Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 61 3 Months

Chapter 61 Three Months

Tang Si picked up the clear water next to the bathtub, washed off the liquid medicine on his body, changed into clean clothes, then woke Ma Hongjun up, and went out towards the cafeteria.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Si immediately felt refreshed.From a distance, you can see the lights on in the cafeteria, and you can hear bursts of laughter from inside. "Tang Si, come quickly, today's dinner is even more delicious than breakfast!"

Seeing Tang Si enter the door, Oscar waved the steamed bun in his hand.Tang Si looked at it, and it was almost the same as the morning meal. "It's purely because you're so hungry, so everything tastes good!"

Dai Mubai complained, "By the way, where is Fatty?" "I woke him up and came out, he should be coming soon." Tang Si said.Tang Si filled a portion of broth, ordered a few dishes, took two steamed buns, then sat next to Dai Mubai and started eating.

"I have a big appetite, I want to eat ten today!" Looking at the steamed buns on the dinner plate, Tang Si made a declaration. "Be careful of becoming fat!" Oscar said. "Who called me?" Ma Hongjun's voice came from the door. "No one is calling you, hurry up and eat." Oscar's head was full of black lines.

"Huh! Come back to life!" Ma Hongjun stuffed two steamed buns into his mouth, poured another bowl of broth, and let out a sigh of relief.

Oscar next to him hurriedly moved aside, expressing that he didn't know this guy, Tang Si and the others also covered their faces one after another.

"Your eating habits are not much better!" Looking at the crowd who wanted to draw a line with him, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but complain.Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

That's right, after intense training and only one breakfast, everyone was so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs. When they were eating, their images were thrown away.

"Based on today's situation, we won't have an easy life in the future!" Dai Mubai who had already finished his meal slumped on the chair, "Little San, what does Master usually teach you?"

Except for Tang Si and Xiao Wu, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks, turned their ears sideways, and listened intently.Tang San shook his head, said: "The teacher taught me mostly theoretical knowledge before, this is the first time I have encountered such training.

However, the teacher told me yesterday that as a soul master, the body is the foundation.My ability to withstand the impact of the soul ring soul power of the Man Faced Demon Spider beyond the limit is inseparable from my physical condition.Only a strong body can bear more soul power.

It may be because of this that the teacher decided to let us strengthen the basic training of the body. ""This is no longer training, this is killing me!" Oscar took a bite of the steamed bun, "If it wasn't for that bucket of medicine, I probably wouldn't be able to get up at this time tomorrow!"I'm just an auxiliary system soul master! "

"Auxiliary system soul masters need to exercise even more. The battlefield changes rapidly. It is impossible for someone to protect you all the time. You must increase the means of protecting yourself!" Tang San said seriously.

"Little San is right," Dai Mubai patted Oscar's shoulder, and said kindly, "You have grown up, you have to learn to protect yourself, you can't always rely on us!"

"Pfft!" Tang Si couldn't hold back, and the broth he had just drank came out of his mouth, and the others laughed too, leaving only black lines on Oscar's head.

"Eat, eat!" A figure rushed in hurriedly.Tang Si thought with his toes, and he could guess that it was Xiao Wu, like a tomboy, without the tenderness of a girl at all.

Seeing Xiao Wu coming, his good brother Tang San quickly got up to help Xiao Wu serve the meal.Regardless of Xiao Wu being a girl, she was unambiguous in eating, and directly finished Tang San's food, faster than Ma Hongjun, and everyone who watched was stunned. "Well, I'm so hungry!" Xiao Wu blushed for a rare time.

"It's okay, you continue." Tang Si, who was full and full, also had Ge You paralyzed, like a salted fish. "I'm so full!" Xiao Wu patted her stomach without any ladylike image.

"Go back to practice when you're full, I don't know what test is waiting for us tomorrow!" Dai Mubai said.

"It's gone. It's gone."

Back in the dormitory, Tang Si immediately entered the state of cultivation. Since his soul power broke through to Soul Sect, Tang Si's extraction of soul power was much faster. Tang Si could obviously feel that he would break through to level 43 immediately.

What's more, Tang Si has been tempered by the sun god seal for many years, and the purity of his soul power has even reached the level that a seven-ring soul sage should have.

When Tang Si opened his eyes again, it was already dawn, and even Ma Hongjun who usually couldn't get up got up early to pack his things. "

It's rare, fat man, you got up so early! Tang Si joked. "I don't want to either!" Ma Hongjun said helplessly, "Master is a devil, God knows what other methods he has to punish us!" "

"Calm down, calm down." "I can't calm down," Ma Hongjun was a little excited, "Is it easy for me to raise such a fat body? After a few more weight-bearing runs, I'll be like a bamboo pole!
This is more tiring than calling three or four when I go to vent the evil fire! ""what? "Tang Si was speechless. "You are still young and don't understand," the fat man showed a kind smile, "When I go next time, you will go with me, I guarantee you will never forget to return." "

"Get out!" Fighting and fighting, the two walked towards the cafeteria. "Why are you here so early?" Looking at the people who were already eating, Ma Hongjun said. "What do you think!" Oscar said angrily.Today's breakfast was similar to yesterday's, and it was quite hearty. After a simple breakfast, everyone gathered on the playground again.

The master had already stood in the middle of the playground and waited for them.Looking at Grandmaster's calm and stiff face, except for Tang San, everyone unconsciously felt a little nervous, even a little scared, including Tang Si.

"Very good, you all came very early today, it seems that you have taken what I said yesterday to heart." The master nodded in satisfaction, "I am very satisfied with your performance yesterday, you have not abandoned anyone, through Unite and cooperate to complete yesterday's punishment.

In the future, I also hope that you can remember that you are a whole, and you are all companions who can rely on each other!The next training will not be as strict as yesterday! "Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"But don't be too happy!" the master said, "it's just compared to yesterday." The master's training for them is very simple, one to two hours of battle every day.The situation of the battle is different every day, and the two sides of the battle are randomly combined.

Sometimes it's one-on-one, sometimes one-on-two, and two-on-two, or even three-on-three, three-on-four, four-on-four competitions.

Does not include Tang Si"

"Ah, then what am I doing?" Tang Si asked with some grievances, he can't abuse food from now on!
"Eh~ They have to fight with you every two days. As for the usual exercise like yesterday, you can do it a few more times. Don't worry, I will ask Zhao Wuji to supervise you!" The master narrowed his eyes calmly. Said!

Tang Si: …………

Tang Si was upset, but it didn't mean others were upset. Everyone on the side laughed shamelessly. As for that, they didn't care if they had to treat him with Tang Si every other day. The first time it was their carelessness, but the second time may not be so.

(End of this chapter)

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