Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 54 Lesson 1

Chapter 54 The First Lesson
"Okay, it's not useless at all!" Ling'er patted Tang Si's head, and looked at him with some pity.

What a good boy, what a shame.


At the same time, I saw the dark golden robe floating in the system space, with a black base, golden patterns, loose long sleeves, and a delicate purple cloth tied around the waist, which was used to hang the endless hippopotamus.

"Wow, wow, this is too handsome!"

Tang Si became excited in an instant, ran up from the ground, and ran to the front of the clothes.

"Look at it, look at it. This sleeve is so handsome. Look at this gourd. It's a perfect match for me!" Tang Si was not stingy with his praise, and just now he belittled the clothes to the extreme in his heart The person seems to be not him.

Ling'er rubbed her forehead with her right hand, and shook her head helplessly, she was really childish, but when she raised her head again, she couldn't help being dazed.

I saw that Tang Si had already put it on, and the slender dark golden robe set off his perfect body, and the loose way showed Tang Si's delicate collarbone, so attractive.

The piece of noble purple cloth on the waist hangs the endless wine pot, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. Although there is no sword on his body, it reveals a sharp will intentionally or unintentionally.

The evil smile that the senior brother hangs is undoubtedly revealing the temperament of a banished fairy.

Seeing Linger stunned, Tang Si waved his hands in doubt, "Linger, what's wrong with you? I haven't asked you yet, what's the use of that Godzilla?"

Ling'er just came back to her senses, wiped the crystal saliva that was about to come out from the corner of her mouth, glared at Tang Si angrily, and then said slowly.

"Godzilla, do you understand the prehistoric behemoth? The system specially kidnapped him from another plane to this plane. He has completely recognized you as the master. Give him two months, and he will be able to rival the Titled Douluo." , Super Douluo is only a matter of time!"

"Well, it's not bad, barely acceptable!" Tang Si nodded solemnly, although Tang Si pretended to be so serious on the surface, in fact, he was already happy in his heart.

Haha, with this hole card in my hand, I can go out and die without any scruples in the future. Life is so interesting.

"Okay, get out!" Ling'er waved at Tang Si, as if she disliked him very much.

"Hee hee, Ling'er, I'm leaving first!"

Tang Si seemed to have gotten used to Ling'er's arrogance long ago, and Tang Si returned to his room in a flash of golden light.

Seeing this scene, Ling'er couldn't help stamping her feet angrily, "Hmph, what a log!"


"Well, is this my flame fan!" Tang Si looked at the round fan, the flame fan, on the bed, Tang Si stretched out his hand to lift the flame fan to observe.


Tang Si frowned. He found that the weight of the flame fan was completely different from its appearance. Although the appearance of the flame fan was not clear, the feeling it expressed made people not think in the direction of weight.

But after trying it with my own hands, I found out that the weight of the flame fan was as high as more than 30 catties.

Tang Si's muscles tensed, and he lifted the flame fan again. This flame fan is pure white, with black border lines, and the bloody lines on the round fan make people feel as if they will be seduced at a glance.

The whole body is two meters long and half a meter wide. The handle, which is half an arm long, is covered with purple chains. It looks very powerful, but it is also very intrusive.

"Well, it's not bad that the appearance of this flame fan barely matches me!" Tang Si touched his chin, looking at the flame fan in his hand, he couldn't help evoking a smile.

Tang Si stretched out his hand to grab the chain and tied it to his arm, wanting to test the effect of the chain.

"Oh~ the binding effect of this chain is good, SM is fine." Tang Si couldn't help admiring.

But he poured his soul power into the chain, and led the chain towards his own arm, only to find that the moment the chain touched this arm, it would automatically bind his arm like a boa constrictor. The powerful force seemed to bind Tang Si The arm burst like bursting.

"Hmm~ wait for this absorption effect... Damn, wow~ Wow Linger, you are cheating!"

The absorption effect on the flame can't be absorbed by 20% in [-] seconds.

What can you do in 20 seconds?Tang Si said that he can give you a set of combined punches, and then throw four soul skills at your face.


The next morning, Tang Si woke up early, and even woke up Ma Hongjun who was sleeping like a dead pig.

Just kidding, Yu Xiaogang has already spoken, don't be late, only a fool will feel uncomfortable.When they came to the cafeteria, they immediately smelled a tempting aroma, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were already eating.

Looking at the sumptuous meal on the table, Ma Hongjun almost drools. "I've never seen such a rich breakfast!" Ma Hongjun wiped his saliva.

"Sit down first!" Yu Xiaogang said.Then he handed them two eggs, a steamed bun and a bowl of broth.After a while, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong also came.

After all, Xiao Wu also knows Yu Xiaogang's temper, and she is very clear about what cannot be violated.Yu Xiaogang also handed them two the same food.

"Brother San, did you forget to call him Xiao Ao?" Tang Si whispered in Tang San's ear.

"Oops! I came to the cafeteria right after I practiced this morning, and I forgot to call Xiao Ao!"

Tang San slapped his head violently. "That's terrible, little Ao is going to be in trouble!" Ma Hongjun said after taking a sip of the broth.

"No, let's wake them up! You know the teacher's temper."

Tang San stared at Tang Si. "Okay!" Tang Si put down the bowl and chopsticks.With the efforts of several people, finally everyone was not late and had this breakfast.

On the playground, looking at the neat eight people standing in a row, Yu Xiaogang nodded. "Today was not bad. Although the process was not so wonderful, I was not late. I am quite satisfied with this."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiaogang's face became serious, "I hope you can show up in the cafeteria earlier tomorrow morning. It is not suitable for exercising after eating, and I will have breakfast half an hour earlier every day in the future. I hope you can pay attention. "

The master's eyes swept over everyone. "Now, start class." "I have already learned about your martial arts and soul skills from Flender, and now I will carry out intensive training for you."

"Okay, now Tang Si is making an exception!"

Tang Si came out, "Today your task is to defeat them all with one fight!"

Grandmaster pointed to the seven people who would still make exceptions, "What, no matter how powerful Grandmaster Tang Si is, how could he defeat us in a one-to-seven situation, you should change to another one!" Dai Mubai said in shock!
The others also nodded quickly, especially Ning Rongrong who didn't want Tang Si to be beaten by seven people.

"Hehe, if Tang Si hasn't obtained the fourth spirit ring, I definitely won't let him fight seven.

But he has a [-]-year spirit ring, so you guys have no chance in a one-on-one fight!You have to learn from Tang Si, you see if there is nothing wrong with them, you are the only ones who talk too much! "

The master pointed to Tang Si who was standing aside, and nodded with some satisfaction. The others were just black lines. The master and Tang Si were standing side by side, so they didn't notice the trembling legs after the master finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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