Chapter 9 Interview
After Sun Xiaomei came back, she told Gu Yang about the strange behavior of the CEO. Gu Yang felt uneasy and didn't know what he wanted to do.

Moreover, although he didn't want to, he had already spoken, so he had no choice but to prepare and go to the conference room for an interview with him.

When she walked to the door of the conference room, she just ran into her boss, Lin Lin.

Before going in, Lin Lin cast a thoughtful glance at Gu Yang.I don't know what is going on in my heart.

All the interviewees had already arrived, and there were two empty seats in front, Gu Yang was embarrassed.Originally, the seats in the conference room were arranged according to the number of people, but now suddenly there was one more person, so I had to move a stool to squeeze in with the cheek.

As soon as Gu Yang sat down, the door of the meeting room was opened.Chen Ziran walked in.

All the people inside stood up in fear and trepidation to greet him.

Chen Ziran walked to the seat between Gu Yang and Lin Lin and sat down, and said in a deep voice, "Let's get started!"

He put the resume handed over by Gu Yang aside, didn't look at it, looked at the applicant in front of him with his hands crossed and said: "I think everyone has a lot of understanding of DC before, and the applicants are planning managers. Position. The most important thing in planning is to keep pace with the times, everyone may wish to share your understanding of the job of planning in your mind. Or how do you plan to do this job well?"


Everyone was a little nervous about his random question, afraid that they might not be able to answer his ideas.

After the first two people answered blankly and weakly, the others may have cleared their minds, or they may have been inspired. In short, the answers of the latter people are not bad.

At least Gu Yang thinks so.However, Gu Yang glanced at the man next to him, he didn't seem to be satisfied with their answers?

Chen Ziran knew that Gu Yang was secretly looking at him, but he never returned her glance.

After everyone answered, Chen Ziran didn't say whether he was good or bad, but said directly: "Since everyone seems to be very nervous, let's make a game."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.Everyone listened attentively to what he had to say.Fear of missing something.

"Suppose you are the survivors of a shipwreck and are drifting at sea. Now you have these things in your hands: matches, plastic sheets, mirrors, food, compass and water. You can't carry so many things now. Which one do you want to throw away first, and which one do you want to keep in the end? I will give you two or 10 minutes to choose, and finally tell me the answer and the reason."

There was an uproar below.

This question obviously looks so simple, but why did he give it so long?Is there another mystery?

Everyone is afraid of any traps and dare not slack off.

Gu Yang looked at Chen Ziran in shock after hearing his beginning, with complicated emotions.

Gu Yang is no longer familiar with this question that he is familiar with.

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Probably more than seven years ago.

At that time, Gu Yang was 19 years old and had just entered college.

The school is a university A full of humanistic atmosphere. Not long after entering the school, the school organized an outdoor development activity.

This is a tradition of University A, an annual outdoor development.

Gu Yang didn't want to go at first, she was never interested in this kind of group activities, but her classmates encouraged her vigorously and insisted that she go together.Moreover, the teachers in the department also said that there is no necessary reason, all of them must go.

Gu Yang reluctantly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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