Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 24 Battle against Zao Wou-Ki.

Chapter 24 Battle against Zao Wou-Ki.

I saw two yellow soul rings appearing under Oscar's feet, and a sausage that was exactly the same as everyone's hands appeared in his hand.

Xiao Wu, who was about to spit out her intestines, couldn't bear it any longer. She dodged and came behind Oscar. Auxiliary system soul masters can't resist if they want to, even if they can resist, they dare not resist.

Tang Si clasped his hands together, nodded on his left and right chest, bowed, and looked at Oscar with a sincere religious attitude, "May the Lord bless you."

"Look, I told you not to eat it!" Dai Mubai spread his hands! "Okay,"

Tang Si took a bite of Bao after playing, "It tastes good, and it can restore soul power!"

"Tang Si, you have really strong taste!" Ning Rongrong looked at Tang Si speechlessly. "The taste is really good. If you don't believe me, try it. Of course, it would be more perfect if it has sauce and cumin!" Tang Si said with emotion.

"No, no, I'll give you this too. I, Ning Rongrong, would die of starvation. If I jumped from here, I would never eat such a sausage." Ning Rongrong also handed the sausage to Tang Si, as if What a scourge sausage is.

Tang Si ate with relish.Xindao: There are times when you say it smells really good.At this moment, Oscar limped back.Seeing Tang Si eating the sausage, he burst into tears instantly.

"Bosom friend, there is no classmate who can finish my sausages calmly after hearing my spell! Brother, you will eat at my place for free from now on!"

Some people are willing to eat the sausages they make, which is affirmation of themselves, Oscar is of course very excited. "Okay, let's go, I'll take you through the procedure. Go directly to the fourth level."

Dai "Is this appropriate? There are still many people waiting in line!" "With your strength, of course you have this privilege." Dai Mubai whispered something in the ear of the teacher in charge of the second level, and the teacher glanced at it. Tang four or five people.

"Okay, Mubai, you can take them directly to the fourth level!" Immediately, the people in line were unhappy. "Why can they go directly to the fourth level?" "Yes, we have been waiting in line for such a long time, why did they pass it as soon as they came!"

"Silence!" the invigilator said sternly, "If your soul power can reach level 25 or above, you can go directly to the fourth level without having to test with me. If you have any, stand up!"

"I don't believe it, they are only 12 years old, how could they reach level 25!" A candidate couldn't believe it. "If you can't reach it, it doesn't mean others can't beat it. When I first signed up, I was level 25.

Tang Si, Tang San, let them see your soul power. "After speaking, Dai Mubai threw a test crystal to Tang San. Tang San poured his soul power into the crystal ball.

"Level 29!" The teacher in charge of the second level exclaimed, and saw the crystal ball in Tang San's hand emitting a strong light, it was obvious that he had reached level 29 and was about to break through level [-].Tang San smiled slightly, and handed the crystal ball in his hand to Tang Si.Likewise, the crystal ball lit up again, this time brighter than Tang San's.

"It has reached level 26." In fact, there is no level [-]. Tang Si controls his own soul power, and only releases around level [-], but the purity is no less than level [-].

This is where Tang Si is stronger than others.

Ignoring the stunned crowd, Tang Si handed the crystal ball to Xiao Wu.Same level 29.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also reached level 26 and 27 respectively.The person who questioned just now became silent, and the slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado.

The teacher of the second level showed unconcealable surprise: "Good! Good! Good! It seems that many little monsters have come this year! The salary increase is expected! Mubai, you can take them directly to the fourth level."

raise?Thinking too much, with such a stingy dean, it's not bad if he doesn't surrender.Tang Si complained in his heart.

"Okay!" Dai Mubai's voice came.On the way, Dai Mubai popularized for Tang Si and the others: "The assessment of Shrek Academy has four levels in total. The first level is to eliminate those who have not surpassed level 13 and are over [-] years old. This level is the elimination rate. The highest level."

"The second level is to conduct soul power evaluation and martial soul appraisal. Just having a strong soul power is not enough to prove the potential for future development. This level is mainly to test the martial soul. Only the martial soul has full development potential and has been cultivated before. Only soul masters with the right direction of development can enter the third level."

Dai Mubai slowed down for a moment, and continued: "The third level is to test the examinee's ability to use his own martial spirit. Soul power and development potential alone are not enough, and at the same time, he also needs to have the ability to control his own martial spirit. Some strong Martial soul is extremely difficult to control, if you can't control the martial soul, you will also be eliminated. However, in the years I have been in school, I have never seen people eliminated by the third level."

"The fourth test is the actual combat experience. There is no level, no actual combat experience is not enough. Soul masters need to fight constantly, fighting with people and soul beasts. The dean said that pampered people will not be accepted. .”

After hearing Dai Mubai's words, the people instantly lost their composure.Xiao Wu couldn't help but said: "Are you picking students or wives? There are not many who can reach level 13 before the age of [-], and they have to go through so many assessments. How many students are there in Shrek Academy now? How many students did you enroll?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's complaints, Tang Si was a little ashamed, because he was here to pick his wife.

Dai Mubai said awkwardly: "Shrek Academy has been established for 20 years, and has admitted a total of 42 students, one or two every year. If all five of you are admitted, it can be regarded as breaking the record of the academy. And the current students include me There are only three people."

"Three!" Xiao Wu was surprised. "That's right," Dai Mubai smiled wryly, "Three. And Shrek Academy hasn't recruited anyone for two years. Our Shrek Academy can be said to be the only academy that has more teachers than students."

"Without students, the academy has no income. How did the academy survive?" Tang San couldn't help asking.

"It is precisely because of lack of money that the academy moved to this small village.

And if no more students are recruited this year, I'm afraid the three of us will be the last batch of students in the academy. "

"Wouldn't it be fine if the academy relaxed its requirements a little bit? I see that there are quite a few people from outside to sign up!" Tang Si couldn't help but said. "Ning Que is not indiscriminate, this is the rule set by the headmaster!
And our graduation requirements are even stricter, you must reach the fortieth level before the age of 20, and become a four-ring soul sect.In the past 20 years, only fourteen people have graduated, and these fourteen people have made their own reputations after leaving the academy, and the most powerful one is already the youngest elder of the Spirit Hall. "

"King Barak's royal family originally planned to sponsor the academy. The requirement was that the academy be loyal to the royal family, but the dean refused. If my family hadn't sponsored some and the seniors who graduated had sponsored some, I'm afraid the academy would have really closed down."

"Hearing what you said, I really want to meet your dean!" Tang San said with emotion.

Tang Si: No, you don't want to.

Tang San: No, I think!
Tang Si: Oh, it smells so good!
(End of this chapter)

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