Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 72 Team Battle

Chapter 72 Team Battle
"Instigate" the six flying swords, sticking them straight on the ground, and the last one I went to rest firmly on Kuangxi's forehead.

The sharp, fierce sword intent rushed straight at Kuang Xi, and cold sweat continued to flow from Kuang Xi's forehead. The feeling of death just now made him linger for a long time.

Tang Si's heart softened.

In the original book, the people killed by the opponents in the mad battle are basically killed after they become mad. After all, the emotions cannot be controlled by themselves after the madness.

And that girl had reminded Tang San and them before the conversation, at least that girl was still very kind.

Tang Si's long and narrow phoenix eyes stared coldly at Kuang Xi who was completely powerless and collapsed on the ground in the distance.

At this time, there was an uproar in the audience.

This is the first mad battle team in the history of the fighting spirit field to solve the battle with a single soul skill, and it has won seven games in a row.

"The Emperor of the Night!"

"The Emperor of the Night!"

The thunderous applause shook the audience, no matter how modest Tang Si was, some small complacency would arise in his mind.

"Damn it, fourth master is amazing! I thought there would be a death battle, but I didn't expect you to get it done with a single soul skill!"

Ma Hongjun twisted, his fat body ran over and said courteously.

"Oh, I wanted to pretend too!" Dai Mubai covered his forehead with one hand, and said with some trepidation, as if he was the one who solved everyone.

"Hahaha, Xiaosi, you are too powerful!" Ning Rongrong's twisted waist directly threw herself into Tang Si's arms.

Tang Si smiled slightly, feeling the beauty in his arms, a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, he couldn't help being intoxicated.

Has the little girl developed so well?

"Hmph, it's okay to replace me!" Xiao Wu on the side said arrogantly, the cute rabbit ears on her head couldn't help but bend down and stick them on her head, venting to Tang San on the side.

Apart from being proud, Tang San was still a little depressed, he was still too weak, he couldn't compare with his younger brother.

Looking at Tang Si who was full of fragrance in his arms, but looked at him with a pair of eyes of resentment.

Ever since that time, Zhu Zhuqing had a special feeling for Tang Si, if Ning Rongrong hadn't already taken the lead, Zhu Zhuqing would always be so silent with his personality.

But Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect that when he was staring at others, another person was staring at him.

It was Dai Mubai, ever since the last competition, Dai Mubai felt that something was wrong with Zhu Zhuqing, looking at Zhu Zhuqing like this, maybe he had an idea in his heart, but he didn't want it to become a reality.

"Ah." Dai Mubai sighed helplessly, Tang Si is his brother, he and Zhu Zhuqing will not have a paper marriage contract, brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, it is vividly reflected in him.

Although his ancestors were all married to the Zhu family, Dai Mubai believed that with Tang Si's talent, he could already suppress the Dai family and the Zhu family.

"Boss Dai, what's the matter with you?" Ma Hongjun, who was full of eyes, noticed Dai Mubai's abnormality, and asked with some doubts.


"The Seven Shrek Monsters win." The host Director Ao announced the result with some difficulty, looking at Tang Si who was the only one standing in the stands with some special meaning. He has presided over the fighting spirit for such a long time. I've never seen such a clean fight.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that these soul masters wearing green masks would soon become the darlings of Suotuo's Great Soul Arena.

The person with the black emperor will be the soul of these people.

Dai Mubai dropped his head, and Galle was not willing to leave it behind, he laughed, "Today we won a big victory, let's go, brothers and sisters, I treat you, let's go drink."

The eight people, still wearing masks, registered their points amid cheers, and walked out of the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena after receiving the corresponding rewards.

When the audience who left the thirteenth division of the Great Spirit Arena one after another saw them, many people were whispering, especially looking at the handsomely dressed Tang Si, which attracted the most attention.

The story of Tang Si killing everyone in the Berserker Team with a single soul skill has already spread throughout the Soul Arena, and the title of Dark Night Emperor will spread throughout Suo Tuocheng tomorrow.

In the eyes of the audience, they naturally couldn't see the performance of the Berserker Team, but only Tang Si's strength.

In the crowd, quite a few people were already calling his name as the Emperor of the Night.The eight people didn't stay long and hurried out of the crowd.

After joining Grandmaster, Flender, and Zao Wou-ki, they quickly left the range of the Great Spirit Arena.

When no one is paying attention to them anymore.The eight people took off their masks, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing.

They usually train and often fight together, but they never feel like when they are really fighting against the enemy in the big spirit arena.

The people who felt the deepest were those who were already standing on the field, they had already personally felt the power of Tang Si's soul ability.

The three masters walked out of the hotel, and Flender said: "Xiao Gang, these children really bring me more and more surprises.

It seems that it is a good idea to give them all to you for training. "

The master said: "Little Si's strength is unquestionable, and he can solve it with a single soul skill. The crazy battle team, which is extremely powerful in the soul fighting, maybe the future direction of the mainland will be in the hands of this child."

Fran smiled slightly, Flender had already had a premonition, "But I still lost. Compared with Tang Si and Tang San, that little fat man Hong Jun is really far behind. After all these years of teaching, I am still not as good as you."

Hearing Flender admit defeat, the master showed a smile again, "It's obvious, it's rare for you to admit it."

Flender said angrily: "Am I the one who won't admit it if I lose?" Zao Wou-ki on the side interjected in a timely manner, "I guess so. Last time you bet with me, you lost ten golden souls to me." Coin, you have never admitted it."


The master laughed, "Flender, I suddenly want to drink. Since you admit defeat, let's treat you." "Okay, let's see if I don't drink you to death."

Flender said viciously.But the smile in his eyes revealed his true emotions.Seeing the master again, I don't know why, the joy that I haven't seen for many years seems to appear again.

The teachers had all left, and the Seven Shrek Monsters were naturally less restrained. Dai Mubai did not forget what he had said before, and did not go far, so he ordered a table of sumptuous dishes in the restaurant of the hotel, plus two buckets of food. Good wine, please eat and drink together.

"Little Four, I'm here to respect you for this game. We are basically like the audience standing on the field!"

Dai Mubai picked up the full glass of beer in front of him and gestured to Tang Si.Tang Si smiled slightly, the joy in his eyes was fully revealed, he also picked up his barley and drank it down together with Dai Mubai.

In fact, what Tang Si didn't know was that this glass of wine also represented Dai Mubai's complete entrustment of Zhu Zhuqing to him.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't show much, no matter whether Dai Mubai agrees or not, Zhu Zhuqing accepted it.

"Fourth Master, I respect you too. Although your strength is not as good as yours, you probably won't be able to drink alcohol." Oscar picked up the glass with some malicious intentions.

Before Tang Si raised his glass, Xiao Wu blocked it, "Oscar, do you want to get him drunk? I'll drink with you." As she spoke, Xiao Wu fully showed her elder sister's demeanor, and drank all the water in the glass in one gulp. ale.

Oscar drank it helplessly, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tang Si who was sitting there drinking with him.

"Okay, good wine is good character. I respect everyone." This time it was Ning Rongrong who stood up.

She was not in a hurry to drink, she stood there looking at everyone, her eyes were slightly red, "When I first came to the academy, I caused a lot of trouble for everyone.

So many days have passed, and all of us have been cultivating together, fighting together, and experiencing the tribulations of life and death together.

Thank you, my partners.I respect everyone with this glass of wine, and at the same time, I want to say something to you that I have never been able to say.Sorry. "

After saying the last three words, Ning Rongrong downed the beer in one gulp. While she was drinking, two lines of crystal clear tears had flowed down her tender cheeks.

"Oh, we've forgiven you a long time ago, right? Right?" Tang Si hurriedly picked up a tissue to wipe away the tears from the corners of Ning Rongrong's eyes, put his arms around Ning Rongrong's slender waist and sat down, facing everyone He hinted with winking eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Rongrong, we are partners and brothers, now and in the future, we have already accepted you when we returned from the Star Dou Forest.

Don't talk about these in the future.Come, let's have a drink.However, you are all too young to drink less. "

Ning Rongrong blushed and nodded her head as a gesture, but she could still feel Tang Si's big hand caressing her body, luckily everyone couldn't see it, if they saw Ning Rongrong, they probably wouldn't be ashamed to see them.

Drinking this thing, the more you drink, the closer you get, and the more you drink, the more you can't control it, including Dai Mubai who shouted to drink less at first, but in the end he just kept asking for wine.

Although the eight of them are not very old, they are soul masters.They already have physical fitness that far surpasses that of ordinary people, and coupled with the exercise during this period of time, their ability to digest alcohol is undoubtedly extremely strong.

It took two full hours to drink the wine before it was over.When everyone woke up from the drunk dream the next day, they could barely remember it.It was someone who drank too much and was the only one who remained sober in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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