Chapter 871
"give me."

The second lady's eyebrows and eyes were angry, and she reached out to take the cane. Today, she wants to let this bitch Mo Qingran experience the feeling of being beaten, otherwise she thought that the gate of the Xiao family is really so easy to enter.

Jiujiu's long eyelashes flickered slightly, and he slowly raised his eyes. A pair of blushing eyes looked into the angry eyes of the second lady, without a trace of fear. Seeing her extremely arrogant appearance, the second lady felt extremely angry, I feel a fishy sweetness in my throat.

I have never seen such a ignorant woman!
The cane was held up high, and the Chief Manager's face turned pale instantly when he saw it. There was something added to the cane.

If the vine goes down, Miss Mo will be torn apart!

If the young master doesn't care, then forget it, but what if the young master does?
Anger pervaded the entire living room, the cane was raised high, blowing a sharp wind, and it was about to be thrown towards Jiujiu's shoulder.

Ade's face changed slightly, and he stepped forward to protect Jiujiu, but was entangled by four bodyguards at the same time, unable to jump out for a while.

Ade was so anxious that he fought them desperately...


Ade let out a low growl in shock, and wanted to rush towards Jiujiu, but those bodyguards entangled him very tightly. The veins on Ade's forehead burst, and panic flashed in his eyes.

The rattan flew up and slammed heavily at Jiujiu, and in the middle of it, the direction was sharply biased, and it slammed towards Jiujiu's face.

Many servants were so shocked that they covered their eyes, not daring to take a closer look. Her face was ruined with that whip.


When the sound came out, Ade suddenly closed his eyes, he was so annoyed that he didn't protect the lady well and caused her to be hurt, the muscles on his neck were protruding, and while growling, he angrily threw away all the bodyguards When he turned around and rushed towards Jiujiu, he shouted excitedly.


The cold breath rushed over in an instant, and everyone in the living room stiffened their backs. The second lady was even more shocked to see Xiao Qingzhan who was holding the cane with his bare hands, with blood overflowing from his palms, and couldn't restrain his anger and anger.

"What are you doing? She's just an outsider, and she deserves this from you?"

There is something added to the rattan, I am afraid that Xiao Qingzhan's palms at the moment are full of tiny blood holes, otherwise there will be no more blood, and in order to block the whip, he holds the whip tightly with his hand, and the wound will only hurt. Getting heavier and heavier.

Xiao Qingzhan raised his cold eyes slightly, and glanced at the blood dripping from his palm. When the pain came, he knew that these people had moved their hands and feet in the rattan.

The second wife not only wanted Tang Jiujiu to be punished, but also wanted her to be disfigured. In order to prevent Tang Jiujiu from entering Xiao's house, she really spared no effort!
"What are you doing in a daze, go get the medicine and ask Dr. Bo to come over."

Seeing the blood falling into the gray carpet drop by drop, the second lady panicked at this moment.

The bodyguard who was holding the wine quickly backed away, with a look of fear in his eyes.

When Jiujiu saw this scene, pain welled up in his eyes, he rushed to Xiao Qingzhan, threw the cane away, and opened his bloody palm.

"Go away!"

Seeing Jiujiu and Xiao Qingzhan cuddling together, Mrs. Xiao Er was so angry that she pushed Jiujiu away.

Just when everyone watched this scene in horror, thinking that Jiujiu would fall out, they saw the young master's figure was sharp, and when he leaned over, he quickly reached out and hugged Jiujiu into his arms.

Seeing this scene, the second lady's expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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