Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 4 My name is Xiao Wu, the dancing dance

Chapter 4 My name is Xiao Wu, the dancing dance

"Don't be so complacent, the boss is not so good-looking." Wang Sheng said speechlessly, and then opened his sleeves under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Tang San was surprised to see that there were seven or eight purple scars on Wang Sheng's arm.Wang Sheng smiled wryly and said, "This was done when I first arrived at the college yesterday." Our work-study students are all from poor families, and other dormitories will definitely bully our Qishe. As the boss, we must help our brothers out. "

The others nodded and looked at Tang Si with hope on his face.

Tang Si nodded and said, "Well, I won't see you being bullied."

It was really a crisp voice coming from outside the door, "Excuse me, is this Qishe?"

Everyone looked towards the door, their eyes straightened.

I saw a pretty little girl standing at the door, her skin was white and rosy, like a peach, one couldn't help but take a bite, she had a long scorpion braid, as if the word cute was born for her raw.

Tang Si, you took a look at this little girl.Xiao Wu?This is the future sister-in-law.

Tang San couldn't help asking Wang Sheng, "Can we still have men and women living here?"

Wang Sheng nodded and said, "We are all children, nothing to do, it's strange, there are quite a lot of work-study students this year, Tang Si Boss will give him a blow."

Tang Si shook his head and said, "Brother San, I'll leave this cute girl to you" and lay down on the bed.

Tang San had a few more black lines on his face, he walked up boldly.

Tang Si lay on the bed and turned on the system silently.

"My system is cute, come out quickly."

"Why did you call me?" A little loli who was as cute as Xiao Wu jumped out.Looking at Tang Si with a bit of resentment in his eyes, "Why haven't you come to play with me recently?"

Tang Si smiled awkwardly and said, "Isn't this a bit of a problem recently? By the way, Linger has used all the lucky draws I have saved in the past few years." "Oh, there are three ordinary lucky draw opportunities, and the second golden best chance."

These are some small tasks that Tang Si has done in the village in the past few years, and he has used the exchange points to exchange for the number of lucky draws. (Why don't you ask the store to exchange things? Poor words to understand)
"Ding, congratulations, you have been drawn to the kitchen hundred solution, plus ten charisma, a suitable soul ring"

Tang Si nodded and said, "Except for the kitchen solution, the rest are pretty good."

Linger smiled and said, "You don't want it, I can throw you away"

"Don't, don't, it's better to have a situation than nothing, Ling'er helped me call up the attribute panel." Tang Si waved his hand quickly.

Host: Tang Si

Wuhun: Xuanyuan Holy Sword, Bright Holy Dragon.

Lucky Draw Chance: Gold Draw Twice

Soul power capacity: equal to a level 20 great soul master
Charisma: 80 (full level 100)

Strength: If you use all the abilities, you can barely beat a level 22 soul master

Backpack: Kitchen Puzzle, Charm +30, Reincarnation Eye, Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan (unlocked at level [-])
Introduction: A little spicy chicken, any one can make you call daddy
When Tang Si saw the last line, there were a few more black lines on his face, but he got used to it
"Ling'er, why didn't you use up those two golden lottery draws?" Tang Si asked Ling'er
"The lottery above gold can point to the lottery." Linger replied impatiently
"Ding, you choose Reaper, Naruto, Jin Yong Plane, Dragon Ball, Thousands of Worlds"

Tang Si thought for a while and said, "Just give it to Hokage, Hokage is more handsome" ennnn
"Ding, I got wood escape ninjutsu, perfect fairy mode" "It's great, this is a good thing for pretending." Tang Si exclaimed excitedly
Ling'er rested her forehead with one hand, and looked at Tang Si helplessly, why did she end up with such a narcissistic host.

"Okay, don't be narcissistic, you can go out." "Hey bye, Ling'er remember to use all the things I got today, okay." "Get out of here." After finishing speaking, Linger said Kicked him out.

Hey, is it over with the third brother?Tang Si rubbed his eyes, seeing Tang San Xiaowu lying on a bed, Tang Si smiled maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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