previous slap incident.

So, these reporters really have a good memory, and they can still remember things that have been going on for so long.A piece of news that I have been following for so long.

"Gu Yang! Boss Lu told you to go to the planning department!" Gu Yang was dancing with Xiang Nan below, when a colleague received an internal call and came to look for her.

"You looking for me???"

Walking directly into Lu Jun's office, Gu Yang found that there were still two people inside, one was Lin Dapeng and the other was a young boy, whom he had never seen before.Thinking of what Sun Xiaomei said before to bring one more person, Gu Yang understood.Probably know what it is for.

He nodded to Lin Dapeng as a greeting.

"Gu Yang, this is An Yuhang, you will take him from now on! Yuhang, this is Gu Yang, your future manager. All your affairs will be handled by her in the future!" Lin Dapeng introduced to them.

Gu Yang nodded, expressing his understanding.This boy looks very good. If he is trained well, he will have a great future.

"Do you have any specialties?" Gu Yang still wants to know some of his specialties first, so that he can prescribe the right medicine.

"His voice is very distinctive, I've heard him sing before, it's very good!" Lu Jun said to him from behind.When selecting artists, he had already tried.

"Okay, I'll talk about that later, come down with me first, I'll get to know it slowly!" Gu Yang looked at the time, Xiang Nan was almost going to participate in the show.She doesn't have time to stay here any longer.

She is going to take him to watch some of Xiangnan's show to deal with these.

"where do you live now?"

When the elevator went down, Gu Yang asked him, as a manager, she must know all the movements and personal situations of the artists under her.

"Now temporarily live in the dormitory arranged by the company!"

Gu Yang understands that because every new artist has no film contract in the early stage, generally speaking, they will not have any source of income, so the company has specially prepared collective dormitories for these artists.

Ding! ! !
The elevator door opened.

"You follow me to the show today, and we'll talk about the details when the show is over!"

The new artist was very obedient, and had no objection to Gu Yang's words, and followed Gu Yang calmly all the way. If she didn't ask, he wouldn't take the initiative to speak.Gu Yang was a little worried about his dull personality.

In the entertainment industry, smooth people have to go more smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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