Regent, she's here to find fault again

Chapter 237 234 Hostages, Not Prisoners

Chapter 237 234 Hostages, Not Prisoners
Hearing the news that King Muye was going to bring Princess Beiming back to Chang'an, the people of Chang'an were almost elated.

Teahouses and restaurants are basically overcrowded, and everyone is bustling and noisy. The reason why Chang'an City is so crowded is because of something——

"The God of War wants to bring back a princess, a princess from Beiming. I heard that Beiming once had a princess who was really beautiful and gorgeous!"

"You are talking about that Princess Yongye, I wonder if the one you brought back this time is..."

In the open-air wine shop, unlike the bustling common people, one person hides in the crowd with a bamboo hat, and takes a look at it from time to time.

This person is Yi Yang who was deliberately let go earlier.


In the evening, the setting sun quietly dyed the rosy clouds.

The colorful Xiayun is wrapped in hot gold, like a battle suit of victory, waiting for the favor of the winner.

Auspicious clouds overwhelm the city, Jiaguang faces the sun, and the gate of the city opens.

It was at such a highly anticipated moment that the Lu family army disarmed and returned to Chang'an City amidst the cheers of the people.

"God of War! God of War is really invincible, why Xirong Beiming is not our opponent!"

"Look, there should be Princess Beiming in there?!"

Lu Jingye rode on horseback at the forefront of the team, and in the middle of the team protected by Lu Jiajun was pulling a wooden carriage.

Inside the carriage.

A woman with waist-length hair and somewhat messy clothes, but only slightly messy.

The woman obviously has an extraordinary bearing. Even if she is now reduced to a fish on the chopping board, she can't hide her arrogance.

Beiming Ruixue was wearing iron cuffs on his hands and feet. Apart from the soldiers guarding him strictly, there were people who could keep peeping in through the windows and gaps of the carriage.

She sneered silently, and withdrew her gaze in disdain.

A group of ordinary people, ants.

"I saw it, I saw it..."

"Hey, she is indeed pretty, but it has nothing to do with Yanjue Tianxia. I don't think our number one beauty in Chang'an is no worse than her. It's just a gimmick after a long time."

In order to prevent Beiming Ruixue from playing tricks on the road, the windows of the carriage were not closed so that the Lu family army could monitor her situation at any time.

Therefore, the common people outside can also see the situation in the car in all directions.

"Not necessarily. Although this is also the princess of Beiming, it doesn't seem to be that Princess Yongye."

"Forget it, forget about him, no matter how good-looking they are, they are not as good-looking as our God of War and the Prince Regent!" A woman sighed sincerely, and everyone around her echoed her.

Not to mention anything else, the god of war and the regent are one of the appearances of exiled immortals, and the other is the beauty of the world. If they are good-looking, neither of these two people has convinced each other.

"I thought that Princess Beiming would be pulled back in a prison car..."

Listening to the people's remarks, Luo Ming remembered that his master had found a carriage specially for Beiming Ruixue, and he still remembered what the master said.

Beiming Ruixue is a princess of a country, a hostage, not a prisoner, and she must be treated with courtesy.

"Clean up the post house in the capital first, and send more people to keep an eye on her." Lu Jingye ordered in a low voice.

Suddenly, Lu Jingye felt something was wrong.Suddenly raised his head and looked up in the direction of his left hand.

In the tea shop on the second floor, Su Changjin's mouth slightly raised a smile, and his eyes searched him unscrupulously. After a while, he seemed to lose interest, and his eyes turned to the back.

Martial arts practitioners are always much more sensitive than others, Beiming Ruixue only felt a strong line of sight fall on her body, she looked through the car window——

On the second floor, the boy in white turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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