Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 9 The First Soul Ring

Chapter 9 The First Soul Ring
At this time, the master has relaxed, and his eyes are full of confidence, "One of the ten core competitiveness of the martial arts world that I have researched and proposed is the theory of martial soul mimicry. Plant martial souls do not necessarily have to absorb the souls of plant souls and beasts." rings, beast spirits may not be unable to absorb plant spirit rings. Under various prerequisites, the two can absorb each other, remember what kind of spirit ring we are looking for."

As soon as Tang San's eyes lit up, he asked the master to tell him that his Blue Silver Grass had better be equipped with a poisonous and tenacious spirit ring.

The master took a deep look at his disciples, and said: "Whether it's ordinary soul masters or those guys from the Wuhun Temple, they all talk about my ten core competitiveness theories, and no one believes it. There was no soul before." The master is willing to absorb different types of soul rings to strengthen himself, Xiaosan, are you willing to try? Although I am absolutely sure in theory, no one has ever tried it. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. The reason why the top ten core competencies of China are only theory rather than truth is because no one is willing to practice it.”

From the master's eyes, Tang San saw fanaticism. Because of the mutation of the martial soul, it is impossible for the master to become a powerful soul master in his life, but he is still so persistent, devoting his whole life to the study of the martial soul superior.

For such a person, Tang San respected from the bottom of his heart, respected the master as a person, and also respected his research results, "Teacher, let me be the person who helps you practice. I believe that your research will not be wrong."

"Let's start!" After hearing Tang San's words, the master was full of satisfaction.

Accompanied by a light blue halo, the Blue Silver Grass grew out from Tang San's palm, exuding a faint breath of life and gently swaying with the fluctuation of spirit power.

The blue halo pulled the yellow soul ring, and the soul ring was put on Lan Yincao's body. Tang Si squatted aside, watching quietly.

Tang Si watched Tang San's aura become more pure step by step, Tang Si already knew that Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu had broken through.

"Pfft..." There was a muffled sound not far away, and Tang Si raised the corners of his mouth to form a beautiful arc.Are you finally dizzy?

Tang Si walked up to the master, tapped several acupuncture points of the master, so that the toxin would not spread, but also controlled the toxin within a controllable range.

After finishing these, Tang Si stood up and walked to the bushes and flowers.

"Ling'er, use the soul ring on me." Tang Si shouted in a low voice. "Yeah." Ling'er didn't say much.

Just like this, the soul ring of unknown year was put on Tang Si's body.

"No matter how painful it is, you must persevere. The longer you last, the higher the age of the soul ring will be." Ling'er instructed.

Before Tang Si had time to answer, he felt a rush of scorching energy crazily, and the intense heat rushed into his body in an instant.The body couldn't help shaking violently.

The Xuantian Kungfu internal force in his body seemed to be ignited by this sudden force, and the heat spread instantly to every part of his body, Tang Si felt as if he could spew out fire when he opened his mouth.

This feeling is like falling into magma, this hot breath seems to burn Tang Si's body to ashes.

Tang Si couldn't help but growled in pain, and the color of the constantly rhythmic soul ring that was covering his body at this time continued to cycle and deepen.

And at the next moment, he seemed to hear a crisp crack, and then, the heat spread wildly, and then merged.Merged into a milky white airflow.The original meandering stream turned into a small river in an instant, flowing, and wherever it passed, the fiery pain has disappeared, leaving only the comfort of scalding.

It worked.Ecstasy came again, Tang Si looked at the yellow but purple soul ring on his body.Can't help but ask, "Ling'er, how old is my soul ring?"

"Well, 850 years, I didn't expect you to last so long." Ling'er said lazily.

"Of course, I don't even look at who I am. I can go up to the hall and go down to the kitchen. I'm the number one handsome guy in all ages. It's just my strength. Damn."

Seeing that Tang Si couldn't stop bragging, Ling'er quickly kicked Tang Si out of the system space with a wave of his right hand.

"Damn, kick me again." Tang Si sat on the lawn and rubbed his butt, as if he had really been kicked.

"Hey, Brother San seems to be over." Tang Si walked out, seeing that Tang San was no longer in the distance.

Tang Si returned to the camp and saw that Tang San was detoxifying the master.

"Third brother, I'm back." Tang Si ran over and said to Tang San. "Where did you go? Don't you know it's dangerous here." Tang San was a little angry.

"Don't be angry, third brother, I just saw that the teacher was poisoned, so I went to find herbs for him." "Then how could it take so long." Tang San interrupted before Tang Si finished speaking. "You don't know. On the way I was looking for herbs just now, I met a white wolf. The boss suddenly rushed over to fuck me. What's the matter? I immediately fought with him. Don't say that. It's very powerful, I spent more than half an hour and used the second martial spirit to get him." Tang Si had already made up the reason on the way here, and added more details.

"No injuries?" Tang San asked with concern. "Without third brother, you don't know how powerful I am." "Be careful in the future." Seeing that his younger brother was about to start bragging again, Tang San interrupted hastily.

It was already noon at this time, Tang San and Tang Si went to hunt a ten-year-old ice crystal snake just now.

"By the way, third brother, the corpse of this ice crystal snake is a good thing. Let's see if this snake gall can be given to the teacher."

Tang San's eyes lit up, yes, snake gallbladder is the essence of a snake, it is a great tonic, it must have amazing effects.

After the detoxification, the master was depleted of qi and blood, and his vitality was seriously injured. It is very suitable to take this.

The reason why Tang San didn't use the snake gallbladder of the Datura snake before was because the snake gallbladder of the Datura snake Tang Si was full of toxins, so it couldn't be used for treatment at all.

And this ice crystal snake is a non-venomous snake, which is most suitable for strengthening the foundation and strengthening the foundation.

After Tang San nodded, Tang Si took out the knife without hesitation, and dissected the snake's gallbladder effortlessly.

In less than a moment, a snake gall the size of a quail egg appeared in his hand. This snake gall was white with a hint of warmth, and there was an upper layer of emerald.

"Open an opening and let the bile flow into the teacher's mouth."

Tang Si made a small incision on the snake gall, while Tang San put his hands against the master's back, using his kung fu to guide this energy and facilitate its absorption.

(End of this chapter)

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