Chapter 96 Shady
But she really doesn't have the courage to live alone anymore.Looking for a house is not something that can be found in a short while.Moreover, this matter must not be known by the media.

"En..." He nodded his head almost imperceptibly, and agreed.

"But I ask that I have my own separate bedroom!"

She had been to his house before, but there were too many guest rooms.Although she knew that he would definitely not do anything to her, she had better declare in advance.

Jin Ruichen didn't pick it up in one breath, almost lost his breath, felt a pain in his heart, and said nonchalantly: "Of course you have your guest room. Otherwise, my girlfriend will be jealous."

After that, both of them were speechless, and after finishing their breakfast in silence, Jin Ruichen sent Xiang Nan to the company.

"How are you?" Gu Yang greeted the car as soon as it entered the underground parking lot.She's been here before.

Shaking his head: "I'm fine, it's just that the house was damaged."

"You go up first, and I'll ask Lily to help you pack and move your things later. If you have anything to do, call me, and I'll pick you up in the afternoon." Without waiting for her reaction, she just hit the accelerator. Step on, make a sharp turn, and drive out.

Gu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked narrowly at Xiang Nan.this progress. .A little faster than she expected!
"It's not what you think!" Xiang Nan rolled his eyes, ignoring her obscene thoughts.

"How will you be here?"

"Your Boss Jin asked for it. He said he was worried about you going up alone, and he is not good at appearing with you on these occasions for fear of affecting your career~~~ So, I, the sad manager, had to come to run errands ~~~"

'Puff Chi'.Xiang Nan, who had been silent all night, was finally amused by her excellent singing and writing performance: "Gu Yang, you should also become an actor. Just based on your part just now, I guarantee you will be popular!"

The two walked up talking and laughing.

Originally, it was said that she would find an assistant to run around with her, but Gu Yang was obviously worried about her, so he still did everything by himself.Follow her busy.The new assistant, the little sister, seemed quite relaxed.

"What about An Yuhang? Is it really okay if you don't follow him???" Xiang Nan doubted that An Yuhang would cause trouble for her.

"Lu Jun and the others are currently preparing a singing talent show. I will ask him to practice with the teacher every day. About next month, we can take advantage of this talent show to push him out. His voice is good, and he should enter the music world. Not too much of an issue."

She has roughly planned An Yuhang's journey and discussed it with him. He also said that there is no problem.So she was able to follow south at any time in the past two days.

" it a shady scene???"

She gave her a blank look: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

In her opinion, what about the shady scene?An Yuhang has that strength. Although he won't win the championship, he still has the strength to become a blockbuster in the competition and win over a lot of fans.After all, he was born with the aesthetics of today's little girls, coupled with his magnetic voice, and acquired exercise.She is still very sure that she can make him popular.

The premise is that he doesn't make trouble for her.

When they left the company to catch up with the announcement, a tall and tough man suddenly appeared in front of them, which startled Gu Yang.It took a long time to realize that Jin Ruichen was worried about Xiang Nan's safety, so he specially found a bodyguard to follow him.

Gu Yang took a silent look at Nan, but they were still not in love.It's all so thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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