Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 48 Absorbing the Soul Ring

Chapter 48 Absorbing the Soul Ring
Tang Si glanced at Oscar, Oscar was not stupid and laughed, "I have a big sausage." Under the wretched soul curse, a sausage was directly handed to Tang San.Turn around and look at the corpse of the Man-faced Demon this time.

The dense purple-black light has already condensed and formed above the corpse of the Man-faced Demon Spider, which is the best time to absorb it.Tang San's previously relaxed face became tense again, he always remembered it.

Xiao Wu is still waiting for his rescue.Eat the sausage.He walked to the man-faced spider and sat down. "Trouble everyone." Zhao Wuji nodded to Tang San, waved his hand, all the students surrounded Tang San in the center, carefully guarded, with their protection, Tang San no longer needed to worry about the threat brought by ordinary spirit beasts .

Finally able to absorb the powerful soul ring in front of him wholeheartedly.Raising his right hand, the blue light brought by the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun slowly appeared in Tang San's palm.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San summoned the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring.The purple-black light seemed to have finally found a vent after waiting for a long time.As soon as they felt Tang San's martial spirit, they immediately swarmed towards Tang San like a sea of ​​rivers.

Tang Si glanced at Tang San, then hurriedly ran to Ning Rongrong's side, sat down without any hesitation, cuddled up to Ning Rongrong, and wrapped his arms restlessly around Ning Rongrong's waist.

But Ning Rongrong ruthlessly shot him off, and turned his head away arrogantly, snorting coldly.

But Ning Rongrong didn't know how cute this action was in Tang Si's eyes.

"Wife, what's the matter with you?" Tang Si asked with some doubts, playing a little temper right after he came back.

"Hmph, who told you to leave me alone!" Ning Rongrong turned her head away and snorted coldly.

"No, I was beaten to the ground by the giant ape!" Tang Si felt innocent.

"You still know that with your strength, you still dare to show off your abilities. When something happens one day, what do you want me to do!" The more Ning Rongrong said, the more he felt wronged, tears fell down accidentally.

"Okay wife, I promise I won't do this again!" Tang Si couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart when he saw Ning Rongrong, who was pear blossoms and raining in front of him, and quickly hugged her in his arms.

"Really?" Ning Rongrong pressed her face into this warm embrace, reluctant to let go, and asked without raising her head.

"Really, and she's coming back!"

"Who is it?" Ning Rongrong raised his head and asked with some doubts, but when he looked up, Tang Si opened those evil and sexy eyes again. (Ning Rongrong thinks to herself)
"Sister-in-law!" Tang Si looked at the tree not far away, but saw the figure running behind the tree through these eyes.

"Xiao Wu, that's great, I want to tell everyone quickly!" Ning Rongrong received it with some surprise, she never doubted what Tang Si said.

Ning Rongrong struggled in Tang Si's arms, wanted to stand up but saw that Tang Si didn't intend to let go, and looked at Tang Si with some doubts.

Tang Si pressed his index finger on his lips and said softly, "Don't talk about giving everyone a surprise now!"

"En!" Ning Rongrong lowered her head shyly and kissed Tang Sihuai, she could feel the heat from Tang Si's lips just now.

After a long time.

"Teacher Zhao!" A slender figure came out from that direction.The visitor turned out to be Xiao Wu who was captured by the titan great ape.Except for Tang Sining Rongrong, everyone showed surprised expressions.

Although Xiao Wu is very embarrassed at this moment, the surging spirit power in her body indicates that she has already broken through the [-]th level, and has already obtained the third spirit ring. "What's the matter, little San?"

Xiao Wu nervously ran to Tang San's side.Right now Tang San's whole body was wrapped in blood mist, and the sound of bones could still be heard from time to time.

"Little San is absorbing the spirit ring!" Oscar whispered. "Of course I know that Xiaosan is absorbing the spirit ring." Xiao Wu glared at Oscar angrily, "I mean how did Xiaosan become like this? Shouldn't it be easy to absorb the spirit ring?"

Xiao Wu glanced at the Man Faced Demon Spider next to Tang San, and exclaimed. "This man-faced demon spider has a lifespan of more than 2000 years, which is completely beyond the absorbable limit of 700 years that the master said. Xiao San may be in danger! Xiao Si, why don't you stop Xiao San!"

Xiao Wu came to look at Tang Si with some blame, and everyone was a little puzzled.

"Hehe, third brother himself knows this age limit. He dared to absorb it, which means he has the ability, and I have 5000 years in the third spirit ring." Tang Si kept smiling!
What everyone listened to was reasonable, but when they heard the last sentence, they saw how Tang Si was getting more and more beaten up?

On the other side, Tang Si finally persuaded Xiao Wu, although Xiao Wu was still a little worried, but she just prayed for Tang San on the sidelines.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, you were captured by the giant ape, how did you get back?" Oscar asked with some doubts

"That's right, tell me how you escaped? We are all planning to save you!" Ma Hongjun also said beside him.Xiao Wu felt bad all of a sudden.

This matter is almost exposed, and you brought it up again, I didn't even think about what to say, damn it!

"Well, I don't know what's going on. The titan great ape grabbed me and ran towards the forest. After running far, there seemed to be a roar like a cow coming from one direction.

The giant ape titan looked very nervous, looked at me, threw me aside, and ran away. "At that time, many soul beasts were stunned by the bull roar. I just broke through level [-], so I picked up a suitable soul beast and killed it to get a soul ring. "

"That's okay too?" Ma Hongjun was speechless, this is too easy, why has he never encountered such a good thing.Listening to Xiao Wu's flawed words, Tang Si was speechless, this little rabbit's ability to tell lies is too bad!
Haven't seen Zhao Wuji and started to doubt it! "The bull roar that Xiao Wu said should belong to the real overlord of the forest, the Azure Bull Python."

Tang Si's voice attracted everyone's attention, "The Sky Blue Bull Python has always lived in the center of the soul beast forest, and rarely appears in other places. It is a soul beast that is stronger than the Titan Giant Ape. If Master If there are no mistakes in the records, the Azure Bull Python should be a 10-year-old soul beast!"

"Ten, ten, 10 years," Ma Hongjun stuttered in fright, "This place is too dangerous, let's run away as soon as Xiaosan finishes absorbing the spirit ring!"

"Don't worry, 10-year-old soul beasts are already able to speak human words, and generally won't attack ants like us. As long as we don't go to the center, we won't encounter them. The appearance of the giant ape this time is just An accident."

"Then we can't wait any longer," Zhao Wou-ki said with a final word, "We will leave the Star Dou Forest immediately after Xiaosan has absorbed the spirit ring. Although Xiaosi doesn't have your spirit ring this time, wait a while until we all recover and come back again." Help you sacrifice your soul ring."

"Hehe, no need, I've already absorbed it." Tang Si smiled charmingly, and released his soul ring as he spoke, one yellow, two purple and one black, an unreasonable combination of soul rings.

At this time, Zhao Wuji didn't know what to say, everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

"Damn it, what did you do with Fourth Master's ten-thousand-year spirit ring?" Ma Hongjun asked in surprise. "Oh, I met a Dark Devilgod Tiger... just like that, I was also stabbed by it, and then I desperately absorbed its soul ring to survive!" Tang Si hid some important things , leaving only what everyone already knows.

"Damn, fourth master is awesome, ten thousand years soul ring, I'm a 12-year-old soul master! Your luck is amazing, this is weaker than Boss Dai." Oscar was frightened silly, and the soul master actually Killed a ten thousand year soul beast.

Dai Mubai: are a little drifting.

"Hehe, that is Tang Si's strength and perseverance. Let me absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring and try to see if it will blow you up. You just want to overwhelm you with luck!" Zhao Wou-ki patted Oscar's head, Although serious, he still pretended to be calm.

"Does that mean that your Xuanyuan Sword mutated because it absorbed this Dark Demon Tiger's soul ring?" Dai Mubai looked at Tang Si suspiciously.

"Well, it brought me the ability of darkness!" Tang Si said calmly.

... It's already very difficult for me to evolve with the martial soul. Adding an element to the martial soul is even more awesome.

At this time, there were more intensive bone sounds on Tang San's body, and more blood beads overflowed from the skin, Xiao Wu nervously wanted to step forward.Tang Si grabbed her tightly.

"Don't disturb him! Little San will be fine, you have to trust Little San!" Slowly, the fine blood drops no longer overflowed, and Tang San's frowning brows relaxed a bit.

A layer of faint blue light began to overflow from his body quietly. "Okay, it's safe now, just wait for Xiaosan to wake up!"

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Accompanied by the release of blue light, strands of blue silver grass began to appear around Tang San's body and slowly grew.

The size of the Bluesilver Grass has not changed much. Compared with when it had two spirit rings before, it is thinner. The original blue-black color has also become blue-purple. It is a fusion color, not It then appears in the form of patterns.At this time Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, if he had to say it, seemed even more dangerous, the newly added color was exactly the color of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

"Stand back!" Zhao Wuji shouted.Tang San stood in an unconscious state, his control over the spirit was a bit weak, and the blue silver grass would only grow nearby if the spirit power leaked out.And Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is poisonous, if he is not careful, he will be poisoned and injured.

(End of this chapter)

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