Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 52 Blacksmith Shop

Chapter 52 Blacksmith Shop

The master nodded.His face was as stiff as ever.Looking at the seven students in front of him.He said lightly: "There are only eight of you in the academy. In my opinion.

You are also a whole, I have already read your resume.Then I will work out some targeted teaching methods.In addition to cooperation.I don't want to hear anything different.

no matter who.I treat everyone equally.Since you are students of the Monster Academy, you must be more strange than ordinary soul masters.In the future, when everyone mentions you, you can only think of the word monster.from now on.

The eight of you will no longer be divided into two parts, the initial stage and the advanced stage, as before, and will conduct unified teaching. I will rank you according to your age.

Number one, Dai Mubai, number two, Oscar.Number three, Tang San.Number four, Tang Si.Number five, Ma Hongjun.Number six, Xiao Wu.Number seven, Ning Rongrong.Number eight, Zhu Zhuqing.

The master glanced over everyone, "Okay. Now you can disband and gather here tomorrow morning. Also. I don't want to see anyone absent at breakfast.

Otherwise, special training will be given. "It is of course a good thing to take a day off, but the arrival of the master also makes the students a little curious and uneasy.

Watching the teachers leave one after another, Oscar stood beside Tang San, and said in a low voice: "Little San. It seems that your teacher is even more powerful than Dean Flender!" Tang San smiled slightly, and said: "Teacher! He has always been meticulous in doing things, as long as he strictly follows his orders, there will be no problems."

Tang Si smiled and said: "Third brother is right, no matter what the next course is, we just need to persist in completing it."

That's it. "Dai Mubai laughed and said: "That's right, what Xiaosi said is right, but I didn't expect how young you are, Xiaosi, how old are you this year, what is your exact age?" Tang Si said: "I am 12 years and eight months old this year, one month younger than my third brother." "

"Hiss..." Everyone didn't expect Tang Si to be so young.Ma Hongjun said: "You are only half a month older than me. You are the fourth child and I am the fifth child. I'm really upset." Tang Si laughed and said, "Fatty, what's wrong? We can make gestures."

The fat man quickly waved his hand and said, "No need, you are the fourth child, I am the fifth child, and I am younger than you, so you can't bully me." Tang Si chuckled, "You fat man."

Everyone laughed.The fat man smiled and said, "Sisters, call Fifth Brother to listen." Xiao Wu stretched out her hand: "No problem, I'll call when you bring the red envelope."

Ma Hongjun looked constipated.Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Fatty, when you are as good as Xiao Si, I will call you." Ma Hongjun had a resentful expression on his face, and did not speak again.

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly: "Defeat me." Ma Hongjun said depressedly: "Forget it, I'll bear it." He waved his hand and said: "Do any of you want to enter the city?

It's finally a holiday, so I'll go to the city for a walk. "Dai Mubai was a little moved, but after going through the Star Dou Great Forest and his party, the relationship between him and Zhu Zhuqing finally eased, he can't ruin his own image.

The girls all knew what the fat man wanted to do when he came to the city, and they looked disgusted.Tang San said: "Little Si and I will go with you." Tang Si also nodded.With a wretched smile on Ma Hongjun's face, he asked: "Why, you two have enlightened too?"

Xiao Wu's face darkened in an instant, and Ning Rongrong even stretched out her hands on Tang Si's waist, looking at Tang Si with aggrieved eyes, as if I would cry if you went.

Tang San asked doubtfully: "Open up? What kind of opening, Xiaosi and I want to find a blacksmith to make some things, and prepare to equip you all. Xiaosi and I have some new ideas, and we are going to try it out. .”

Ning Rongrong heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I knew that Third Brother and Xiao Si wouldn't be depraved like you." Xiao Wu's expression also gradually returned to normal.

Speaking of this, Tang Si said to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, do you want to be with us?" Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu and said: "No, you guys go."

Tang San also looked at Xiao Wu and said: "You were quite frightened a few days ago, take a good rest." Xiao Wu nodded.Tang Si and Tang San followed Ma Hongjun to Soto City.

Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Xiao Wu, you are not afraid that Ma Hongjun will lead Xiaosan to bad." Xiao Wu said: "Men. You always need some free space, I don't believe that Xiaosan will be led to bad."

As she said that, a malicious smile appeared on Xiao Wu's face and said: "Aren't you afraid that Xiao Si will be led badly by the fat man?"

Ning Rongrong's pretty face flushed slightly, and said: "I'm very relieved about this, Xiao Si will not be led astray." Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue and smiled heartily.

Tang Si and Tang San followed Ma Hongjun to Suoto City, after breaking up with Ma Hongjun at the gate of the city, Tang Si and Tang San went to find the blacksmith shop.Soto City is huge, and it is relatively easy to find a blacksmith shop.Tang Si and Tang San came to the blacksmith shop to build some parts and buy some materials.

Tang Si's trip was entirely to accompany Tang San. His weapon had already been decided not to be a sword, but a flame fan. That's right, the Uchiha Uchiha fan. His sword intent had reached a critical point. If he didn't swallow that killing intent, he would No more progress!
Choose a new weapon. If you still want to use the original sword, you might as well try a brand new weapon.

Soon the two found a blacksmith's shop. This blacksmith's shop was very large, and the business was also good. Many people made things in it.

But this is not the most eye-catching thing for the two of them. The most conspicuous thing is that the name of this smithy is "Iron" smithy.The two walked into the blacksmith's shop, where the blacksmith was making things, bursts of sparks came out, accompanied by the sound of the blacksmith's snorting and the sound of the bellows being pulled in and out.

Seeing the two, a middle-aged man walked out of the blacksmith shop.He looks very rough, with the simplicity unique to blacksmiths.He was very tall, about two meters tall, taller than the current Tang Si by more than a head, Tang Si stood in front of him, less than his shoulders.The blacksmith looked at the two of them and asked, "You two children, do you want to buy anything?"

Tang Sidao: "Hello Uncle, we want to build some things and buy some metals."

"Oh," the blacksmith asked, "Then what do you want to build?"

Tang San took out a stack of blueprints, all of which were parts of various hidden weapons, but they were all out of sequence, and very scattered, and no one would discover the secrets of hidden weapons. Tang San was indeed very cautious about this aspect.

The blacksmith took the blueprint and said: "These things are difficult to make, but we can still make them in our shop, but the price will be higher accordingly."

Tang Sidao: "The price is not a problem, but the quality must be guaranteed." The blacksmith said: "Then what metal do you want to use?"

Tang San said: "Let's use fine iron to make it, all parts are made of fine iron." The blacksmith seemed surprised and said: "My child, the price of fine iron is not cheap, are you sure?"

Tang San nodded.Tang Sidao: "I don't know what the price is if you use refined iron here?"

The blacksmith said: "I won't let you suffer, I will
The price of one kilogram of iron essence here is ten gold soul coins. At the same time, because iron essence is very difficult to manufacture and takes a lot of energy, the price of making iron essence is the same as the price of iron essence, which is ten gold soul coins per kilogram of iron essence. Yours I took a look at the parts, and it needs about ten kilograms of iron essence, that is, a total of two hundred gold soul coins. Do you have so much money, kids? "

Tang Si took out a small bag from his body, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and handed it to the blacksmith, "Here is a hundred gold soul coins, which will be used as a deposit for these parts. I also want to buy some metals. I wonder if you have any here?" ?”

Ever since he smoked this Nine-Five Supreme, he has fallen in love with this flavor, which is different from those cigarettes in his previous life. It has a faint lemon flavor, with a hint of bitterness in the sweetness, which is different from those heavy-flavored cigarettes.

"Little brother, can you tell me what this drawing is made of, and what is its function?"

asked the blacksmith. "You don't need to know what this is, I just want to know if you can make it." Tang San said lightly, "I need you to use the best material, preferably fine iron."

"As the largest blacksmith shop in Soto City, we have no problem making this thing, but the price of refined iron is not a small sum! The processing of refined iron is much more troublesome than refined iron and ordinary iron, and you have to The structure of the thing we made is complicated, and we need to charge extra fees, which is not a small amount when calculated as a whole!"

"Of course I know what you said. I'm also a blacksmith, but it's too troublesome for me to make it by myself, so I came here. According to the market price, one kilogram of iron essence is ten gold soul coins. And my demand The quantity is quite large, can you give me some discounts?"

Tang San asked.The blacksmith nodded, "Of course, if you really want to use fine iron to make these things.

Even our major customers.The cost of materials cannot be reduced, and I can never lose money.I can give you a [-]% discount on the labor fee.If the iron essence you use exceeds ten kilograms, then I can give you a [-]% discount.

The minimum is [-]% off. ""Yes," Tang San nodded, "Then first make ten copies according to the blueprint. I need to observe and test first to see if it can reach the level I need."

I am simple, adding up to a total of [-] kilograms of iron essence. ""so much? The shopkeeper said in surprise. "Is there any problem?" " Tang San asked.

"Twenty kilograms of iron essence, plus the labor cost, will require 440 gold soul coins. Even if I give you a [-]% discount on the labor cost, it will cost at least [-] gold soul coins." The blacksmith glanced at Tang Si and Tang San, They don't look like rich people.

To be honest, Tang Si and Tang San now only have more than 100 gold soul coins in total. Although they have completed the level test in the Spirit Hall, the [-] gold soul coins subsidized by the soul master will not be available until next month.

"How about this, shopkeeper, let's pay a part of the deposit first, and you make a pair first, and we'll see how it works." Tang Si suggested.

"That's fine," the shopkeeper hesitated, "But I still hope that you can add an additional guarantee, which can prove that you have the ability to pay the remaining gold soul coins.

(End of this chapter)

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