Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 22 Shrek Academy.

Chapter 22 Shrek Academy.

"Not yet, I want to create my own sect." "Well then, the door of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is open for you at any time." Although Tang Si rejected him again, Ning Fengzhi still looked at Tang Si gently.

"Since you are also going to register at Shrek Academy, then let Rongrong accompany you, so that you can take care of me. Things are busy in the sect, so I won't send Rongrong away."

Ning Fengzhi found a random reason and left with the people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. As for what he was thinking, who knows!The remaining Ning Rongrong and Tang Dada stared at each other. "What are you looking at!" Ning Rongrong blushed slightly, and said viciously to Tang Si. "Did you forget something important?"

"What's the matter?" "I didn't want a storage soul tool!" "..." At this moment, Tang San Xiaowu rushed over after hearing the sound of fighting here.

"This is the person you abducted from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?" Xiao Wu walked around Ning Rongrong, then patted Tang Si on the shoulder, Nou Yu said, "You have a good eye!" Even Tang San looked Tang Si's eyes changed.

"Her name is Ning Rongrong, and she is also going to register at Shrek Academy, and she will go with us tomorrow. Sect Master Ning also agreed."

Tang Si clapped Xiao Wu's hand away. "So that's the case, let's go together." Tang San thought for a while, with an expression of indifference. "By the way, do you have a place to live?"

Tang Si looked at Ning Rongrong. "Originally there were, but once Dad and the others leave, I'm afraid all the rooms will be withdrawn."

"Then come with us!" "Little San, use your 24 Bridge Moonlight Night to collect these things." Tang Si pointed to the large and small bags on the ground.

Tang San looked at the things on the ground, speechless. ……… Back to the Rose Hotel.

The waiter was shocked when he saw Tang Si and his party.After going out for a trip, he brought back a little girl again. The soul master is really powerful!
The decoration of the red ocean is really embarrassing, Ning Rongrong blushed as soon as she entered.

Perhaps seeing Ning Rongrong's embarrassment, Xiao Wu took Ning Rongrong's hand and said: "Let's sleep in the bedroom, let the two of them sit on the sofa outside, let me tell you, the big bed in the bedroom Very comfortable."

Tang Si and Tang San looked at each other, then sat cross-legged on a sofa and began to adjust their breath.

Tang Si felt that after the battle with Wang Ming, his bottleneck at level 36 had been loosened. Now that he worked harder, he should be able to break through level 37.

Early the next morning, the four of them had breakfast, left the Rose Hotel early, left Soto City, and set off for the destination of the trip, Notting College. "My God, where is the Shrek Academy?" Xiao Wu couldn't help complaining after walking for a long time, but still seeing patches of farmland.

"The teacher said, leave Suotuo City and head south, and you can see Shrek Academy along the road." Tang San explained patiently.Looking at the farmland not far away, feeling the breath of nature, Tang Si felt refreshed. "I don't know what this Shrek Academy is like, and why it was built in such a remote place!"

Xiao Wu sighed. "I know this," Ning Rongrong said, "because the academy is very poor."

"No way!" Xiao Wu had a look of disbelief.Tang San also frowned. "This academy is very poor, but its education is very good. Many places rush to recruit soul masters who graduated from Shrek Academy!"

Ning Rongrong explained. "It turned out to be like this!" Tang San muttered.Not long after walking, Xiao Wu cried out that she was tired, and asked Tang San to carry her away coquettishly.

Ning Rongrong was also a little moved, looking at Tang Si. "Don't think about it, I didn't see you shouting tired when I went shopping yesterday, how much has I walked!" "Hmph, who wants you to recite it, even if you want to recite Miss Ben, Miss Ben will not agree!" Ning Rong Rong proudly said. "That's good!" "Huh!"... (tmd steel straight man.)
After walking a long way, a dilapidated village came into view of the four of them.

"Is it there?" Xiao Wu pointed. "It should be." Ning Rongrong said. "Okay, then speed up!" Xiao Wu remotely controlled Tang San!A group of people speeded up and walked towards the village not far away.

When they got closer, the four found that there were many people gathered at the entrance of the village, most of them were of the same age as them, and some of them were their parents.There is a table at the entrance of the village, and an old man in his 60s is sitting behind the table, checking the people who come to sign up.

Behind him is the entrance of the village, and on the arch made of wood hangs a somewhat tattered plaque with five simple words engraved on it, Shrek Academy.In front of these five characters, there is also a green head, which looks like the head of a humanoid monster.

Green, a little cute. "Pfft, slime?" Tang Si looked at the signboard and laughed out loud. Isn't this the little monster from Novice Village in the game he played before?

"Hey, Tang Si, although this signboard is too bad, you can't laugh it out, it's very rude!" Xiao Wu said with a straight face, "Look, I want to laugh too, so I suppressed it and didn't make a sound! "

"No, I thought of something else funny, it has nothing to do with this signboard." "What's so funny, come on, tell me!" "Stop making trouble, hurry up and line up!"

Ning Rongrong pulled away the two who were whispering.The four walked to the end of the line. "This college is so bad, it's far worse than Notting College! It can't be that the master made a mistake."

Xiao Wu complained. "Since they're all here, let's see and talk!" Tang San comforted.In front of Tang San Xiaowu was a young man and his mother, the mother should have the same confusion as Xiaowu: "Are there any mistakes, this is the so-called Soul Master Academy, and it is said that you can become the Viscount of the Empire after graduation Academy?"

Hearing this, Tang Si thought it was true. Shrek Academy has very strict admission requirements and strong educational force, as can be seen from Qin Ming, the only Shrek graduate who appeared on the stage.

But other people didn't know this, they all looked suspicious and disappointed with this academy, even Xiao Wu was no exception.

"It should be true, Shrek Academy is indeed a very good academy, otherwise my family would not agree to my coming here to study."

Ning Rongrong explained.At this moment, a voice interrupted them. "Our Shrek Academy only accepts children under the age of 13 and above the [-]th grade, and the others are not accepted. If you don't meet the requirements, please leave consciously, so as not to waste money.

Don't be lucky, our Shrek Academy's test has never made a mistake! "

Tang Si raised his head and looked, he didn't expect that lazy old man just now was actually a six-ringed soul emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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