Chapter 68

Tang Si was walking on the trail of ghost shadow fans, holding the Xuanyuan long sword in his hand, and his narrow phoenix eyes were staring at the gangster bear in the smoke.

Suddenly, a crisis came. The smoky Grizzly Bear waved its two thick arms, and the strong calm wind blew away the smog.

Just as the violent bear was not harmed, the hard rock instantly fell off from the rock-covered giant claw, and Tang Si's pupils instantly contracted.

This violent bear's soul power has reached level 52 but has not absorbed the soul ring. Although the system has certified Tang Si as a [-]-level soul master, it may be because of the situation where the hole cards are in and out, just like the second martial soul must not be exposed of.

At this moment, the blood-red killing intent was lingering on the Grizzly Bear's body, and he stretched out his hand into a claw. The hard rock attached to his strong arm formed a seven-foot-long giant claw, and grabbed Tang Si like a ghost.

Tang Si's footsteps are walking like ghosts, walking like a ghost, but no matter how weird his steps are, he can't change the size of his position.

The huge palm was approaching, Tang Si's pupils narrowed in an instant, the soul power in his whole body was instantly ignited, and the ghost fans under his feet moved more than twice as fast.

But just now, the giant claws of the violent bear had already arrived, grabbing Tang Si, who was like a ghost, like a giant beast.

Tang Si gasped heavily, the soul power in his whole body surged, constantly guiding the meridians on his body, trying to open this giant claw.

But just now, Violent Bear didn't leave Tang Si with the slightest chance, and the second spirit ring on his body lit up.

Layers of red soul power instantly attached to the already thick giant claws, and the brutal killing intent in the soul power almost condensed into substance.

The dark golden robe on Tang Si's body was crumpled by the thick giant claws, his long and narrow phoenix eyes fixedly stared at Gang Baoxiong with a ferocious face, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground feebly.

"Crush, smash everything!" Grizzly Bear and the others' eyes had turned blood-red with brutal bloodthirsty, Grizzly Bear was already unconscious, and murmured with a dazed look on his face.

"Hey, this kid is probably finished!" Far from the enthusiasm on stage, the audience off the stage had already disliked Tang Si, and being caught by the violent bear would basically be his death.

"Damn it!" Flender under the stage cursed secretly, stood up and rushed to the stage.

"Wait, Flender!" The master didn't get up, but sat calmly in the audience with wise eyes, always staring at Tang Si on the stage!
"What are you waiting for!" Flender turned his head angrily and roared at the master.

"Xiaosi's strength is not limited to this, but if he is saved now, it will be difficult for him to break through in the future!" The master narrowed his eyes slightly, ignoring Flender's roar.

This is Dao Xin, Tang Si's Dao Xin does not allow him to stay here, this is a checkpoint, if Tang Si doesn't pass it, he will end up here in this life.

"Huh, but he..." Flender let out a long breath, and his gaze calmed down.

"Just watch, Flender, my disciple, won't stay where I am, and he will eventually leave our circle for trivial matters!"

The master stroked his sleeves and stood up slowly from the chair, came to the edge of the arena, looked at Tang Si who was not far away, and still murmured: "It will definitely not..."


"Pfft..." Tang Si spat out the left blood that Grizzly Bear pinched in his mouth, and spat it on Grizzly Bear's face.

The six-pointed star of the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the eyes rotates rapidly, and the evil light shines out from the thick smoke. The pupil technique in the Tangsi Kaleidoscope Sharingan is displayed for the first time in this world.

Monthly read!

The strange red light penetrated the thick smoke, and Tang Si's evil eyes appeared in the eyes of Gang Baoxiong the next moment.

Monthly reading space.

At this time, Gang Baoxiong was mentally incomplete, and his burly body was struggling.

The blood-red moonlight shines on the body that is fixed on the gangster bear, and the evil light is like an evil god.

The pitch-black crows neighed and screamed, gathering like ghostly crows in groups.

The black light shines, and the crow representing bad luck gradually forms three identical human figures, that is.

Tang Si!

The incomparably handsome man stared coldly at the grumpy bear tied to the cross and roaring angrily.

Three seven-foot swords appeared in his hands.

The three sharp katanas shone silver under the blood-red crescent moon, and the sharp blades made people feel terrified.

"Pfft..." The sharp Tai Dao pierced straight in, five feet out of seven feet into the flesh and blood of Gangbaurong.

However, the violent bear still roared angrily as if it didn't feel the pain, and its burly body kept twisting, trying to break free from the shackles of the cross.

"Tang Si" still understood all this indifferently, the sword in his hand kept sinking into the body of Gang Violent Bear, and hot blood kept gushing out with the sinking of the sword.

"Roar!" Bear roars kept wandering in the Yuedu space, and as the silver long knife continued to sink, the blood-red eyes kept watching all this.


"Bah!" Suddenly Grizzly Bear's giant claws paused, and Grizzly Grizzly, who had already lost his mind, no longer had the strength to support the operation of his soul power under Yuedu's attack.

Tang Si put his hands together, and slowly changed from the pair of violent bears to the original pair of ordinary hands and broke free.

Just now, Violent Bear has already lost his mind and is not afraid of pain, but Tang Si used Moon Reading Space You only to give him a chance to break free.

Obviously Tang Si succeeded, the side effect of the violent bear's martial spirit is losing his mind. For people with this kind of martial spirit, Yuedu is their natural enemy.

Tang Si took a few deep breaths, picked up the Xuanyuan Sword from under his feet, stared at the Gangbaxiong from time to time, the golden light on the Xuanyuan Sword shone.

Tang Si chopped up the Xuanyuan Sword, kicked his feet quickly, on the side of the Xuanyuan Sword that was as black as ink, the eyes of the demon dragon shone bright red, and Xuanyuan Sword instantly became confused with a jet-black killing intent.

Tang Si held up the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, the evil red light in his eyes blazed, and the Xuanyuan Sword slashed at the head of the gangster bear.

The killing intent on Xuanyuan Sword was as black as ink and surrounded Tang Si all the time.

"Hiss..." Tang Si's pupils shrank instantly, and he bit the tip of his tongue viciously, suppressing the sudden killing intent.

As soon as Xuanyuanjian picked it up, it instantly changed its position, from its original head, to forcibly twisted on the side shoulder.

Nearly half of the Xuanyuan Sword was forcibly submerged into Gang Baoxiong's shoulder, and with the soul power under his feet, he kicked it quickly, and Gang Baoxiong's burly body was kicked off the field in an instant.

The blood flowing from Xuanyuan Sword dripped onto the arena.

Grizzly Bear passed out completely at this moment, and his soul power probably dropped several levels. My results are based on the premise that Grizzly Bear can survive the monthly reading space.

(End of this chapter)

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