Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 18 Tang 4 makes a move.

Chapter 18 Tang Si makes a move.

Dai Mubai's claws fluttered, shaking off the vines that were wrapping around him.Strengthened by two spirit rings, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass became extremely tough, and extremely flexible, Tang San could control it at will, and Dai Mubai couldn't cut it off.

Tang San possessed the internal strength of Xuantian Kung Fu, so it can be said that the soul power can be used more fully.Under the infusion of Tang San's soul power, the Blue Silver Grass flocked towards Dai Mubai continuously.

Dai Mubai was tightly surrounded by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass. "Win!" Xiao Wu said happily. "Not yet, the beast spirit's attack power isn't so weak anymore, and this is still a battle spirit with a thousand-year-old spirit ring."

Tang Si interrupted Xiao Wu's excitement.Dai Mubai's first spirit ring surrounded by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass lit up, and a white mask appeared around Dai Mubai, which the Blue Silver Grass couldn't penetrate at all.

Immediately afterwards, the second spirit ring also lit up, a white ball of light spewed out from Dai Mubai's mouth, exploded with a bang, and he also tore apart the circle of blue silver grass. "Tang San, you are indeed strong, but the attack power of the beast spirit is beyond your imagination." Dai Mubai looked confident.

"That's not necessarily true." Tang San's second spirit ring lit up, and the blue silver grass under Dai Mubai's feet instantly grew, binding Dai Mubai.

Moreover, many spikes grew on the blue silver grass, piercing towards Dai Mubai.This is exactly the second spirit ring ability that Tang San obtained by hunting ghost vines: Parasite.

The nerve-paralyzing toxin that makes the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun carry ghost vines, and if it is controlled, it will be impossible to escape. With the injection of the toxin, the control will only become stronger and stronger.It can be said to be an extremely insidious control skill.

"When!" Dai Mubai felt his body start to become numb, unable to lift his strength.

Seeing the astonishment in Dai Mubai's eyes, Tang San explained: "My blue silver grass is poisonous, from the beginning of the battle, the poison of blue silver grass has slowly penetrated into your body, although it is not obvious, but it is It can lower your perception and facilitate the use of my second soul ability.

So, you lose again. "Wrapped into a ball, Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San flatly: "Indeed, if I were at the same level as you, I would have already lost. After all, my whole body is paralyzed and I can't use any strength.

But I'm a soul master with three rings, so I'll show you my third soul skill! ""White Tiger Vajra Transformation!" "

Following Dai Mubai's shout, his thousand year spirit ring lit up.

The blue silver grass wrapped around his body instantly swelled, and with a loud bang, the blue silver grass and the seeds parasitic on Dai Mubai's body were all blown to pieces.

Dai Mubai's already strong body swelled again, and his tight top was completely burst.Black stripes appeared on his body, and the white tiger features all over his body became more obvious.

"Is this his thousand-year soul skill!" Xiao Wu felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy. "It's really strong!" Tang Si estimated, with his own strength, he should be able to break through Dai Mubai's current defense.

After all, his Bright Sacred Dragon has been subtly increasing his power, while the third brother borrowed Xuantian Kung to be good at soul power and control over soul power.

If Tang San used the Clear Sky Hammer or his hidden weapon, he might be able to do it too, but after all, the restrictions are still too much, once the Clear Sky Hammer is exposed, the danger they will bring is simply unbearable.

"The gap in level is something you can't make up for. Although your skills and strategies are good, they are useless in the face of absolute power!"

Dai Mubai said to Tang San indifferently. "My White Tiger Transformation can double my attack power and defense power for half an hour.

In this state, your blue silver grass can't hurt me at all, but my attack can easily cut off your blue silver grass.You can't beat me! "Cut, Tang Si, come here and teach him a lesson." "

Xiao Wu refuses to accept. "Oh, is there a replacement?" Dai Mubai's eyes turned to Tang Si.It has to be said that Dai Mubai's current figure combined with his blood-red eyes after using the soul ability can bring a huge sense of oppression.Tang Si took a step forward.

"Tang Si, Martial Soul: Xuanyuan Sword, a level 36 assault weapon soul master, please advise." That's right, he has grown to level 36 in five years.

Level [-] is a dividing line for him, because the system believes that he will not really enter the right track after level [-], so all his abilities can only be unlocked at level [-].

It can be said without hesitation that although he is only level 36, his soul power capacity has reached that of the soul sect, which is no less than that of a high-level soul sect in actual combat.

"Aren't you going to release your martial spirit?" Dai Mubai looked at Tang Si in surprise.

"No need!" Tang Si looked confident. "Hmph, arrogance!" Dai Mubai forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, as the boss of Shrek Academy, this was the first time he saw someone more arrogant than him.

Dai Mubai gathered his aura, exuded huge soul power, and the red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.Suddenly, Dai Mubai's legs jumped high like springs, his fists condensed with surging power, like a tiger going down a mountain, he pounced on Tang Si.

"Good job!" Facing the menacing Dai Mubai, Tang Da Da shouted.

The movements of his hands were not slow, as he circulated his soul power, a faint golden light appeared on his whole body, and he punched out.No tricks, just a simple punch.

"Bang!" Dai Mubai took four or five steps back to stabilize his figure, while Tang Si just swayed on the spot.

"What a powerful force!" Dai Mubai couldn't help sighing.

"Tang Si's strength has become stronger than last time!" Tang San couldn't help sighing.

"It doesn't matter how powerful it is, he still can't hit me!" Xiao Wu curled her lips aside.Tang Si turned his head and glared at Xiao Wu.What responded to him was Xiao Wu's grimace.

"How about it, do you still want to fight?" Tang Si looked at Dai Mubai. "No need, you can knock me back without using your martial soul, which proves that your strength is superior to mine, and the room belongs to you."

Said, Dai Mubai's eyes flashed red, his muscular muscles slowly changed back, and the characteristics of martial soul possession gradually disappeared.

But his top was bursting, and his bottom was cut a lot by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass just now, so his temperament was quite different from when he first came.

Dai Mubai gave the three of them a deep look, "You are here to sign up, right! I think we will meet again soon."

After finishing speaking, he greeted the twin sisters and walked out of the hotel. "What did he mean by that sentence just now?" Xiao Wu was puzzled. "He should be a student of Shrek Academy, and he guessed that we also came to Shrek Academy to sign up."

Tang San explained, "It seems that this Shrek Academy should be quite outstanding, but its reputation is not obvious, but it can teach such powerful students. I'm starting to look forward to this academy!"

Even Xiao Wu's eyes are shining.Tang Si looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu speechlessly, as long as you are happy, then you will know what despair is.

The three walked towards the hotel counter and checked in.The manager of the hotel nodded and bowed the whole time. He didn't dare to be presumptuous towards these powerful soul masters.

And all the losses today were paid by Mr. Dai.Tang Sisan and the others walked towards the room on the second floor.Tang Si basically didn't fight much, but Tang San consumed a lot of spirit power in the battle with Dai Mubai, and needed to recover.

The three of them quickly found the room of the red ocean.Looking at the decoration in the room, Tang San and Xiao Wu's faces turned red, and they turned to look at Tang Si at the same time.

“你们这眼神是什么意思?”唐四瞪大了眼睛,“好,你可以,唐小三还没出来几年你就飘了,还他妈早恋,你等着等老头子回来,我让他揍You." After Tang Si gave Tang San a fierce look, he went down.It's just afternoon and it's not that hot anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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