Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 27 Fighting against Zao Wou-Ki

Chapter 27 Fighting against Zao Wou-Ki

"If you admit defeat now, I can make an exception and allow you to enter Shrek Academy." "I still hope to have a good fight with you." Tang San said seriously.

"Hehe, my pride is not allowed to be broken by anyone." Tang Si said seriously. Originally, he was just a disguise to disguise his longing for home.

Tang Si knew that Tang San still had a lot of means that he didn't use. He was equipped with many hidden weapons. Most of these hidden weapons were poisonous. Just now he was afraid of accidentally injuring his teammates, so he didn't use them.

"Rongrong, you go to the side first, I'll be with Xiaosan." Tang Si looked at Ning Rongrong. "Okay, then be careful!" Tang Si and Tang San stood in front of Zhao Wuji again. "In that case, then I'll have fun with you guys again."

Zhao Wuji looked indifferent.Tang San activated his martial spirit, and the blue silver grass grew wildly, surrounding Zhao Wuji.

When Zhao Wuji broke free from the Blue Silver Grass, Tang San's hands had already turned white, as warm as jade.The eyes also glowed lavender due to the operation of the Purple Demon Pupil.

The moment Zhao Wuji broke free from the blue silver grass, the hidden weapon thrown out by Tang San had already reached Zhao Wuji's side.Eyes, shoulders, throat, heart, knees, lower body and lower abdomen are not repeated, but they are all vital points of Zao Wou-ki.Zhao Wuji, who just broke free from the blue silver grass, was taken aback, he didn't expect that it was Tang San's hidden weapon as soon as he came out.

His Wuhun Dali Vajra Bear is very bulky, and his agility has always been his flaw, so he likes to face the enemy head-on. Once he encounters an agility-type, he will rely on his strong defense to find the opponent's flaws.

So facing Tang San's attack, Zao Wou-ki protected his eyes and lower body with both hands, and at the same time did not move Ming Wang's body to move to the maximum.Dozens of hidden weapons hit Zhao Wou-Ki's body, like hitting on steel, without causing any damage to Zhao Wou-Ki.

"Is that so?" Zao Wou-ki looked at Tang San, "Such an attack is not enough to tickle me!" "Where's that kid?" Only then did Zhao Wu-ki realize that Tang Si was gone, "Do you want to delay by hiding? Such a trick can't be put on the table!"

"We never thought of holding on to a stick of incense by delaying time, we will fight you hard." Although Tang San was very shocked that his bone penetrating nail didn't work, he still answered Zhao Wuji seriously.

Tang San quickly flung out hidden weapons one by one with both hands, including bone-penetrating nails, lancets and other hidden weapons made by Tang San.

These hidden weapons were fired at Zao Wou-ki from different angles, each aimed at Zhao Wou-ki's vitals.

It's just that Zao Wou-ki's Fudo Ming King body's defense power is too high, these hidden weapons have no effect. "Why did you stop?" Zhao Wou-ki sneered, "Then it's my turn this time."

The moment Zhao Wuji stepped forward, "No! Gravity increases!" Zhao Wuji's third soul ring flashed, and powerful soul power rushed to the ground.

Suddenly a ball of black flame appeared on Zhao Wuji's body, Zhao Wuji was shocked, and quickly removed it with his soul power.

But he found that the black flames were extremely difficult to entangle, and each small group had to use most of the soul power to completely remove it.

At this time, the smoke dispersed, and Tang Si gradually appeared in front of everyone. Tang Si was on the roof of a teaching building next to him.

At this time, Tang Si had already entered the immortal mode.

The familiar fairy face, but the eyes are not fairy eyes. The left eye has circles of circles next to the purple background, and there are nine hook jades on these circles.

As for the right eye, the black background has a familiar red hexagram, and there are two intersecting sickles in the hexagram.

That's right, these are the nine-hook reincarnation eye and the eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eye. Tang Si had unlocked all the abilities when he was in Notting City.

Tang Si jumped from the roof, squatted on the ground with the help of inertia, and put his hands in a strange posture, so quickly that only Souei could be seen, and then pressed his hands to the ground.

The ground under Zao Wou-ki's feet suddenly collapsed, and Tang Si had already been lifted up by a stream of sand, looking at Zhao Wou-ki who was constantly sinking into the sand.

"Sand time rain." Tang Si yelled again, a large number of sand bombs appeared in front of Tang Si, constantly hitting Zhao Wuji, who had already been covered by sand to the waist, almost all of them hit Zhao Wuji's head, but the head of King Ming did not move. It's real iron, and it clangs.

"Hey! Let me out!" Zao Wou-ki twisted his body, but the pressure of a large amount of sand was not small, and he couldn't break free all at once. "Hit my third brother and Xiao Wu, do you think I will stop?"

Tang Si didn't care about him, anyway, he would be able to come out with his Wuhun avatar when the time came, so it would be good to disgust him a bit.

"Don't bury you, I'm sorry for the injured Xiao Wu and the others...Sand bound the coffin!" Tang Si also wrapped Zhao Wuji's head in sand at the end, pulled it down, completely submerged in the center of the sand vortex, and all the surrounding sand began to flow towards him. Center converges.

"Sand Waterfall Funeral! Success!" Tang Si looked at Zhao Wou-Ki who was completely immersed in the sand, put his hands together, completely covered the ground, and sealed Zhao Wou-Ki in the sand vortex.

"Could it be too much..." Tang San had already recovered, and pulled his right hand back with his good left hand. As for the ribs fixed with blue silver grass, he could still move for the time being. "You really think the Soul Sage is so weak? Don't believe me, look!" It was as if he had accepted Tang Si's words. There was a tremor in the sand, and a tall golden figure rushed out and hit the ground fiercely, panting heavily. gas.

"Are all the brats like this now? I almost suffocated me... You are all qualified, I'm going to take a shower." Dai Mubai, you take them to the dormitory, I'll go find Oscar..." Zao Wou-ki left after finishing speaking up.

At this time Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai looked surprised, but what Dai Mubai thought was that he must never offend Tang Si in the future, even if offended, he would admit it quickly, his life is the most important thing.

And what Ning Rongrong thought was wow, how could he be so handsome?Already handsome, plus that transformation, ah, my girlish heart.

(End of this chapter)

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